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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. Lol fair enought, SP is pritty handy at cleaning!
  2. Easy peasy [] Sure Ed can give you a few tips. lol
  3. Just had solicitor back on phone and have agreed a settlement! money should be with me in about 2 - 3 weeks but cant name and shame due to the contract i sign! im over the moon - i have just over a grand to spend on my scooby now so lets hope i can get her back on the road for that amount! It be double trouble then lol.
  4. Yes deffo, Think next months going to be busy too!!!! Also with the offical SIDCmeets and the possability of local meets in Weston its going to be great fun!
  5. Well done S.p, Take 25% of the winnings and go on a speanding spreee lol. Glad its good news. Lets hope the shopping order goes well too [] Well done [Y]
  6. Well driving back to Bristol behind Edmindo, i was listening to Trivium - Detonation! Caused me to use a bit of creative driving lol.
  7. You unplugged it to limit the "Cough whore posts cough" lol
  8. We will SP. [] Busy today?
  9. And Parker and Ed teased me saying i was chav!, That boot installs agressive, i like it! Good way to get out of putting anything in your boot lol.
  10. I got no hoola skirts or sandles lol. But ill wear a fancy bright shirt tho [].
  11. Kryten []
  12. 5"6 going on 6" but fluctuates dailey! what you talking about now monki,,this is a family site pmsl Lowering the tone then parker haha. No i was on about my hight!!! After the wax last night the rain has not effecting the finish at all[] Must have been the Swindon rain lol.
  13. And iv got proff of "ED" cleaning his car lol. Saved SP a job []
  14. Lol Parkers going to get chicken pox, []. Bailey isnt sure weather his wife and little un is comming as its a early start. Im sure he let you know Lou. Monki.
  15. lol. What sort of ice have you installed? does it sound and look the dogs?
  16. 5"6 going on 6" but fluctuates dailey!
  17. Its only a P1, and it can look as filthy as the ex gf was in the joy dept if i want it to be!!!! [] Just dont go writing comment in the dirt as i dont want scratch marks lol
  18. did someone pay you to say that..lol I think someone may have lol.!
  19. One icon to sum it up! [+o(]
  20. Imagin Parker buy a red nurses uniform for the hoola contest not realising its hawian fancy dress lol.
  21. Well if it does rain sunday at least the AWD system will do its job!
  22. Lol someone's internet not working []
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