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Everything posted by Gumball

  1. I will refer you to my last post [] why dont you refer yourself to the yawn yawn patter polis? your references and posts are a bit of a snooze
  2. Ladyboy lol PMSL does it get tied between the legs or isnt it there? [] These accusations are all a bit peter pan IMHO.
  3. cant make it, i have fish to fry of the large variety.com ie, humping, bacon rolls, fishing then sleeping have a nice time.
  4. 3 good ones there. Thats a point about the starting poiint for teh aircraft and the sea level factor. i wouldnt have thought of that.
  5. apparently the interest rate in the UK isnt changing again until next year.Neither is the US. The pound is slipping slightly against the dollar but has only dropped 1% since the start of the month. I wouldnt think the Dell or GAP scenarios would effect the stock exchange that much even if they have both reported 50% profit losses this week. So, i would think then that your moneys safe in either currency for the time being More gumball financial updates available on request. I have to go now, Bill Gates is on the phone again[]
  6. the rain just makes it more fun.[]
  7. 0730 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![] i was thinking of leaving later than that. Thank you for the offer Imy, but i think i wll just head up in the shed about 0930. Cheers
  8. sounds like a powerful machine !! what mods did you do to it or are you keeping it secret???
  9. Looked at this before but after being prompted again by the media, ive had a good look through. post your best clip of any ilk here. i love this one!! 50ft level off..............3....................2......................1...................... what a rush that looks
  10. Peter i was looking at one and Andy forrest reckoned that i didnt need one but if i wanted something to look nice then he would give me one. Do you need one really?
  11. DRIVING 1. ScOObarOO 2. st3ph3n 3. Mako 4. Big Daz / Scoobylav 5. scientific steve 6. Z1000 7. Fai17 8. Willky - When you see a blue flag, move over 9. FastScooby - Hope its dry 10. Gogsie 11. C3SSE 12. ColinVW (red mk2 Golf) SPECTATING 1. Gus (but with a few pax laps with Russ) 2. STI_Bandit 3. Col 666 - taking pics, should have a mahoosive new lens for Saturday so watch out! 4. RubyTheScooby & Pal Stef 5. rallye6 6. sheep 7. pugpaul 8. RS Grant 9. Marc29 10. Fraz.A - and with a few laps with Z1000 if hes still up for it!! 11. PaulC555 12. bigbadboab 13. imy 14. SMA01 15. Gumball Rangers game is a sell out and i cant be bothered hanging about trying to get a ticket. Plus there are so many cars i want to see on the track i cant resist. Anyone in a subaru from Glasgow feel like calling in at the stepps brewers root to pick up and ex scoob person?[] The silver vectra is a red neck
  12. go to KH forsome fun and as Imy said, some heart in mouth moments. Your not going to enjoy yourself as much at crail in a straight line as you are thundering down the straight at KH wondering if you have showed off a bit too much past the crowd and tried to make a point to the car chasing you before you spin out at Duffis and think your going to total the STI. See you there Hector
  13. aye see you sunday hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ill see if i can get the company vectra on the track and smoke you[]
  14. as much as this was a demonstration of crazy days at KH i have to take my hat off not to the constant over shooting of the rumble strips but the guys control during an attempted spin out by the car just as the rain started at Duffis. He managed to hang onto the car where most tbh would have spun out and ended up eating gravel. Though it looked like a traffic management camera from Dehli town centre in rush hour
  15. DRIVING 1. ScOObarOO 2. st3ph3n 3. Mako 4. Big Daz / Scoobylav 5. scientific steve 6. Z1000 7. Fai17 SPECTATING 1. Gus (but with a few pax laps with Russ) 2. STI_Bandit 3. Col 666 - taking pics, should have a mahoosive new lens for Saturday so watch out! 4. RubyTheScooby & Pal Stef 5. rallye6 6. sheep 7. pugpaul 8. RS Grant 9. Marc29 Cancel that. Rangers are playing hearts at home saturday. Have a good one.
  16. http://www.edfringe.com I went to see "Black Watch" on Friday. Its a story about the views and opinions of the soldiers in the Black Watch in Iraq and how the regiment took 300 years to get to today and 3 years to destroy it. Its hard hitting, funny, black humour and appeals to an audience from right across the board. The place was full of guys with their birds and everyone loved it The acting is fantastic !!
  17. http://www.puckfair.ie/origins.php
  18. this afternoon, i was about to go onto the M8 in glasgow and a felt a bump from behind. (in the car) A white van had been behind me and the guy was waving at a bird across the road. he slipped the clutch and skudded the back of my test drive orange ST. He gave me his details and apologised for not concentrating. fair enough. now...........as its a demo do i just tell them and they charge his insurance the bill OR do i need to pay an excess even though its that pies fault??? advice appreciated chris
  19. Afternoon, This morning i went for a kiss and a coffee at Peters place and was offered a paxlap in the newly modded "Chinese400" The Greddy FMIC is the horses hot one !! the piping doesnt snake over the fuel lines and the manifold like the bulky illfitting APS kit and hides away under the block before appearing behind the crash panel thats still there and didnt need cut away like some kits. The 3"inlet hose looks the dogs too along with new drager system Meercat have made him. Im sure he will tell you about the rest anyway. Performance- The rollerbearing turbo working with the bigger jectors and fmic pulls the car from 3800 all the way to the top in a ferocious manner which shocked me as my head spun in the passenger seat. The old blood leaving the head as fast as that tends to let you know your in or driving a weapon. The car is faster quicker than mine was and im glad that Peter has managed to get his mods together to produce such a weapon. As ive said before it seems everyone is pushing to get as much as they can these days and 400 or 500 is becoming easier to achieve. The acceleration is axilerating, the prowess into bends is awesome and teh overall package (the car i mean ! steady) is a true example of another STI8 that is knocking out more than 400bhp. Well done mate. *review like that in the new york times gets a free meal* see you tomorrow[]
  20. you cheeky cheeky man[6] "Snowy the goat died two days after her ordeal, her owner has revealed. " what a crying shame. i hope he wasnt bleeting during the ordeal. They also left out the part where the guy touched the goat. terrible crime
  21. the cat is watching, always watching
  22. no i meant "the cats back" I hadnt seen him for a while and i thought that someone called Robert had got him and done something to him but its ok The cat back
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