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Big Gordon

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Everything posted by Big Gordon

  1. Great stuff Peter, looking forward to seeing and hearing it in the metal.
  2. Awesome car mate, love it. I love Subarus but i'd take one of those over the Impreza hatch any day.
  3. Sorry to hear that Duncan, glad you got it back mate and hope the damage isn't too bad.
  4. Looks great Peter, very intimidating
  5. great pics and vids everyone. Will need to try and make one of these runs. Looked like a great weekend.
  6. Looking great Bobby, nice one mate
  7. Cracking pics Neil and Mark. Mark, love the one of the XR2 up on 2 wheels.
  8. Love reading your posts Grant when you have a little rant, top class that man
  9. Outstanding, looks brilliant
  10. They look awesome mate, nice one
  11. I fill mine every 6 days, but i knew it would be thirsty and i don't mind. Of both my cars the Scoob is by far the most economical one
  12. I've had 3 windscreens in mine in 2yrs . Everytime hit with a stone and instant crack, never just had a chip.
  13. Welcome mate. The WR1 is one of my favourites, nice one
  14. Graeme, that's some clip, absolutely mental.
  15. That's great stuff Imy, thanks for the update. Very proud to have been a part of it all
  16. Looks good Barry. If your other cars are anything to go by then you'll have this looking stunning in no time
  17. Awesome brakes Keira, nice one
  18. Looks good Robert, you did mention at the last Central meet that you'd have a go at making something. It's only taken you a month then Kidding mate, like it, great first effort.
  19. What a difference, looks great Imy Colin, top job fella
  20. Try contacting Cuscokid on here, he does all my servicing and stamps your book. Excellent prices and service.
  21. Welcome aboard mate, stunning car, love it
  22. Nice one Colin. I had new pads put on mine recently and had problems with seized pistons. It'll either be a refurb or new calipers at next service. Was the piston kit expensive mate?
  23. Don't worry Gus, the only place that decal looks any good is on the bonnet of my Trans Am.
  24. Guys, posted this as a bit of a joke. Thought that those of you who know me and my cars would find it funny. That's not really my car I actually thought it looked daft
  25. Yeah, a '79 trans am.
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