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Everything posted by JohnSt

  1. I do 99.9% of my own work, however, Kenny Brown in Hillington is, IMHO, streets ahead of anyone in the area for anything Subaru related. Kenny has been involved in motorsports since god was a boy. Servicing and fettling many Impreza rally cars. The best my car ever handled was when he set it up with good old fashioned string and cornerweighted it. ---john---
  2. I also have one you can have if you find yourself in my neck of the woods. ---john---
  3. This should even things up a bit 01. STi_Bandit --------------- (MY04 - STi Type UK) 02. steve_nairn_sti-------------(MY02 WRX) 03. Mrs Jc scoob ------------- (MY01 - WRX) 04. G.Mac ------------------- (MY05 - STi 9 UK) 05. st3ph3n ------------------ (MY05 - WRX) 06. PaulC555 ---------------- (MY01 - WRX, Sti, ish) 07. Stu_B -------------------- (MY03 - WRX ) 08. Z1000 -------------------- (MY03 - Sti 8 UK) 09. NKWRX ----------------- (MY06 - WRX) 10. 360ste -------------------- (MY02 - STi) 11. Higgy --------------------- (MY02 - hybrid) 12. Cal ----------------------- (MY02 - WRX) 13. Fai 17--------------------- (MY04 - STiUK) 14. The Welsho --------------- (MY06 - WRX 15. rallye 6 -------------------- (MY53 - WRX) 16. G.T. ---------------------- (MY01 - WRX) 17. Kev 580 ------------------ (MY02 - STI 7 UK) 18. Spaceman ---------------- (MY05 - WRX swrt) 19. Mako --------------------- (MY05 - WRX) 20. bigbadboab --------------- (MY53 - WRX) 21. Big Den ------------------- (MY05 - STiUK) 22. Mrs Big Den -------------- (MY05 - WRX) 23. scoobysailor --------------- (MY05 - WRX) 24. Keap_scooby ------------- (MY01 - WRX) 25. Gus the Bus --------------- (MY05 - WRX300) 26. 4hero --------------------- (MY06 - STI) 27. PECO ---------------------(MY05 - WRX) 28. Dean ---------------------- (MY53 - STI Type UK) 29. DrewG-------------------- (MY53 - WRX) 30. Chris_c201---------------- (MY01 - WRX) 31. TheBlackSheep-------------(MY06 - STiUK) 32. Clutdav-------------------- (MY05 - STI 9 Type UK) 33 Sheep----------------------- (MY01 - WRX WAGGON) 34 hammy --------------------- (MY02 - STi Type UK) 35 Zeolite-----------------------(MY05 UK300) 36. Scoobymark-----------------(MY04 - STI UK) 37. Dipsy -----------------------(MY05-JDM STi) 38. Irish Al --------------------- (MY03 - WRX) 39. dynamix --------------------(MY06 - STi UK) 40. Digital-----------------------(MY05 - STi) 41. STI Pretende----------------(MY02 - Sport UK Ltd Edn) 42. oobster----------------------(MY03 WRX) 43. Karps-----------------------(MY03 STI UK) BLUE 44 jimser------------------------(MY05 WRX) 45 craigwrx---------------------(MY05 WRX300) 46. ali37------------------------(MY05 STi9 Type UK) 47. ScOObarOO---------------(MY03-STi UK) 48. Scooby Doom--------------(MY01 WRX) 49. mjci7nt2--------------------(MY02-STi7 WRX) 50. moto------------------------(MY02 WRX) 51. Fraz.A----------------------(WRX 300) 52. GaryD & lesley-------------(MY52 - STi Type UK) 53. ScubaRoo-----------------(MY52 UK WRX Wagon) WR BLUE - at the end of Sept 54. Kebab Nemesis-----------(MY05 STi 9 type UK) 55. b16dmc-------------------(MY06 STI UK) 56. CYP_rock-----------------(MY02 STI UK PPP) 57. STI Pretender--------------(MY02 GX Sport - goes on Friday) 58. STI Pretender--------------(MY06 STI Type UK - comes on Monday) 59. Aberscoob-----------------(MY01 WRX) 60. Gogsie---------------------(MY04 STI JDM) 61. Rhindpiece-----------------(MY02 WRX) 