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Posts posted by StewartyBoy

  1. wow settle doon oot there ya moany bunch of wimmen thats nothing. for crying oot loud its a car it wont last forever and small bumps happen aw the time

    im very passionate of my cars and try to take great care of them but at the end of the day its there to be driven fast slow bumppy smooth off road on road etc etc do yous treat yer wimmen or guys or even kids with that much passion?

    get a grip grow up and accept it as LIFE

    After all youll sell at sum point and then not gie a s**** about the bloody thing

    Who is this guy...? I wish you were as passionate about your grammar.

    He lent someone the car to commute, not to razz the a*** out of. He should have enough respect for the owner to understand, that although the car IS made to go fast over bumpy B-Roads it doesnt mean that it needs to when it isnt yours.

    It also isnt designed to mate with a bollard.

  2. We use magnetic sump plugs in the tractors we supply. They are used for the hydraulics tanks as well as engine sumps. At every service they are checked, its amazing the amount of crap that can build up on some machines.

  3. You know that they say, guys think of sex every six seconds. Looking at the pics of those cars, it really doesnt surprise me that the part of my head that thought of sex has now been replaced with Impreza's.

  4. Ive been texting Richie tonight, apparently he's on earlies just now so hopefully I can help. Richie's wagon had a sportscat fitted way before a remap, infact I'm sure it was over a year before Rich remapped the car, as he waited until a larger turbo and STi intercooler were fitted.

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