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Everything posted by simon_mcwilliam

  1. Hi Paul I will be ordering one of these kits later in the year what is the rough lead time from order to delivery. Do you have one kit on the shelf ready to send or do you make it up as you go Cheers Simon
  2. Castlepark autobody in ellon are very good & reliable
  3. The Skylines chickened out by what I could see, only 2 there & they were nothing to write home about.
  4. As per the heading folks, I was wondering should the exixsting cables that go to the battery negative terminal be connected to the car chassis somewhere? so that there is only one cable, (a link), from the battery to the isolator. Cheers
  5. Adam, when I changed the lower arms on my uk scoob to alloy ones, I had to change the drop links that you have fitted for the other type which are suitable for the STI. These drop links sit how the old ones did not a funny angle like yours.
  6. I am in the middle of getting my engine totally rebuilt so I do not want the rebuild to get jinxed as every time I say I will be there something goes wrong. Aim to be ready to go for the start of march so if it is ready I will say so a week or so before if that is ok with everyone.
  7. Wuz it wsill be a 9am start so that it does not run to late, we started at 9 last year & it went on til near enough 6
  8. It will be on until at least 4pm if the last 2 years are anything to go by
  9. 1. Braveheart. 2. P1 Matt. 3. HI_JAC 4. Playsatan 5. jimser 6. Burgy_51_ 7. scoobysailor 8. Maxxed_Ross 9. Hacky 10. STI Pretender Sorry folks but my car is ill, so I will just be down to watch.
  10. 1. Braveheart. 2. P1 Matt. 3. HI_JAC 4. Playsatan 5. jimser 6. Burgy_51_ 7. scoobysailor 8. Maxxed_Ross 9. Simmie All being well I will come down for this.
  11. What's a mod??? 1- drb5 2- JohnnyR6 3- Not done any and never will 1- John Stevenson 2- WUZ 3- Simmie Done a couple but more in the pipeline 1- IainC 2- Double Zero 3- MrBadger 4- G.Mac (going st see Mr Squirrel eating his liver before christmas when I get 400BHP out of my standard VF35) 5- Speech 6- imy 7- marky.t.s 8- scooby-girl (mod crazy next year! ) 9- Auldy - (stockpile of parts jus waiting to be bolted on, Jan.08 watch this space) 10- Nanaki 11- C_WRX (get quotes and waiting on a couple of calls back before get going) 12- Mikeyb13 - BIG Shopping list, gonna enjoy as is for the Summer 13- -------------- unlucky number for me, so wont be taking this spot ---------------- 14- RS Grant 15. mctwistuk (just need to convince the other half that more power means more fun) Going mod crazy at the mo, I can't help myself and the wife is going to kill me 1- TheWelsho 2- Stuarted (NB no wife!) 3- Z1000 (Cant afford a wife have a scooby 2 feed and support) 4- Gus the Bus- Never stop modding and just started today all over again 5- NKWRX 6- Frank C (starting all over again with a new car) 7- STI Pretender (I now get parts delivered to work ) 8- Green_Goblin (Its goblin up all my cash) I'm nearly finished, only tweaks from this point on :- 1- Playsatan2 2- Fai17 3- GaryD 4- ScoUK 5- Ac!D 6- scoobysailor All done, this is just how I want it 1- Squirrel 2- Ally-b 3- scoobykev 4- oobster 5- JAC 6- scoobyiain 7- Higgy ..... untill i get paid at the end of the month 8- Cal 9- Casper Spec D All done, this is just how I want it - but stage 2 is only a pay rise away. 1- st3ph3n 2- 360ste
  12. I bought all the parts from brakeparts.co.uk, pistons & seal kits & just get someone to put them together.
  13. I have a drivers side scoop in my garage for sale if you are interested. it is off of my97 wagon.
  14. Grant Why did they bump you last year?
  15. Kev has asked me to post this for him. (Please get in touch with me at t&c tomorrow & i will sort it for u just phone & ask to speak to kev burns)
  16. If I remember correctly did you not P yourself with excitement when you took the Falcon out on that run
  17. Would there be camping near by & what is the cost to enter a car
  18. I will do an hour or two marshalling for you John & my 12year old daughter will help out on the gate or what ever you need her for. I would help on saturday but I think I will be still be working on the car until we meet at 9am on sunday.
  19. I think RA Dunk is selling a brand new unfitted 2.1, well he was at the end of May, worth a pm
  20. Dingbro is where I got mine from
  21. Thanks for the replies, do you get replacement whiteline bushes to fit the alloy arms. I do have the kca 313 kit ready to go on.
  22. I have bought a pair of these for the front of my 97 wagon, but was wondering if my alloy whiteline drop links (klc 30)will fit? If not do whiteline do a drop link that will fit
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