62. Craig Mac------------------(MY05 Sti UK) 63. Snoopy---------------------(MY05 WRX) 64. SG-------------------------(MY02 STI Type UK) 65. MR Orkney---------------------(MY53 STI Type UK) Classics: 01. Shep -----------------------(MY99 - Sport) 02. Kloon --------------------- (MY00 - UK) 03. Jc scoob -------------------(MY99 - UK ) 04. WRC No1 ---------------- (MY97 - UK ) 05. Gordyq --------------------(MY95 - WRX) 06. Darryll ---------------------(MY 98 - Type R) 07. scientific steve -------------(MY98 - Type R) 08. Oz *sti* -------------------(MY96 - STI v3) 09. Col 666 -------------------(MY99 - Type R) 10. scoobyfuzzy ---------------(MY93 - WRX) 11. Road Warrior ------------- (MY94 - WRX) 12. Todd ----------------------(MY93 - WRX) 13. Bigdavie -------------------(MY99 - Turbo) 14. RubyTheScooby ---------- (MY98 - Sport) 15. Rossco --------------------(MY00 - Type R) 16. Ally-b ---------------------(MY00 - UK) 17. micra_wrc ---------------- (MY96 - STi type RA V-Limited) 18. Seafar99 ----------------- (MY98 - STI v5 Wagon) 19. RRS 555 ------------------(MY98 - UKTURBO Saloon) 20. Mako -------------------- (MY93 - WRX) 21. Vicki ----------------------(MY00 - UK) 22. WRXMANIA--------------(MY94 JDM WRX STI Version 1) 23. Ac!D --------------------- (MY95 - UK) 24. FastScooby -------------- (MY95 - WRX) 25. Dtabbit77 ---------------- (MY00 - UK) 26. Terzo Neil ---------------- (MY98 - UK Terzo No. 306) 27. scoobykev --------------- (MY98 - UK) 28. Arbroath Smokie --------- (MY98 - 22B) 29. TheSquirrel555------------(MY96 - WRX STI LIMITED 555) 30. MY94---------------------(MY94 - JDM STi V1 Wagon ) 31. coulty--------------------- (MY96 - WRX STI V2) 32. Weeb--------------------- (MY93 - STi power) 33. Whitelaw------------------(MY00 - P1) 34. Duncatr------------------- (MY97 - UK Cat No. 99) 35. Catalunya80---------------(MY97-UK Cat No. 80) 36. Frank C-------------------(MY99-UK Turbo) 37. Stripe--------------------- (MY99-UK Turbo) 38. Pugpaul------------------- (MY96 WRX Wagon) 39. RS Grant------------------(MY99-UK Turbo 40. butcher boy ---------------(MY97 (jdm wrx) 41. Simmie --------------------(MY 97 UK Turbo Wagon) 42. scoobyscoop--------------(MY98 UK Turbo Wagon) 43. Ross9 ---------------------(MY97 - STi4 Type R) 44. Kenny.S-------------------(MY95 - STi Type RA 45. Iqy-------------------------(MY00 - UK Turbo 46. neilswrx--------------------(MY95 -wrx import) 47. Hepy-----------------------(MY00 - P1) 48. ScottySTI------------------(MY97-JDM STI v3) 49. MrBadger------------------(MY98 UK Turbo Wagon) 50. kart_man-------------------(MY01 - P1) 51. Fiefster---------------------(MY00 UK Turbo Wagon) 52. johnh-----------------------(MY95 WRX) 53. Gambler--------------------(MY95 JDM WRX) 54. billyyoung-------------------(MY95 UK) 55. thefastone-------------------(MY00 UK Turbo) 56 Redscoobydoo--------------(MY94 WRX ) 57 Redscoobydoo--------------(MY94 WRX STI ) 58. pugpaul----------------------(MY96 WRX WAGON) 59. philip_w---------------------(MY99 UK Turbo) 60.jonnyb80---------------------(96 uk turbo) 61. ScubaRoo------------------(MY98 UK Sport Wagon Green) until Oct :D/ 62. Nanaki ---------------------(MY00 - UK Turbo) 63. John Stevenson-------------(MY98 UK WR PPP) 64. John Stevenson-------------(MY97 UK Turbo Wagon) 65. John Stevenson-------------(MY94 RA 2.5) 66. John Stevenson-------------(MY98 Secret Project) Can I include my 3.0R Legacy Stealth Bomber too? Though it's a Hawk Eye so maybe I shouldn't !!!
