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Everything posted by JohnSt

  1. So I see []
  2. George, yes it is. ID Starts TY7xxxxxxx The code does not use a sequence to denote final drive you just have to look the code up. Things that can be determined at a glance though are: TY752 Ph1 Box TY754 Ph2 Box TYxxxVNxxx 1:1.1 Transfer gears, (To be honest this also tells you it has a 3.9 final drive Ratio) TYxxxVBxxx 1:1 Transfer gears, (can be either 3.9, 4.11 or 4.44) P.M me your email address and I'll send you a spreadsheet containing all the box codes and ratios
  3. B0ll0ck5 [] Yes they can !! []
  4. won my class and was only 1.7 secs off the hill record considering im well down on power no straight cut box no lsd and no avons! so by june that time is gettin shattered! Forrestburn isn't a 'power' hill LSD and Tyres will be most helpful, you'll be surprised how long 1.7secs is there. Conditions were ideal on Sunday so you have some work to do before June chris [] P.S. Why was your name Alex in the entry list for Doune ?
  5. From the look of it round my way everyone in the area was slabbing this weekend
  6. The Class (A3, Road Saloon Cars over 1800cc), wondered who placed where ? Nice Pics again !!! ---john---
  7. Kenny Brown Motor Engineers in Hillington. Been servicing, building and supporting Subaru Rally cars for years, does all my gearbox work, and above all is very reasonable considering the vast experience he has. ---john---
  8. Just posted this on Scoobynet so thought I might as well cut and paste here: Great weekend at Doune, as per Kames. Car is going great, track was wet/changable all weekend but third practise Saturday saw a 48.88 (Record is 48.28) fantastic time considering it was wet. Roll on "June Doune" and some dry tarmac.Again spent my practise runs playing with the settings on the Diff controller, so the practise times were a bit inconsistant as a result. Saturday saw a 49.65 in timed runs, with David Sleigh in his Evo pushing hard and providing the competition. Donald McCaskill was back out in his Evo V after washing off the cobwebs at Golspie two weeks ago, he struggled to find pace all weekend struggling with understeer in the wet conditions (he has a plated front Diff...... that seems to ring a bell Eh Graham ? ) Scott Sherriden in the third Mitsubishi was debuting at Doune and creditably nipped his times down all weekend in poor conditions to be learning such a scary place. Results were as follows: Evo II 2.0 SCOTT SHERIDAN 57.07 Opal Manta 2.0 JOHN RAMSAY 63.91 Rover 220T 2.0 MIKE HUNTER 58.14 Sunbeam Ti TOM WILSON 58.84 Evo III 2.0 DAVID SLEIGH 50.52 Evo V 2.3 DONALD McCASKILL 53.63 Impreza 2.5 JOHN STEVENSON 49.65 Continued on Sunday playing with setup, I had a little brain fade during third practise hitting a kerb with the car locked up under braking, Killed the HKS Strup top mount and bent the Strut Turret, did it during third practise so fortunately had lunch break to try to bodge. The car looked as if it had been setup for oval racing. Huge amount of camber on the 'damaged' corner and was toeing so much a blind man could see it. With the help of some friends and a big hammer the car was cobbled together though obviously very squint. Allignment was done by eye, the car turned out very tail happy on 1st timed run (read 4rth practise for me), but at least gave an indicator of what could be expected. Managed a 49.08, which was better than I could have hoped in all honesty. Second timed run saw the added complication of a car having rolled and depositing some fluids on an already wet track and generally everyone ended up slower. David had a couple of little brushes with the barriers on his first timed run, pushing the car hard in the dodgy conditions. Ultimately the field ended similar to Sat. Evo II 2.0 SCOTT SHERIDAN 54.33 Opal Manta 2.0 JOHN RAMSAY 62.60 Rover 220T 2.0 MIKE HUNTER 57.24 Sunbeam Ti TOM WILSON 57.63 Evo III 2.0 DAVID SLEIGH 50.47 Evo V 2.3 DONALD McCASKILL 52.74 Impeza 2.5 JOHN STEVENSON 49.08 Sunbeam Ti JIMMY CROW 57.83 Also ended up with Fastest Road car both days holding off the Locaterfields, helped by the slippy conditions. (Though I'm told the comentator boobed and reported differently on Saturday !! ) ---john---
  9. Not sure what you mean by that []
  10. Thanks, some excellent pics there, don't bust a gut, I'm in no hurry. You should have come and said hello. Do me a favour though.... delete any pics with me in them !!!! []
  11. Erm, I would, if you could be so kind, I'm fairly sure you could figure out which car I'd be interested in [] Any of the white Evo would also be appreciated by a friend. ---john---
  12. Craig, if you'd gone, you'd be the only one, Doune is not till next weekend, Kames tomorrow. Take your Rad to East End Radiators (Denniston), you'll find it in Yell.com, you won't get cheaper. If it's an Ally rad and only need a new hotside end tank they will fix it. ---john---
  13. Yes, and then no. But if you need to borrow one I can help. --john--
  14. Bonnybridge again, but this time ProGrip, very good, latest equipment and best of all main stream pricing not 'tuner' pricing []
  15. Personaly I prefer the Sti RA Type JS Very Limited 1 of 1 []
  16. So does Andy.F but i dinna see nobody rushing to tell him!! [] Think you better read the list properly this time !!!! I count two [] Which was the whole point !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Grant, you've missed a decimal point, it's 3.9 Imprezas. ---john---
  18. Gus, EACC are running a Scottish Championship practise/shakedown day at Kames in a fortnight. Check website and call David McDonald to reserve a spot. ---john---
  19. Gus, I've seen a few cages that go around the dash, all of the ones I have seen are Jap ones. I reckon that the bends in the front cage tend to point them more at the cosmetice market, as they are compromised, but everything helps. I have one in my current shell. New shell and cage are the proper items, but have not yet been introduced Car is a road car run in A3 checkout Scottish-sprinting.co.uk for Regs etc.(I'm sure you are aware of the site already) ---john---
  20. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Subaru-Impreza-2-5-T...1QQcmdZViewItem
  21. Looking forward to the competition. [] ---john---
  22. Can't recommend Jim, Young Jim and Davy enough (not forgetting Mrs D) !! Over the years they have gone out of their way for me in ways that were far over and above the call of duty. Staying late to adjust the tracking on my car whan I had a race the next day, swapping tyres onto rims for me at no, or little cost, bent over backwards everytime I've needed help at short notice. I'm fairly sure you could buy a set of tyres for £20 cheaper via the ubiquitous www. but what is service, and follow up service worth....... ---john---
  23. John, I used EBC Red Stuff on one of your KH trackdays to try them once (as I used Green stuff on my (much lighter) Fiesta). Fitted them on Wednesday to bed them in, killed them at KH, new to metal in 3 hours, and as you say, they weren't even that good at stopping. Since then I've always used Ferodo pads. ---john---
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