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gus the bus

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Everything posted by gus the bus

  1. << whats the policy on outsiders attending? can i come? >> Na beat it! kidding mate! I'm sure its a case of "all welcome" but hey I'm not the RO! Spooks! Gus
  2. << << So, are the white alloys on the way!?! Oh yes,yes,yes,yes! PS should have taken those Sti ones when i had the chance >> Erm...... naw. Not yet anyway. Maybe not at all. Can't make my mind up. Starting to think it's more the price than the actual wheel that's attracting me - £600 for a set of 4, including 4 toyo t1's, including carriage. I'll make up my mind one day, maybe. >> Now thats a bargain! Are those ones available in gold??? Nicest wheel I've seen in a wee while and if they are avail in gold I'll get a set
  3. << I'll maybe have to pay attention to the Lothain nights given my impending employment in the capital. >> come and join us Stephen! We dinnae bite Well Ruby might but the rest of us are OK
  4. << What about a few beers at the Cramond Brig. Lots of parking reasonably easy for everyone to get too >> Cramond Brigs a good one! somewhere new too! Gus
  5. So, are the white alloys on the way!?! Oh yes,yes,yes,yes! PS should have taken those Sti ones when i had the chance
  6. << Will i be welcome if i come along...just as long as it's a tuesday and yous can all test drive my beast >> Always welcome Peter You could bring some samples from your Restaurant
  7. << wasnt meant to offend anyone peter has already accused me of being racist just a wee joke >> Wasn't taken as one or directed at you bud! Just making my feelings known "One Scotland Many Cultures"
  8. Would't think off it! That would offend me
  9. Aye, looks good Stephen! Thats some camber setting on the Geometry tho must be Prodrive plus,plus settings
  10. << Gus:When is it your turn to try my place for some superb chinese grub???? >> The morra Chinese is my favourite mate.
  11. Stephen, Work Emotions in white for yours if ye can get them very tasty!
  12. << How about this one? Part of the GB on Scoobynet >> Oh yes they are nice! Get them Andy, go on you know you want too! can you get them in gold for me Thats probably the nicest wheel I've seen and I've been looking
  13. << Would white wheels suit a red blobeye? Eh? >> I was gonna add on my previous post that I think yours would really suit them too Andy! Every red car I have ever owned has ended up with white alloys! Go for it mate
  14. I'm sure you were just giving the car a wee run b4 you got there Ally He's no a bad lad that Peter!!!
  15. << perhaphs I missed it , but ....... ........ Has anything been arranged with regards to a date , time , & place ??? Ally. >> . Nope, you haven't Ally! Spooks is looking at 17th or 18th (next Tues or Wed) but still tae confirm but possibly Deer Park!?!?! Spooks, over to you! Gus
  16. Needs a wee front splitter tae finish that off
  17. << my car wanders quite a bit on on rough roads , is this normal ?. would getting the steering set to prodrive settings help ?. cheers >> Try Swifts in Whitburn (Extreme Motorsports) for settings they are the closest to you and WRXMania AKA Brian got his done there recently. Gus
  18. I've always liked white wheels! I think they would really suit your car Stephen Gus
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