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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. Banned for Life Twice? God arent some people so lucky
  2. Aww poor kid, Shame the recaros arent that supoportive for the kid falls asleep I sometimes fall asleep at the wheel but thats another storie haha, Yeh the bucket eseats in my P1 are quite supportive i just cant fall asleep no matter how hard i try.
  3. Hah you joking? I done this on my own back as you guys are my friends, If you wants I wouldent give a moo and leave it be lol. They are still usiong yer pics SP? Get em bk
  4. Me in my P1 Bring it on! Funny enought i have applyed to the RAF as a ICT Specilist.
  5. Funking love this thread, very informative haha. Well if your a troll JD i just me a Gollum, as i browse and post on these forums on and off. Depends if i have internet access at work or not. As at home I usally just chillax or i go out offroading TURRFFINg up RUPP routes Oh the Vitara whatta car! lol.
  6. Awsome glad to hear it Recaro all the way
  7. Welcome both of you to SIDC, great club, friendly people. Monki.
  8. Lol what a pointless thread thats straght to the point lol.
  9. No no need to case offence it wasnt what I intended. I just think everyone deserves a fair trial. And I know when Subarus enthusiast are in one place at one time its like Church singers at a Sunday service singing in Harmony.
  10. **** me not my business, but Sws sounds like our government, changing polices, agreeing on things behinds the nations back (Gordon brown signing the EU constitution behind the queens back) I dont get in to club politics, I join a club to meet people and to make new friends, Tiny I met you once and you seem a resonable down to earth chap, You at least deserve to know the real reason to why the voted to bann you! I heard They deleted Elli's post for sticking up you bless her soul. Hey shall I post on there as well saying you deserve to know the truth and reson behind it? I may get banned my self but who cares? Im just a pathetic member who hasnt payed up so that must mean im a phasant living in the dirty back streets with no say?
  11. I like it how all the peeps are down there trying to scavenge for pennies, when in that heat it would have all melted in to on big molten clump
  12. Nice pics,
  13. Looking good bud! HOpe your well and keeping safe!
  14. Opppsssssss i didnt fart honest!
  15. On your forehead? :S
  16. Yeh im trying to look few prodrive recaros for my car but they are gold dust
  17. Well done Ed and SP, Its nice to see you to have worked threw things. Dont worrie about money problems we aall have them at some point. Glad you to are still happy and going strong Regards Monki "Nuts"
  18. As allways i cant make it
  19. Would have been a medium skip and parked on a drive, but after the amount of rubbish i threw out i think a extra extra extra large skip was needed lol.
  20. Looks almost liek my Nans garag now after iv spent the last few months lazely cleaning it out.
  21. Ill be with the P1woc again. But ill be around SIDC for a chat
  22. Lol the ystickers are a fair size, so two on the bonnent may be over kill? But each to there own
  23. Good pics there. Each meet i see is making me more determined to clear some debt and have the scooby out in all weathers
  24. So that be a year then?
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