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l2 nrm

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Everything posted by l2 nrm

  1. think we should write them a email and complain
  2. saw a white classic impreza goin past my work (speyside cooperage)about 20 2 1 today!any one from here?my car was sitting in the car park looking sorry for itself all dirty fecking weather
  3. even better get it sent to your work then you could have a read of it insted sounds more intresting to me beats working
  4. o my i must say sorry for spoiling the suprise ha ha never kno mite be your wii after all
  5. just got the new mag in this am! few good articals and pix
  6. think i saw it sitting on the rd between lhanbryd (sp) and fogwat?
  7. welcome to the site full of friendly people hope you enjoy your car
  8. Thats what i was thinking!
  9. thats quite too lol now am really undecided
  10. scoobyDAZZA is that lads user name looks kinda like mine in1st few pix
  11. quite like your one but black on my car i think saw one in other thred show your car on the last few pages looks good
  12. can you get some pix up
  13. cheers mate like to make a effort!just shame want manage to make it down to drop off cash in person
  14. can you get some pix up mate cheers scott
  15. hey guys wanting every ones opinion!i have a white import impreza its a 1996 face lift with white alloys!thinking about going for rally slag look!full graphics kit what do youz think?any pictures of what you think would look good would be very handy!saw a smart looking white classic on one of the sites advertised at top of this page! cheers scott
  16. cheers and thanks to admin for moving topic
  17. smart not sure if will suit my car lol
  18. cheers shame cant drop it off in person just got a 330£ gas bill for 3months time to change gas company lol
  19. thought it was looks like a car i saw at keithhall cars (iirc) its called that
  20. tidy do you have full grafikit? was thinking about getting some on my classic lol any pix get some up please
  21. but then again they only bought a new age as easyer to get a decent one!lol other then eastenders who spent time looking for a decent classic ha ha :kerstsmiley: :madnoel: classic's rule
  22. s60 bby? just guessing what would make a plate and thought of that ending lol
  23. And again turns out not to be a baddy after all!Ryans dad mix up at birth!read it in the paper today lol than saw it at nyt!am sad lol
  24. cheers i will post total once i have collected all cash :kerstsmiley:
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