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Everything posted by quentin_moss

  1. See now Tony you have to keep going on about this no boost situation, I just hope that when you have run it in you can live up to your talk? Cos if not well who knows what people are gonna think. Tee Hee. Sorry, How R U Fella? I now really want a three door type R, I looked at the one I mentioned yesterday, its at Riverdale Imports and as much as it is a nice one there is no alarm, no tracker and suprise suprise mine is now only worth £2.5k to him. So im short. Im gutted, I have £10k coming and I know it will burn a big hole in my pocket if I dont spend it soon. Any suggestions ( please no bug eyes, no disrespect)
  2. Cheers Si I never thought it would be that bad, I just got the nod on borrowing £10k so I think Ill go for the new one, it seems I will always have probs with an early car? If anyone thinks this could be the defeatist attitude let me know but at the minute im thinking its still only a £5k car
  3. Hey guys having a brainstorm about my car, what do you think? I just spoke to someone who is willing to give me £3000 for my car on a px for a 98 STi type R, which I was hoping to get at some stage anyway. seeing as most people seem to have to keep rebuilding the engines on the early classics is it worth saying Bo**ox to it and spending the £10k to get the car of my dreams (well excluding a 22b but I aint that rich) Also I may then still make the RR day.
  4. Hi Pele, I just received a call from my mate saying he thinks it could be the piston skirt, as it still starts, runs, and only knocks under load. Also the oil light goes out straight away when you start up. Is there any chance you can let me know the details of the guy who may be able to help, also any ideas on cost? It is number 3 that is causing the problem, am I right in saying this is common on the early classics? All Advice greatly received
  5. Cheers Tony, hopefully my mate can get it sorted a bit lively, then if I can get it run in quick, watch out on the RR day cos I might throw some new toys at it in the process.
  6. I do beleive, if you remember you told me on Friday, something about being angry and not realising how well time was flying, early morning. Well I was still going and only 10 MPH, behind that
  7. Well I would love to join you guys down there so we can show some of the boys in there pram like cars what a real car is capable of, but (and its a big but) I just went BANG. Let me paint you the picture of how my night has been, went for a quick run to Maidstone to the bank, decided on the way back, as the M2 was pretty quiet I would have a bit of fun ( please forgive me for not publishing how quick I found the drive, you never know whos keeping score) when it felt like I had hit a rev limiter, so I slowed it down a bit, when I next went on the pedal I had a nice banging sound coming from under the bonnet. I have just got home (thanks Scott from Winters recovery) Boo Hoo, sounds like possibly big ends, but it still starts, no oil loss, just a bit of a bang which seems to be coming from number 3. So now I have the fun of getting it picked up again in the morning and taken to my mate at MRT to tell me the verdict, i'm expecting the worst...... Please all sympathy greatly appreciated. Hope to get it sorted by Rolling Road day but not sure yet, will keep you posted.
  8. Hi Pele, Let me start the ball rolling. It was nice to meet you all at the meet Friday here's to the next one. Oh and how did you guys get on at Maidstone (loony toons)
  9. Whoops that reads a bit moody, I meant what BHP I have not what do I get for my £30.
  10. I have'nt had a proper chance to meet up and introduce myself to you guys yet, but count me in I would like to know what im getting. Plus there should be a couple more mods on by then.
  11. Hi all Quentin from Gravesend, missed the meet on friday but hope to get to the next one
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