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gus the bus

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Everything posted by gus the bus

  1. ...... and i couldnt think of a worse thing to do on a saturady afternoon than watch livy and the well Neither could I feckin robbed again Never mind CIS cup semi coming up so maybe just maybe we could get to a final this year
  2. Glutten for punishment it it is Ali Every game home and away! Can't say I'm a glory hunter I make up for my lack of fun @ the footy by going out in the Scooby Heading for Perthshire @ 10pm tonight to take in the twisties (November Photoshoot route on my way to the folks holiday retreat. Gus
  3. Folks, Anyone from on here have a blue WRX blobeye with private plate P*MFC. Was parked outside the footy stadium @ the Livi-v-Well game? Just wondering Gus
  4. Happy New year to all of you when it comes! heading out @ 10pm up North to Kirkmichael (Near Blairgowrie!)to the folks holiday retreat. Taking in the November Photoshoot route to get there So, I'll be having some scoobytastic fun. If your out n about between Harthill and Perthyshire remember and wave!!! (I'm sure you'll all be getting pashed whilst I'm tearing up the twisties :cool Anyway, have a gid yin and see youz in 2006. Gus
  5. Welcome to the scooby mad hoose John! Gus
  6. Scooby scarf fur me fae ma brother n Sis n Law!
  7. Used to have the Turbo Forester with Prodrive extra's myself a few years back! That was a hell of a lot of fun. A definate "wolf in sheeps clothing" the STi one sounds like a whole lot of fun....and some
  8. Aye, feckin baltic nae different from July or August really
  9. Guys n Gals, If you are staying over on the Saturday night can I suggest the two Travel Lodges in Inverness if your looking for CHEAP. Stayed in both on previous visits and staying there on the 14th Jan. Very cheap deals just now ie £10 per room per night for some dates if booked for and paid @ booking. Travellodge Canny make the 18th myself unfortunately!!! Gus
  10. Greetings young man! I'll look oot for you in the Fawkirk area as I'm in that neck of the woods most days (apart from this week as I'm on Holiday) Gus
  11. Very heavy frost in Farthill the last couple of days with some seriously dodgy driving conditions and a couple of nasty accidents thankfully naebody hurt!
  12. Right folks I'm heading offline now so you all have a fabby Christmas and I'll catch up with you all next week! Hope Santa is good to you all and brings you all the scooby bits you want! Stay safe! Cheers Gus
  13. Andy, calming tablets in the post! Anyway, I thought that intensive SAS training you have gone through would make you ignore these comments
  14. Well, I'll huv wan fur ye Sharon! Glug,glug,glug aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh! hick
  15. << << R u off until the 9th as well? School Holidays are magic!!!! >> Yes, I sure am - thanks be to God, in the highest!!! And I pick up my MY06 STI tomorrow, Australia for three weeks in April, Move into my new 5 bedroom detached house in February too...all go... Well, all those last bits are a total lie but I am on holiday Brian >> ........PMSL and then ya woke up! Worth a try eh!
  16. Nah, right next door! The pile it high sell it cheap shop! Feck.... a canny mind its name Old age kickin in again or is it the ice cold beer Thats it Ruby Leckies! Must be the beer
  17. Another Miller for me Ally .... if you've got any! Hic
  18. Ah, Behind The Wall, many a pash up had there! ....and to eat I always have the Chicken fahita (sp) Chesadias. The best anywhere including mexico!! Brian did you then go next door n get some late Christmas shopping bargains?? I was in Tesco @ the Retail Park yesterdayand I have honestly never seen a shop so busy in my life. Fookin heavin Anyway, home now having my first beer of the weekend! Magic
  19. Wimen! Huh! Not all of them obviously before Ruby, Fee etc..... give me abuse Tbh my missus is pretty clued up on scoobies! loves them to bits and wants another Forester Turbo or Legacy 3.0R for her next car
  20. Sounds like a right D*ck head! I hope it wasn't someone from on here!
  21. Have a gid yin! Try no workin too hard
  22. meez sitting oan ma erse fur 11days apart from Sparkhead on Boxin Day (3 points fur the Livi, I wish!!!!!) and maybe a wee drive roond Perthshire tae see my folks in their holiday retreat Oh aye, n pickin up my new boot spoiler and fitting my K&N! ....and doing the accounts to see if i can get that full-decat in January and whether I should get the Sti Bonnet Scoop??? shhhhhhhhhhhh! dont tell the missus!)
  23. £1126 for a warranty FFS!!!!! You'd be better putting the money as a deposit on a new scoob Now that would be £1126 well spent would it not?????
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