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Everything posted by colvin_hendy

  1. Craigy will let you know asap on this new date!!! as im off down weston meet on the 29th and im staying down there so may not be back for the tues? not sure yet! Col
  2. im planning the weston meet mate but jd is joining another group for the crealy event SP hows you doing? seems a while since i been online latley!!! hows the planning going on this weston event/meet? we got places times etc... will we be actually going into weston and parking near sea for some good photos? Col
  3. Does anyone know of a good DJ in the oxon area? that doesnt charge silly money and is avaliable on the 4th august thanks
  4. going to try and make it as planned to go to the last but other comitments stopped that plan!!!
  5. thanks all im not sure what to do yet!!!! but well tempted to get a new one! Been offered a very good price for mine you see so i have to seriously think about this idea! Was thinking of a WR1 but im starting to go off the colour!!! not sure so thats why me considering a new wrx or even an sti, its just the extra loan im wondering about!!!
  6. Anyone know if these guys are worth buying a car from??? thinking of buying myself a new scoob and they seem rather cheep!!!! http://www.allbrandsnew.com/?gclid=CIOj5d2...CFRnjEAodfUL3cQ Cheers Colvin
  7. craig, i know how you feel mate as i did mine a short while back!!! a mate of mine used to have a card for a mobile wheel guy i will phone him and see if he still has the number Col
  8. ok i will keep an eye on this thread for date confirmation! but i am definately coming down to this one whatever the date
  9. Jaquie (SP) well done on this meet what a good turn out wow!!!! when's the next one??? great to meet you all and as i was the only one from the oxon way thank you all for being so welcoming!!!!! [Y] Cheers mate although felt a complete prat when my mother had to remind me who you where cause i know i had seen you before but just could not put name to face! i think thats just a sign of getting old as it happens to me toooooo always remember faces but not names!!!!
  10. gutted to have missed what sounds like was a quality day, but my 6yr old daughter took me bowling!!!! well i gues her mum probally paid but it was good!!!! i will be there next time round though!
  11. People intrested:- s.p/edmondo Parker Monki Royal scooby MrH What a top id ea for a meet you can count me in on this one!!!! will it be deffinately the 29th july? as i will book the Monday off after and stay down over night in a b&b or something Col
  12. some excellent pics there!!! Craigy shame you didnt get there mate was a good night hope that the scoobs not to ill !!! looking forward to the next meet
  13. just seen the thread and my name is down
  14. Edmondo and SP thats excellent news cant wait!!!! once again well done to you both on a well organised meet
  15. Jaquie (SP) well done on this meet what a good turn out wow!!!! when's the next one??? great to meet you all and as i was the only one from the oxon way thank you all for being so welcoming!!!!! [Y]
  16. thats a nice looking install there top job
  17. Ben Sorry mate im up for it, should have put my name down!!!! please add me Col
  18. im in for a curry, the best food on the planet!!!! 1. Craigy & Mrs Craigy 2. Ben & Em's ( Mr & Mrs BEN) 3. Shescooby & Smiley 4. pezza 5. Racing Snake 6. leigh & sarah 7. wimpy & nat 8.MrH (Col) +1 oh yes curries you cant get a better english meal!!!!
  19. well wish them a happy birthday from me then!!! or though they will say who!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! have a good weekend! they having a little party? we will all have a good day im sure, ive even got my daughter coming with me to this one Col
  20. well i am amazed at this its going to be one big meet!!! see you all tomorrow night
  21. you do a top job SP i found the other thread in the end!!!
  22. im sure he will be more than happy with the extra custom on shandy's and coke!!! might even be able to flog some food to us hungry people aswell?
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