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Everything posted by JamesF

  1. Looks like I'll be seeing quite a few of you guys around then !! James
  2. See you soon then, well, in about 8 weeks or so [|-)]
  3. Just bought my new pad in Chesterhall Avenue so will be annoying the neighbours with my burble in 8 weeks !! I'm sure I've seen a Black newage STI in the same estate and have definitely heard one or two scoobs driving about while on my viewings. See you soon, James.
  4. It's a dull one but I'm glad we were ok. If it had been 10 seconds sooner I might have had a motor bike in the face as I was standing at the side of the car trying to get Lewis to sit in his child seat. Car will get fixed and will get some pics up soon you vultures !![]
  5. That was me mate, just finished work at 7pm and by 7:05pm Superman was in the boot. It was because a Taxi pulled a U-Turn at the side of me and the biker went in to the front of the taxi. I was sitting waiting to pull away when it happened ! Biker has a shattered pelvis, wrist and hand. He seemed ok though but obviously in a good bit of pain. Taxi driver ( a woman) was charged with careless driving. Been to Subaru already and been quoted £3K repair bill !!! STI Spoiler is just short of £1K, not to worry though as it's the taxi's fault so will be putting the claim through them. James.
  6. Thanks for all the comments guys, I'm well pleased with the look now, might consider going for an S202 type spoiler next if the wife and funds allow. Got the winglets from http://www.greenwoodracing.co.uk/ second hand at £75. Been looking on ebay for ages and missed a couple of pairs but they don't come up very often and Subaru want around £200+ a pair. Send them an email and if they have any left they will let you know, tell them I sent you. James.
  7. Cheers mate. I got mine off ebay for about £6 the pair.
  8. And you can have them to at www.rarerims.co.uk go to the Formula Mesh F1 link. Got them on a GB from Scoobynet for £320 w/o tyres, that's for 18's !
  9. Been busy tinkering away in the sunshine today and fitted my sti winglets and front splitter. Really easy to do and make a big difference to the front end look. Comments good and bad welcomed http://jamesfox.fotopic.net/c1325444.html Before you say it, I know, I need to get that dent in the wing fixed [:$]
  10. **** me mate, that's serious power from a WRX. Well done you !! Any chance of you telling us what you've done to it ? James
  11. Ooohhh fancy ! Doesn't look like it was meant to be as someone offered the full price just before my offer went in, damn. On to the next one. Will be the forth house now. James.
  12. Cheers anyway guys, putting an offer in tomorrow so all will be revealed shortly. Hope to see you soon then Johnny, where are you moving in to ??? James.
  13. I was looking at a house for sale today in the above street and was parked next to a black classic WRX, M reg. I think you may live next door to the house for sale, I even spoke to you in the back garden as my son lobbed a ball over your fence ! Think it may have been Fee from on here but not sure. Anyway, maybe see you again soon [] Any ideas how much it was for sale at before it went to a fixed price would be helpful ??? thanks, James.
  14. I'd put money on it being a faulty sensor, there's so many on the scoobies now they do go wrong eventually. I doubt very much that it would have anything to do with the mods you've done though. As EVERYONE has said already, get it checked over. James.
  15. I wash in such a hurry to get them on that I took pictures straight after fitting them. The pictures don't really do them justice so once I've gave the car a good going over will get some decent pics posted up. I agree with the whole BBS thing but I bought these wheels and tyres for the price of 2 of the BBS without tyres so can't compare them in that way. As soon as I seen them I thought S204 I bought them in silver as I was sick of the whole gold coloured thing. My wife said that Blue Scooby's should have gold wheels, seeing as she knows nothing about cars I thought I would show her otherwise, so did. It's all about being different.
  16. Thanks for the comments. The old ones didn't fit over the Brembos without needing 10mm spacers so they had to go. I love them which is what matters to me. James.
  17. Here you go !! Before Picture_438.jpg @ Fotopic.Net and after New_Wheels1.jpg @ Fotopic.Net New_Wheels2.jpg @ Fotopic.Net New_Wheels3.jpg @ Fotopic.Net
  18. Finally got them fitted yesterday, not without problems mind you but I don't want to go into that. I think they look really good on the car but what do you all think ? James. WTF!!! - How do you post up pics ???
  19. In the oxgangs area heading towards Morningside Road around 3pm'ish. Think it was an N reg. Quite modified by the look of it, reminded me of the pics of Dougie's car when it was for sale. Looked really nice whoever you were. James.
  20. I know, the price is rediculous. £80 a wheel ! Everywhere else wants around £120 a wheel. Call Merseyspeed on 0151 525 9954 but as I said before, they are all out for another 3 to 4 weeks and they aren't taking any orders to reserve a set so you just have to keep on at them. James.
  21. Spoke to a supplier today who then spoke to Inovit directly, should be in the uk in 3-4 weeks, although they have been out of stock for the last 10 weeks ! James.
  22. I've got a Helix organic clutch that is rated to 350ftlbs of torque and haven't had any bother with it. If you have already replaced your clutch then you should only have to replace the clutch plate as the rest should be ok which should save you quite a bit of money too. At least, that's all I will have to do when the clutch burns out don't know if exedy are any different, wouldn't think so. James.
  23. I've got the smae problem on my 2004 WRX. Fitted the front Brembos only to find my wheels wouldn't go back on, Aaaahhh!! Fitted 10mm spacers on the fronts and it clear the calipers but I'm currently waiting on a set of PFF7 replicas to come into to stock so I can get the wheels and alignment sorted properly. Car still drives ok but it is only a short term solution until the right wheels for the car come up. Wheels I'm getting are Inovit Redline in 18X7.5, £320 including VAT without tyres, beats £250 a wheel for the genuine Prodrive ones. Granted they are not as light etc but they will do me fine. Offset is 50-52mm and PCD is 5X100. James.
  24. Alright mate, sorry for taking so long to get back to you, been busy. Glad to hear the zorst is still good, never had any reason to thin otherwise mind you. Based on the standard WRX 225bhp I've got an increase of over 60% (after my next remap she'll be sitting at 360ish) so it's a bit of an insurance killer. I went with Gary mostly because he knows scoobs and they replace like for like so if my wheels get nailed in an accident I dont end up with standard WRX alloys again etc. I've got a blue Prodrive intercooler hose sitting in my shed you can have if your going to do a bit more modding. James.
  25. Tried A-Plan and was qouted £740 but they didn't replace on a like for like basis so didn't see the point in that ! Went back to Gary and he reduced his qoute to £770 so was happy with that. Thanks to Gary and all who recommended him. James.
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