  4. No. ET Terminal Person Date Location Forrest'd 00. 09.19 158.5 Andyf 27/08/06 York Y 01. 10.99 116.0 John Stevenson 30/7/06 TOTB5 Y 02. 11.77 117.8 Jcscoob 10/10/06 Crail Y 03. 11.92 116.9 Andy N 10/10/06 Crail 04. 11.94 116.9 Simmie 16/10/05 Crail 05. 12.05 115.7 Playsatan 10/10/06 Crail Y 06. 12.35 106.4 Swanie 21/08/05 Crail N 07. 12.53 115.4 coulty 04/06/06 Crail 08. 12.61 107.4 Craig Mac 10/09/06 Crail 09. 12.79 110.0 JASONB 29/05/05 Crail N 10. 12.82 107.7 Gumball 04/06/06 Crail Y 11. 12.85 106.1 Fai17 04/06/06 Crail N 12. 12.88 108.7 Andy.F 13/11/05 Crail Y 13. 12.88 106.1 G.Mac 10/09/06 Crail Y 14. 13.00 107.7 Weeb 09/04/06 Crail 15. 13.04 103.9 Higgy 10/09/06 Crail Y I'm fairly sure the wee devil is also tuned by Andrew
  5. How many of these cars has Andy had a hand in ? No. ET Terminal Person Date Location Forrest'd 00. 09.19 158.5 Andyf 27/08/06 York Y 01. 10.99 116.0 John Stevenson 30/7/06 TOTB5 Y 02. 11.77 117.8 Jcscoob 10/10/06 Crail 03. 11.92 116.9 Andy N 10/10/06 Crail 04. 11.94 116.9 Simmie 16/10/05 Crail 05. 12.05 115.7 Playsatan 10/10/06 Crail 06. 12.35 106.4 Swanie 21/08/05 Crail 07. 12.53 115.4 coulty 04/06/06 Crail 08. 12.61 107.4 Craig Mac 10/09/06 Crail 09. 12.79 110.0 JASONB 29/05/05 Crail 10. 12.82 107.7 Gumball 04/06/06 Crail 11. 12.85 106.1 Fai17 04/06/06 Crail 12. 12.88 108.7 Andy.F 13/11/05 Crai Y 13. 12.88 106.1 G.Mac 10/09/06 Crail 14. 13.00 107.7 Weeb 09/04/06 Crail 15. 13.04 103.9 Higgy 10/09/06 Crail
  6. C'mon this isnae fair, sombody told me this Forrest bloke has an Aftermarket panel filter and a de-cat, how can we compete with that ? Even WRC'esk stickers won't make a car fast enough to outweigh that advantage !!!!!! ---john---
  7. Oh stop being a baby, I/we are only having a laugh. [] You won't find my name on any results at Crail, when we went to TOTB Andy had to explain the Christams Tree thing to me [:$] 10.99 was my first ever drag run. [] appologies if I offended---john---
  8. Harvey, where's he from ? ---john---
  9. Ah, we agree Young Skywalker [] Now to be fair, Simmie is actually the fastest guy called Simmie with an Impreza (new or old) that lives in or around Aberdeen with either a 2.0, 2.3, or 2.5 litre engine that was at Crail with a car of any colour on 16/10/05 Class. His mummy will be proud (BTW this is all a bit of fun innit ?)
