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Everything posted by colvin_hendy

  1. Count me in for this one but you will have to explaine to me where it is???? Col List so far:- S.P / Edmondo Bailey73 Bruce no 1 Bonerp MrH
  2. very nice mate looks nice and shiney got to do mine but the beer is calling my name tonight so my little baby has to stay on the driveway all by herself! but will be washing polishing and then polishing again tomorrow
  3. taking my daughter and miserable misses to longlete on the monday! hoping for some more nice weather and hoping i can dump the misses in one of the cages somewhere!!!!
  4. work???? whats that then? not sure i know what it means! someone asked me earlier today to do some but nah i dont think so that would just get in the way of my coffee breaks
  5. Im here back online again now i got my darn internet stuff sorted out again!!! will be on most nights again now and just about recovered from the meet on sunday now! all that running!
  6. Craig excellent pics mate well done again!. Kaz what you saying???? me cream crackered???? no.... me was VERY VERY VERY cream crackered!!!! i can hardly keep my eyes open now, and im gona have a couple of stellas and go to bed! but all in all an amasing day and well the weather held out well, and those nice park wardens!!! thanks all Col
  7. Hi All i have just taken delivery of 5packs of 12 warburtons bread rolls, 3packs 16 walls sausages and and about 40 odd 100% beef, beef burgers i was starting to think my contact had let me down but he turned up this morning with the goodies!!!! Should be a good day i hope!!!! see you all tomorrow at castle combe!!! Col
  8. yep see you at japfest, see weather last night!!! they are saying rain!!! never mind though should still be a good day
  9. Craigy thats 10:45 at the peartree shell garage yeah??? Col
  10. Kaz what time you be passing the faringdon round about on the A420? as i'll pick up the convoy there!!! Col
  11. what route you taking from esso to m4 ???
  12. well been offline for a while!! a lot of work going on, glad to be back though!!! well this sounds like a great idea, me and the bro are well up for the paintball ing an excellent day out that
  13. sure i know the place but!!! brains fading with the age like!!!!
  14. hi all does everyone know where this venue is???? craig could do one of his wizkid jobs and stick a link up!!! just so anyone not from the area knows for sure where there going!!!
  15. oh yes its going to be a good day! providing this nice sunny weather stays!!!
  16. have you got time to pop down to wantage? can get them fitted for you at ats for free!!!
  17. can get those T1R's at £77 each !!!
  18. i have been recomended subaru4you by someone recently aswell gave them a call they seem like the place i will try for my next service
  19. 1. SHESCOOBY & DAVE & kiddies 2. craigy & co ( kiss chase as a game??) 3. Ben & Emma (Possibly Dave) 4.Leigh & sarah 5.wimpy & gang 6.SISUBARU & ali 7.Dave T 8.Racing Snake 9.MonkiP1 10. MrH (possibly the bro tooo) Come on people get your names done Just to let you all know i have secured 30 burgers and 40 sausages for a pricely sum of dont even worry about it there FREE of charge!!!!![] is that good enough, just gotta ask the sales lady's nicely!!! cant get rolls though i am talking to my sister inlaw that works in the bakers oven and im sure i'll get something out of her!!! Colvin
  20. yep we are having a bbq so why not all come over top day then make a great meet! everyone get your names down, see the oxons section!!!!
  21. Hi, you should come to the oxon meets mate there are others from swindon that do, keep an eye on the oxon section, next meet is looking like 20th may after japshow Colvin
  22. yeah i was told to tear it but i didnt bother!!! wanted to use a larger piece!!! to use it best just do the spray on about a quater of a panel at a time and rub the clay once youve rolled it a little to make it a little more plyable, it takes so long i dont do it very often except in the summer, used to spend two days cleaning my astra!
  23. Hey me jelous wanna swap!!! looking real nice allready mate! yes the meguires clay is amasing stuff, i gotta get some more though!!! dappy fool me dropped mine in the road, grit stuck all over it???? Colvin
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