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little vodka goblin

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Everything posted by little vodka goblin

  1. Stu, they're fantastic - really can't wait to see the rest of them now!
  2. Ah no problem Stu, we're just an impatient bunch really!
  3. No worries mate, these things happen. Thanks heavens it was a simple fix, when our type R did something similar to that it ended up costing us...................................................well just think of a number and double it! We'll see you next time, I'll post details in here as soon as a date is confirmed
  4. After a little stop off at the local KFC for a quick bite to eat we are now home. Thanks to Iain and Stu for a great afternoon, what a perfect excuse for a drive out in the scoob. As already stated it was really good to put names to faces and I hope to see you all soon. Oh and Stu, no need to blank out my reg either as I'll be putting the personal plates on soon Whoops almost forgot to say that I can't wait to see the pics either
  5. We knew Kim wouldn't undertake them but I bet she was having a good moan about them!
  6. Yep, pretty much just got in Glad you enjoyed yourself tonight
  7. Phil, was really good to meet you, I hope you had an enjoyable evening, we certainly did. Thanks ever so much for coming and hope to see you again soon
  8. Shame you couldn't make it we had a really good night, hope you get the problem sorted out soon and it's not too expensive!
  9. Scoob washed, polished & waxed - see you all later
  10. Any room for a little red Blobeye WRX from Bedfordshire?
  11. Be good to meet you, looking forward to it
  12. Looking good guys, Kim we'll meet you on the bypass as usual
  13. Good luck mate, let us know how you get on
  14. Be good to see you guys, sorry for the delay in getting back to you I've been on my hols in Dorset and have only just got back
  15. Here's the link guys if you're interested and it'd be nice for Kim to have a bit of company on the drive over for a change Bedfordshire meet 22nd August
  16. 1. Big 'D' ................ Y 2. Stum450n .............. ? 3. Joe will ................. Y 4. Michael_Jenkins ............... Y 5. Gc8r ............... ? 6. Bailey73........Y 7. Little Green Goblin......Y 8. Woodcote...........Y 9. DaOne & Mrs DaOne...........Y (weather dependent) 10. scoobyger................Y 11. Ed + SP........ (tbc) 12. Ace555..............N Looking good Iain
  17. Guys If you don't get a meet sorted out you're more than welcome to come over to the Bedfordshire meet @ Dunstable on 22nd August - I know it would be a bit of a drive for you but hey what an excuse to drive your scoobs
  18. 1. Big 'D' ................ Y 2. Stum450n .............. ? 3. Joe will ................. Y 4. Michael_Jenkins ............... Y 5. Gc8r ............... ? 6. Bailey73........Y 7. Little Green Goblin......Y 8. Woodcote...........Y 9. DaOne & Mrs DaOne...........Y (weather dependent) 10. ?
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