  10. Why, what are you trying to achieve, the fastest Road legal Impreza, with silver paint, without an induction kit, but with a frontmount intercooler, but no catalytic converter and colour coded wing mirrors, Class in Scotland ? None of these cars are as they left the factory, where do you draw the line ? ---john---
  11. Yes, you could say it was 'Regular' [] Regular (Adjective): existing or happening repeatedly in a fixed pattern, with equal or similar amounts of space or time between one and the next. Do I do 12000 miles a year in it, no, but that's not what you asked [] Car is MOT'd Taxed and insured ! I might have modified it somewhat, is yours standard ? []
  12. Might I suggest something less than 10.99 []
  13. Friendly local family run business, nothing to much trouble and as cheap as they come: Jim Dickson's the Daddy !! (Literally) []
  14. Nothing like cutting and pasting the latest version to keep it current [:^)]
  15. No. ET Terminal Person Date Location Run 01. 10.99 116.0 John Stevenson 30/7/06 TOTB5 01 02. 11.94 116.9 Simmie 16/10/05 Crail 87 03. 12.28 111.7 Andy N 30/07/06 Crail 1133 04. 12.35 106.4 Swanie 21/08/05 Crail 457 05. 12.48 111.1 JC scoob 13/11/05 Crail 678 06. 12.53 115.4 coulty 04/06/06 Crail 344 07. 12.61 107.4 Craig Mac 10/09/06 Crail 225 08. 12.79 110.0 JASONB 29/05/05 Crail 721 09. 12.80 107.4 Playsatan 13/11/05 Crail 733 10. 12.82 107.7 Gumball 04/06/06 Crail 520 11. 12.85 106.1 Fai17 04/06/06 Crail 581 12. 12.88 108.7 Andy.F 13/11/05 Crail 559 13. 12.88 106.1 G.Mac 10/09/06 Crail 970 14. 13.00 107.7 Weeb 09/04/06 Crail 1141 15. 13.04 103.9 Higgy 10/09/06 Crail 540 16. 13.35 105.1 Iqy 27/11/05 Crail 427 17. 13.39 100.0 Paddy247 13/11/05 Crail 889 18. 13.80 103.0 scottish555 10/09/06 Crail ??? 19. 13.83 100.7 FastScooby 10/09/06 Crail 577 20. 13.83 98.5 philip_w 10/09/06 Crail 169 21. 14,16 94.3 mrs.jcscoob 19/08/06 Crail 436 22. 14.28 93.4 st3ph3n 10/09/06 Crail 758 23. 14.30 95.7 Cal 13/11/05 Crail 155 24. 14.34 94.9 Irish Al 13/11/05 Crail 759 25. 14.43 97.6 lescazscoob 10/09/06 Crail 535 Fibreglass Passenger door blew off during the run and I lifted as a result, hence low terminal. Run 2 xx. 11.22 134 John Stevenson 30/7/06 TOTB5 02 ---john---
  16. I wasn't really reffering to make it straight on a 4 wheel laser jig as per subaru specs, for that go to Town and County. That'll get you a nice shopping car [] For setting a car up to make it go right, Mark is your man.
  17. Not on me, I'll find out. This boy knows how to set a car up !! ---john---
  18. Why go all the way down there when Mark Hutcheson is on your doorstep in Banchory?
  19. .......get your chassis setup done ? ---john---
  20. You mean Wilky and his fags? pulling them out in ones? minus the big power?[] dont know EH? I agree, can we have a Moderator delete the chemically induced post by the 'Newboy Muppet' ? [] [][]
  21. Alan, that was typed with an Aberdonian Accent you Dobber, leave the produce alone !!!!!! The green one wasn't my first, nor is it my current. []
  22. I've been in continual Impreza ownership since Feb 97, though my current car dates from March 02. Don't know if you are any older than me Alan - you certainly don't look it [] Ah, I remember the old days, those Halcyon days, when John had a real Impreza []
  23. Only Kidding, Racing this weekend. ---john---
  24. Can I come ? MwuHaHa []
  25. Me about then too Alan, can't remember the exact date. I do remember a few years ago some cheeky Fecker doing a WIY ? About a Green '98 in Cumbernauld town centre, commenting on how dirty it was !! Well I still haven't washed it Corsa [] ---john---
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