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About irn_bru

  1. When i bought a second car and started a multicar policy with Admiral,they applied the same NCB i had for the scoob to the 2nd car. Not totally sure how this works but in my reasoning its coz i cant drive them both at the same time Colin.
  2. A few guys from work have been using Nitrogen for a while now. They say that tyres hold pressure for longer and also claim better mpg. Price?, one guy got his done for free at quick-fit and another was charged £1 per tyre. Worth a try?? As for tyres,I had the Re070's in 17" and hated them,car tramlined all over the place.Have used the Toyo t1's in both 17" and 18" and love them.Had them on right through the winter and even made it up single track country roads to the stables when the Disco got stuck the previous day. Hope this helps, Colin.
  3. The van is at Sands Of Luce,I think its called.Lovely looking big beach but the wind cant half blow. My folks are there just now and complaining how cold it is. Colin.
  4. Crackin looking motor m8 Im down your way a fair bit as my folks have a caravan down there. Where do you guys get decent fuel?,for the life of me,i can only find normal unleaded. Cheers, Colin.
  5. Hate to see this mate. Hope the cowards responsible got frost bite on their most delicate parts while doing this. Oh wait,they cant.Feckers have none!!!! Fix her up,keep yer chin high and dont give anyone the satisfaction of seeing you down. Feel for you. Colin. Ps. I honestly believe "what goes around,comes around"
  6. Again,sorry to read about your troubles. Did the police charge your "mate" with theft of the motor? If so,then how can the insurance company argue it was not stolen? Cant you just realise that you infact were driving at the time but the bump on the head made you forget? Insurance companies,ppfff hate them,quick enough to take the money............ Colin.
  7. If my understanding is correct,servicing can be carried out at any garage you choose as long as genuine parts are used? Doesn't offer any/much saving on parts but can save a whole lot on labour costs. The value of having all the stamps from the main dealer??? I thought about it for around 5secs then phoned Hypertech If anyone disagrees,then please feel free to correct me. Colin. If it's any help,my servicing has been done at Hypertech and I have just had struts replaced under warrenty at main dealer.
  8. Done a bit of reading into the laws regarding towing. Im guessing that you guys passed your driving test after 1997? It is all a bit hard to understand but if i am correct,you may not actually need to sit a towing test,depending on the weight being towed??? I hope someone with more knowledge can put me right as i am about to start towing a horsebox Colin.
  9. Try Admiral,not sure why but they seem to work out the cheapest for me.
  10. Like that alot. Colin.
  11. Jesus m8,can't believe the run you are having. How bad is the damage? Colin.
  12. Nail was too close to the side-wall.Needed another new tyre. Should have the windscreen fixed tomorrow hopefully. Colin.
  13. Firstly a great big nail in an almost new tyre and this morning on my way home from work a nice big crack in my windscreen. : Was sooo looking forward to my bed but am now sitting by the phone waiting on window peeps calling back. I really hope theses things dont happen in 3's. Colin.
  14. I tend to nod/wave/aknowledge ANY Subaru I see. Does lead to a few blank looks but who cares...... Colin.
  15. Yeah,was wondering about that too? Colin.
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