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Everything posted by JohnSt

  1. Grant, same Manufacturer, different 'stuff' Subaru make Justy's and Impreza Sti's
  2. Hi Dougie, long time no see Bud !! How are the family ? Cheers Casper, in fairness I'm getting excellent help from some very good guys Had a productive, though frustrating couple of days. Got the broken Box out of the car with help from Kenny.S (he can't stay away from Scoobies ) started to rebuild the box tonight to find the new front driveshaft oil seals were the wrong ones so had to abandone that plan. Trimmed down the rear car electrical loom to what it needs to be, and it's now about a third of the weight it was. The dash loom will be much more of a challenge but I expect to see much greater weight saving, so worth it. ---john---
  3. ProGrip, better equipment and what they do 8 hours a day. Rather than every once in a while. ---john---
  4. This mornings activities
  5. I think you'll find Richard Burns as a driver won a World championship, Peugeot won the manufacurers championship that year
  6. Jim, you are spoiling my fun
  7. You really do rabbit on without actually saying anything don't you I guess if anything you could argue Newage cars are more reliable, or would you disagree ?
  8. Before making assumptions, read up on Homoligation rules etc. Agreed on the last point though. I currently have three 'classics' (stupid term, they're just old, not classics), and I'm building a 4rth, now, why would I want to do that if I thought a Bugly would serve me better ? All the top cars in the country are based on the older chassis for a reason !! How many WRC championships have Subaru won in a Bugeye ? Big Fat Zero
  9. We certainly did, you can't beat a wee Dram
  10. Want a job as my Campaign manager ?
  11. Well you see thats a tricky question, circumstances.... bla blah DON'T BE F'ing SILLY NO !!!!!!!!
  12. Made a start today, felt a bit slow going as I spent most of the day painting stuff. Painted the whole of the underside of the car and all of the wee brackets and bits and bobs that will be going back under there. Made a steering joint to convert from Classic column to Newage STi Quick rack. Fitted the front subframe and Rack inc. some Gucci bits courtesy of Cusco Kid. Here are a few pics of the results: Front Sub Frame and STi Quick Rack My Undercarrage, from the rear.... Oooh Errr !! Whiteline Anti Roll Bar and Extended Track Rod End More Gucci bits still to fit
  13. Jeez, there's a chance then you might be in one of the planes he is up working on John, wouldn't want to be in your shoes
  14. No pressure there then ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  15. Bite me
  16. If I said Kames in 3 weeks would it sound preposterous ?
  17. Woof
  18. Didn't do my second run as I had done what I needed on the first, gearbox was stuck in 3rd so it wouldn't have looked very nice anyway.
  19. Well, that's the end of and era, the old Girl did her last event today at East Fortune (What a fantastic track by the way, KH cant hold a candle to it in my opinion). Knocked in two Maximum scores so she is going on a high too. She's sitting in the drive waiting to be butchered for the bits I need for the new one.
  20. No listed on current site but looks fine to me, assuming railer is braked http://www.citroen.co.uk/new-cars/citroen-...specifications/
  21. Looks to me from the specs that the C4 is Man enough to tow a Wee Westie ??? ---john---
  22. Stephen, what kind of road cars does he have ? ---john---
  23. FINTRAY !! Don't want him sitting in the Campsies wondering where everyone is !!
  24. Feck me you know how to drag a job out !!! MOT, week after next ? Then geometry !!!
  25. Just to correct, the Inlet Manifolds are on the correct way round, it's the throtle body we mada a mess of. But I guess that kind of technical insight explains your plumbing issues edited due to Dyslexia
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