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Everything posted by quentin_moss

  1. Update, Got home tonight and decided to put some goodies on Crystal headlights, sidelights and a strut brace What dya think??
  2. And a bit of elbow grease The worst bit was changing the lock barrel, it took longer than fitting the door lol Look out on here for new piccies tomorrow when I fit my newly acquired crystal head and side lights
  3. Well I spent some time on it yesterday and now it looks like this Much better huh
  4. Yeah I think I have done really well to keep my cool, but thats why they call them accidents. He has bought a door and wing and had them sprayed, just waiting for them to be ready and he is gonna get them fitted, been fairly pain free so far. Just a proper pain in the ar5e
  5. Cheers all, its nice to hear some support, particularly as things r proper **** at the minute, maybe buying green werent such a good idea. Probably should have just bought a proper WRX in silver and be done with it If the lad hadnt of been such a decent geezer i might have pulled the job card and called for an ambulance but he seemed like he needed a break so here i go looking for parts to help him
  6. Yeah to be fair Granby I am having a proper sh*t time at the minute And yeah M@tt he was proper sorry and we exchanged details, I said I would try to source the parts secondhand and he can supply a fitter and pay for the parts so I just gotta find a decent green door and wing. Im too bloody nice
  7. Went out on the country roads to Grafty Green today, stopped at a crossroads and the car 2 in front of me decided after pulling out onto the main road to then reverse into me, even though I let rip on the horn and tried to reverse out of his way Not a happy bunny Now need a door and a wing, gonna get it down out of insurance cos the guy is young
  8. Funnily enough they do a pair for £80 del but trying to keep costs down at the minute, Ive seen standard ones on fleabay but they want £40 del
  9. Hi all I need a drivers side facelift headlight, anyone got one kicking about they wanna get rid of???
  10. I may have been away for a while but i like to feel I did my bit for the team last night (no not took one for the team ) Well done Deani good questions. Good to see everyone
  11. Thats always nice aint it, I had mine sitting there for a week waiting for the bits and that was torture but I am so impatient.
  12. Cheers mate just gotta find some now, the ones I almost got had some bolster wear and a burn so though nah. Another result too today, on the way home I popped into Berengrave Service Station to ask how much for MOT and when could they do it £40 and now So I now also have a year and a bits mot too, lottery next
  13. Its an 8v Gti M plate in mystic blue, 3dr leccy everything, abs etc 151k miles but runs sweet, short MOT/Tax due to impulsively buying the scoob after splitting with my missus. Its on Autotrader at £595 but I know things are tough so will let it go for £500
  14. I know im a bit slow but a MASSIVE Thankyou to Pele and Loonytoon for there flat out work on Saturday just gone. We fitted 2 new driveshafts and 2 new hubs in less than a day (would have been quicker if Tony wasnt a drag a*** lol) No seriously mate your side was a bitch, Cheers to Pele for all you help too oh and I cant forget Jake he just completed my day. KFC bribery worked well too Now all I need is a WRX/STi interior and my popping, banging sport will look half decent. See you all Friday at Notcutts now im mobile Oh anyone want a nice MK3 Golf GTi, cheap????
  15. I just got a load of bits off ebay really good prices from a shop called JHP performance engines, try them If not there is a guy that does a bit of breaking in gillingham, he seems a bit more expensive but if your local no postage. Ill PM you his name and number
  16. Nah I get enough useless skoda's at work But the help is gonna be so grateful, I may even feed you and wii you again
  17. Yeah thats it, its got the early dash, almost sorted it, took both wheels off and noticed bearings were shot to pieces and driveshaft/cv not much better so found a breakers on Ebay and got 2 driveshafts and 2 hubs delivered for £107 which I didnt think was too bad??? Hope thats it, gearbox seems ok still I hope. If not and it needs more ill just break it and get something else (im told life loves a quitter )
  18. Cheers hun, things move quick on here, I have one day away from the pc and things change. Ill give him a texty maybe combine with the graphs
  19. Easy tiger Seriously though, how much work is involved????
  20. MMMM what sort of tweeking?? im not playing with nipples just to get them to fit
  21. Ooh sounds good but unless Im wrong, new age dont fit classics??
  22. Its not how quick we get there just as long as we turn up in style
  23. Please dont comment on the seats, they have to go.. If you got a set of WRX (gotta be cheap though) let me know
  24. Hi matey, How are ya??? Try these Visit My Website I have just ordered a load of stuff from them and they seem alright, I know its not local but may help
  25. It has gold wheels but I was thinking yellow. Just gotta get the driveshafts looked at see how much it will be if too much or gearbox gone then I will break it for parts All help greatly received, Im hoping to tow it to a local garage tomorrow so they can have a look and give me an idea. It could just be a broken up bearing that has killed a driveshaft or something more sinister
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