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gus the bus

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Posts posted by gus the bus

  1. Looks like another top event Imy :headbang:

    Very well done to you, Grant and the team for your continued time and effort for the cause :icon_salut:

    North Wales next on your tour of duty? Wish I could have made that to help out but clashed with my trip to Dumfries and Galloway.

    Keep up the great work :occasion14:

  2. Hello Peter :icon_salut:

    As said, it owes me nothing so could be wrapped up in the garage until things improve so looking like most would do that. :occasion14:

    ....and as you say, it runs and is there to be used when the time comes ;)

    Whats the current state of play with your car?

  3. I know how you feel m8, there are quite a few people leaving their cars in the garage for at least this year. I've asked myself the same question loads of times but if you can, hold onto it as good early cars are getting rare.


    Thanks Johnny :icon_salut: I know if I sell it I deffo wont find another in the same condition so, might just have to do as you and Paul have.

    Bloody annoying though eh!

  4. The thing is at least the ra is there when you want to use how ever little that is, if you sell it then your stuck dressing as a power ranger to get your kicks :P

    That is so true mate. I love being a power ranger though :lol: Catch up with you at the wheel :icon_salut:

  5. Sit it out mate! You would regret selling it later and never get another one as clean! Leave it unused in the garage as its not costing you anything ( other than insurance ) parked up!

    I knew I would get that answer from you mate ;) Its just bloody frustrating me that I cant be out there using it when I want to.

    Are you waiting until next year before yours rolls out again?

  6. As a few of you know, I've been thinking for a wee while about selling the RA as I'm just not getting enough use of it (well not as much as I want!) ie couldn't make Kames yesterday and sooooooooooooo wanted too :crying: and can't afford to go on any of the runs or to Alford :( and currently really only making it to a few shows ie Knockhill and Magnificent Machines.

    The question is, do I sit it out until finances are better (the RA owes me nothing so I could just park it up!) or sell the RA and the daily commute and buy one car that meets my needs but I can have fun with ie an Impreza Wagon or a Forester turbo? :driving:

    Simple question, if it was you what would you do?

  7. Car looked good today Gus!

    Legacy? Only doctors can afford them mate! ;)

    Thanks mate :icon_salut: , seems like it for the Legacy FFS, I couldn't believe the quotes that came back and that was me really shopping around too!

    Ach well, that's made my mind up, just need to sort out the £'s for the RA insurance now :whistle:

    Seriously going to look at the Forester STi's this time next year though as all in all the sums stack up for Insurance and only one car etc....

    Plenty time for that though ;)

  8. Well that's me had the RA for 3 years today ( how time passes :o ) and I was thinking about streamlining the car ownership and punting the RA and the daily commute and buying a Legacy RSK B4 twin turbo which would serve a few purposes :driving:

    Found a (very) suitable RSK and a buyer (if I got the RSK) for the RA and found out that with a couple of monthly payments I could just return the daily commute (lease)

    Well, it was all going to plan (so I thought!) until I did the insurance check and low and behold the "auld man" Legacy is 4 times the price of the insurance renewal for the RA. WTF?????

    So, that's it all decided the RA will be here for another year, maybe even for good now ;)

    Although, a Forester STi is looking like a good option for next year with Insurance prices on a par with the RA ;) ( must get the Mrs working harder :whistle: )

  9. Great to see there are other good clean examples around :icon_salut::occasion14:

    I think the lack of side skirts on the red one in S:Net looks good but dont think I could be bothered with the hassle of trying to go back the way :whistle:

    Not into the spoilerless look I'm afraid, they are there for a reason ;)

  10. Ladies and Gents,

    Alford will indeed be going ahead this year in the month of July as usual :icon_salut: .

    JohnS and Glyn I believe are finalising a date which will appear in the events diary and in here once confirmed.


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