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Posts posted by paul555sti

  1. Cheer for the comments.

    Scot the seat are rather snug :thumbup: ( when i mentioned to her in doors she might not fit i got a slap )

    Greig pm on its way.

    Dan i got the seats from ebay and they are quite rare in this country ( i think they are anyway ).

  2. For this year :(

    First of all a massive thanks to big Tam ( tommytcut ) for helping me and letting me use his garage. :thumbup:

    Fitted an evo style number plate , new sun strip and best of all my new ( 2nd hand ) seats.





    Cant wait for Saturdays borders run now.

  3. You ever sat in the seats watching tv?? THE TRUTH

    I can honestly say no. I have tried them. Her indoors is going mad as they are sat where the christmas tree will be going. I have promised to try and get them in the car next week when i am off. I dont think she has worked out that the set that come out will be taking place of them until i can sell them. :huh:

  4. 1. Cruz104

    2. BigBird

    3. Midnight 21

    4. Jonboy and the Mrs

    5. Bobby C

    6. Scoobysailor and family

    7. Rallyfever & the Mrs as she will be then

    8. whitecarbon

    9. StrikE

    10. Jim dbm

    11. Paul555sti

    12. lv-426

    13......(not me)

    14. marky.t.s

    15. Kaylz_555 + the Mr.

    Got my dates mixed up! It's my weekend off :huh:

    Bobby you wont need to keep me awake.

    Kaylz if you are stuck for a lift you are welcome with me and Bobby.

  5. I think he has a look on here back and forward but he hasnt signed up. He comes along to the central region meets now. If you dont have any luck with information on here you could try the p1 owners club or scoobynet. My cars going well, i treated myself to some new seats , i just need to try and get them fitted now.

  6. i know RA`s have ariels on the A pillar but no rear wiper, i know mine has, dunno why you have got both of these though, maybe a different feature on the early cars?

    try across here m8 www.type-ra.co.uk

    Whats the model code on the car?

  7. Its really a very valid point.

    People shouldnt be on the phone and it COULD cause an accident BUT it might not happen.

    I think if you are honest, you have at some point used your cellular phone enroute to some place or another. please be honest.

    Ive done it, youve done it, theyve done it.

    Just because the Police and the Government have stepped up their quest to stop people doing it, doesnt mean that everyone will change overnight.

    Dont get stressed about it. Eventually it will stop.

    Maybe you should try soaking in a lovely bath until your eggs go soggy them stretch the satchel over yer heed tho

    Just when i thought you were going to make a full post with out mentioning eggs. :D

  8. I am an ex smoker and regularly smoked whilst driving and even burnt the back seat of my old orion when i flicked the fag out the drivers window and the head of it flew back in and landed on the back seat. :waving-santa:

    Taken from this website


    The bottom couple of lines.

    Smoking Whilst Driving

    From 1st of July 2007 it will be illegal to smoke in any public spaces and workplaces in England. The introduction of the new law also means that it will be illegal to smoke in vehicles that are used to transport members of the public or if they are used by more than one person for the purposes of work (paid or unpaid) whether they are travelling in the vehicle at the same time or not.

    The ban also means that it will be illegal for both drivers and passengers to light up in all taxis and private hire vehicles. This means that drivers will not be able to smoke in their cab, even if they have no passengers.

    All vehicles that are required to be smokefree must display a no smoking sign which must show the international symbol for "No Smoking" and must be 70 mm across or more.

    Private vehicles, or those that are used mainly for private purposes will not be required to be smokefree.

    Lighting up behind the wheel in Scotland can already cost you £60 as in 2006 smoking whilst driving was banned as part of the Scottish Highway Code. In-car smoking is banned in Brazil and in Germany, they are attempting to impose a smoking ban whilst driving.

  9. so your saying it unsafe to smoke whilist driving stephen?

    I wouldnt say its the actual smoking thats unsafe but the lighting of the fag and flicking ash in an ash tray, which will involve taking your eyes of the road. Just as dangerous as using a phone i would have thought.

  10. A justified complaint. Talking on the phone whilst driving is not on.

    Neither is smoking.

    (flame jacket on)

    :waving-santa: I never understand how this is allowed / ignored but there is a huge outcry about phones ( rightly so )

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