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~ ~ Cal ~~

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Everything posted by ~ ~ Cal ~~

  1. It's very easy, just do it slowly and carefully and plan to leave 2-3 hours to do it properly without rushing. Drilling is very easy assuming you measure up twice. Drillwise - again very easy but you dont want to use a huge drill as it needs to be able to get in behind the brake disks. See here :- http://bbs.scoobynet.co.uk/showthread.php?t=389922 and here http://bbs.scoobynet.co.uk/showthread.php?...ght=scott+flaps http://bbs.scoobynet.co.uk/showthread.php?...t=fitting+flaps Cheers Cal
  2. I got mine from Scott Lowe http://www.scottlowe.co.uk/Scripts/prodVie...amp;idProduct=1 Top Notch
  3. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/search/SearchResu...mp;f=MTE=&u= []
  4. Scooby glowing on RR http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=44...sti&pl=true CGS Modded Evo VERSUS Moddede STi http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5...sti&pl=true MEGA
  5. You will not get the full Scooby experience without getting a run in a car with an aftermarket exhaust. The standard cars whether WRX or STi variants sound pretty dissapointing. If they have the PPP fitted they will sound pretty cool. Just bear this in mind as when I first test drove a bug-eye from the dealer i could not believe how quiet it was. As J.Clarkson says, half the cars appeal is the sexual noise that is makes ........ Enjoy ! Cal
  6. The perfect stealth weapon for this mission ! You might wanna rip the extra sound proofing out though ! Feck knows who you mnaaged to swing this but 10/10 for effort Callum ! Calum S
  7. Hate to pee on the fire but they did not mandrill bend a custom mid-pipe they once made up for my old Civi Type R. Not a big issue but purists may disagree ( I did not bother too much though) I agree they do an immense job but they will never match the likes of H&S for quality. However, there service is top notch and they did spend a hell of a lotta time developing Alan G's exhaust...... So they still get my vote but be canny CGS
  8. I still fancy an STi but my mildy modded WRX gives me huge fun and warp speed. I kinda with Zeolite with the 6 speed issues in that yoiu have to continually change gear in the STi. I find it almost takes an edge of the speed as opposed to winding through the WRX's 5 speed. handling wise the WRX is better composed for soaking up bumps but rolls more which really only annoys me on track..... All boils down to what you want and what you need ? STi is more of a savage and the WRX is more stealthy. I love the look of the STi but might feel a bit of a cock in certain situations. We all know what looks better but gold wheels are a tad garish in some peoples mind. I love the new STi Spec D but for what you get it's WAY over priced. The STi7's are quite nice IMHO. I love the blobies but the new WRX does nothign for me looks wise. Not keen on the wimpy looking alloys but I fancy the engine from it. The new STi is sublime though.DCCD is tremendous and many older cars also have it too. Cheers cal
  9. Amen brother............... http://forums.sidc.co.uk/search/SearchResu...AO&f=&u= My case in point is above ! 159 pages of em' Cheers Cal
  10. Just wondered if FAO were getting on yer t1ts and this is aimed at no-one in particular but everyone in general ! Check yer PM's in the same way that you come into the forum and FAO's will not be needed. Ideally we really want a pop-up when we have new PM's but that's just wishful thinking for just now... Yes I am being an auld phart but every fooker now seems to leave a FAO to say someone has a PM. Cheers I.M Auld
  11. See you on Sunday Rusky [au] - can you remind me what bits I need again for the pump incase I need to order them from Subaru ? Cheers Cal
  12. Numerous Scoobies at Knockill in my old 210bhp Civic Type R [<)] A couple of high powered STi's in my humble ( pre-remap! ) WRX at KH too - you know when you've been tango'd ![] Cal
  13. Well I spent 15 weeks solid from 9 am till 9 pm every day and ended up with a Desmond. When I was on my course no-one had had a first for EIGHT years and still no-one form my year got a first ( and only two got a 2:1) ! We also had all of our exam on 5 consecutive days and that was based on the material from both junior and senior honours(i,e 2 years of lectures in 5 days - pretty unfair IMHO). Fookers changed the structure the year after I left too ! If I had taken the Stephano approach I would be goosed. You either have the memory of an elephane or studied orange peeling techniques [8-|] Good luck Imy and study yer butt aff ! CGS
  14. JAYSUS !! This thread has been live for 7 days and escaped my sight !!!!!!!! FANTASTIC NEWS IMY !! [<)] " Burst into tears when I got the shiver down my back as the car started up and I heard the burble." Now that is the true Scooby spirit ! Delighted for ya - just dont go installing one of those bonkers side exits now. It looks like a splendid example too. More pics please ! Liked the diary tour of the UK - was a tale of joy and woe that ended like a Disney film. Cheers Cal
  15. I used to have a Bel 990 detector which was great for gatso and the like ( and the usual sliding doors etc). They are way more sensitive than the RA detectors though as they can sense more backscatter. Chances are you'll be alright though ! Downside to Scoobies is that they know your coming 300 meters before you get there [au]
  16. << plonker pull mode enabled >> << plonker pull mode off >>
  17. Guys - remember the laser beam is very narrow and aimed at your regi plate so your RA might not do fook all. I have tested min on a Talivan and it does work but it depends on numerous factors. I programme my Micro Road Pilot to remind me of the local Talivan / Handheld signs so that I get advanced warning even if they are not there []
  18. Lets not forget gearing too - WUZ's Type RA is quicker than 99.9% of the cars in here but his gearing pulls back his quarter mile times.......not that it matters as it's a B-road weapon. My WRX would benefit greatly from Prodrive springs for the traclk but I am loathed to do it becuase it soaks up B-road bumps with huge easy..... In gear acceleration must also be considered too....... But yeah, they all funkin' rock !! [<)] CGS
  19. Best of luck Davie ! My advice is to keep a stealth credit card for mods purchasing on the sly [] Hoping yer big day is a good won. Hopefully after your married you'll put on 4 stone and I might be able to get close to your Tranent lap times [<)] Cheers Calum
  20. I am on my stag weekend in Galway otherwise I be ripping some folk a new erse on the hallowed KH tarmac. My honeymoon clashes with the other SIDC track date too. Just my feckin' luck ! CGS
  21. Sorry to hear of your grief Fee.....................is it worth circluating the first part of your post code so the troops can be on there guard ? Hope you get things resolved quickly [] CGS
  22. Now that's what I'm talking about my son !! Have your neighbours put a horses head in yer wheelie bin yet ?! CGS
  23. No problemo Colin - I reckon a close pass @ the KH hairpin would be even better though
  24. This would fit the bill though ! http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-9...rth&pl=true
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