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l2 nrm

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Everything posted by l2 nrm

  1. no not a L plate thats my plate lol mite just get a panle filter and put on my de cat to make up for loss of noise by not fitting induction kit lol
  2. what do you guys think?i did fit a pipercross induction kit but car didnt seam to run right with it think may have been caused by the 3wires goin to mas tho but unsure was swiftly removed and standard box fitted again!thought about a panel filter to give better airflow and some hole in spare air box lid for some induction note?
  3. same question was always curious also is it worth doing?
  4. i rember when i was about 15 i found a wallet with quite alot of money cards etc in it so i looked thru got driving licence which obv had address on it went to the mans door to return it a grumpy old man answered the door and abruptly took the wallet no thanks of nothing was rather disipointed as i could have taken the lot
  5. sound cheers mate pal is chuffed now lol
  6. hey guys mate is doing rebuild with a sti block and is just curious how you set the timing after having heads off and all timing gear pullys etc off?unsure about timing marks on the new block (2nd hand) rather be safe than sorry! cheers guys if makes any diffrence its a 1995 N wrx import (older type engine) ej20 iirc
  7. happy new year guys
  8. AGREED just makes me want to have a shot at the sport just knowing where to start lol he was a legend always will be
  9. how about we say no more about it but post his address on every scottish fourm and see what happens ha ha ha
  10. is that the one with the castle in the middle cant really see in the pix?looks similar!
  11. very good well wrote also but got mine on sat not too keen on the air freshener tho lol :frosty:
  12. have to rember this CAN ADMIN ADD THIS TO UPAND CUMING EVENTS???
  13. hi and welcome enjoy the site
  14. hi and welcome enjoy the site and your car looks nice i would change the wheels too lol
  15. not again no more graphs
  16. yeh i think they do fit!my mate that works at indy cars was goin to fit v6 interior to his v3 sti si guess the newer ones fit
  17. have you tryed ebay? glenburgie cars?
  18. i like alot
  19. yeh must be sad lol read every post almost
  20. ha ha ha
  21. rear ended by sumin big (bus van lorry) pushed into a car sitting infront over two lanes but more to the right impreza in middle and the motor that did rear end damage in 3rd lane goin to quick and didnt judge the gap rite lol just a idea
  22. bet some one is gutted tho lol
  23. when did i say it was his?
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