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Everything posted by jac

  1. Thanks for the heads up on this guys, ma phone was red hot by 8am
  2. Steven is da man, my 2.35 is getting built there the now.
  3. Motal RBF 600 is the one to go for, just make sure you drain out all your old fluid when changing. http://www.motul-oil.co.uk/motul%20data%20...8069%20(GB).pdf
  4. Its sitting to high at the front
  5. Secret squirell stuff is looking good John
  6. That was **** hot mate Just loved the nice spreading of JAM it made it for me
  7. Jim put me down for a massive appendage also
  8. Jac, your not sugessting that jim planned to hit that lampost so he could get to "stage rex rocket 2" and smoke everyone
  9. LOL John did Jim not tell you he eventually needed a pace maker to keep up...
  10. Jim the link is not working... I remember your Rex rocket, you humped us all in the beginning with less power... There is some thing brewing... History has a tendency to repeat its self ...
  11. Hey, i like it and never seen it before
  12. Simon do you thing this year you will better your Crail times
  13. The duel fuel maps seems to tick all the boxes for most.
  14. Well done Duncan, it's been a long road for you but you got there in the end. Car looks sheet hot and punching out nice drivable power. You must be a happy chappy What made you go for the simtech software ? Jac
  15. Good paintshop hear in kirkintilloch, Billy Huttons. Scoobymark got his last car sprayed by him and was over the moon with the results, very reasonable price too. Jac
  16. Yip looks like the fireblade will not happen this year. Don't think i will even be in the 500 club, because i will be running the md321h or at most get it coveted to a t on a 2.38. not looking for big numbers, more reliability.
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