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Manx minx

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Everything posted by Manx minx

  1. We got a 12 foot trampoline at our local B&Q for £120 but didn't get the safety net. A mate of ours got the same but with a safety net and they have had 3 trips to casualty so far. We haven't had any injuries so far and hopefully won't.(please God)Don't know if thats any help m8. Nicky
  2. Morning folks, Hope you are all organised and ready for coming to the scooby fest, can't wait to meet you all. Safe scoobying folks see you tomorrow. Nicky ------------------------------- Subaru Impreza Turbo 4x4 '97 Subaru Impreza wrx sti type uk '03
  3. Morning all can't wait to meet up with you all. see you soon ------------ Subaru Impreza turbo 4x4 97 Subaru Impreza wrx sti type uk 03 Paul I had that happen to me a few times so my mail posted out twice , I blamed it on being a newbie.
  4. Hi Andy, welcome to sidc forums. I too am a newbie and was up at Jurby at the straightliners a few weeks back. Hope to see you at the fest this week. Nicky ------------- Subaru Impreza turbo 4x4 my car Subaru Impreza wrx sti type uk ( hubby Johns car)
  5. hiya Peter just thought i'd drop you a line all the way here from the Isle of Man. Seen your e-mail photo and hey it's my hubby's car photo recognise our number plates anywhere. cool m8
  6. Morning all not long now till the big event, see you soon Put a message in the Isle of Man meets forum for you guys as well. ------------------- Subaru Impreza turbo 97 Subaru Impreza wrx sti type uk 03
  7. Morning all, not long now. Almost regret living here as going to miss the fun with you guys and gals on your way over, but never mind plenty of catch up time when your all here. ------------------ Subaru Impreza turbo 97 Subaru Impreza wrx sti type uk 03
  8. reduces the need for getting out the chamis leather. Personally I don't have that option so am always out washing my scooby,desperately needs doing now thanks to the chuffing seagulls and off course for the scooby fest. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subaru Impreza turbo 97: Subaru Impreza wrx sti type uk 03
  9. Yes we saw you today along DOUGLAS promenade along with a few others. Also saw quite a few english and Irish scoobys as well most gave friendly waves also, I wonder are they here for the fest next week. Might get a few extra stragglers if they see us lot in a convoy and join us you never know.
  10. I have to admit nice to drive in the wet sometimes but not nice when trying to keep the scooby clean.
  11. scooby's love showers from time to time.
  12. hey steeeveee like the livery on your car dude where'd you get it done. Are you here for the scooby fest. We have 2 scooby's to get done.
  13. cheers folks . John has guilio's old sti type uk '03, and i have a impreza turbo 4 x 4 '97, both are blue in colour so if you see us around give us a wave. You will no doubt know us this time next week.
  14. cool john has Guilio old car 2003 wrx sti scooby and I have a 97 impreza turbo, both blue in colour so if you see us around give us a wave. You will know us next week I am sure
  15. cheers folks , yes Richard is right I am one half of the 2 scooby family. I see Guilio is selling his present car now is that to buy your car Richard?
  16. Hi guys, I am new to the forum and am looking forward to meeting you all next week at the scooby fest. Nicky
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