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Everything posted by colvin_hendy

  1. now that will be worth thinking about!!! cheers
  2. Hey there All Anyone know a good reasonable place around oxon for garage doors? i want to get a new one with big fat locks to protect my scoob as she will be parked up a lot now ive got the navada
  3. SP hows you? i need to pay you for that t-shirt? also sorry for not saying hi at santa pod last week you walked straight past me and i was in a world of my own!!!! heavy night of booze the night before! Also didnt even managed to round to the SIDC stand? Got there early and left well early just wasnt up to it, i must cut down the drinking! Bad news bad weekend i think all round, brain just wasnt in gear! Col
  4. Hi All seems like an age again since i been!!!! will try to make this one as i didnt make the ball, what a bit of bad luck the only day i could get the move into my new place the same weekend as the ball!!! and can only get online once in a while as im still waiting for BT to turn my phoneline on!!! and im running out of money fast!!! spent a blooming fortune on new furniture and carpets, and i finally bought a new motor!!!!! Not a scoob though??? bought a Nissan Navara crewcab turbo diesel thing, not sure if im that happy with it??? seems a bit slow compared to the scoob! But then i cant complain as i still got the scoob, should save some miles on her now and maybe some cash on the fuel bill? See you all soon???
  5. Hi Mate Mine was sent recorded delivery, have you been carded by the postie!!! i had to go to the post office collections dept to collect mine!!!
  6. Hey All you looked at this mag yet? Craigy's car made page 24 and Phil's on the next page in the JAE feature A good mag and well worth the few pennies it cost.
  7. Hey there All See you all tonight! and dont forget to bring some extra £'s to buy those microfibre cloths they are excellent and all the money from them goes to the SIDC £1 per cloth and they are real good ones See you all laters, i'll be there at about 8pm!!!
  8. HI ALL i for got to mention that these little babies have also got WIFI (wireless) and BLUETOOTH built in!!! yep i know i must be mad selling these so cheap
  9. just sent you a PM with my Mob number incase you are interested mate
  10. ok mate, let me know as i dont think they will hang around to long at such a cheap price!
  11. Yes this certainly is a seriously good deal mate! only seling them this cheap cus i dont need them and they are taking up space in the cupboard!
  12. All I have ready to go, if anyone is interested let me know, i can deliver in local area (around wantage, newbury, abingdon etc...) or you can collect, i am also will ing to post to you via tnt ONLY this one left!!!! Forgot to say before, it has WIFI and Bluetooth built in!!!! HP nc6000 laptop Petium M 1400mhz processor (equizerlant to a 2.6gig petium 4) 1gig Memory ram 15" TFT Screen mint no dead pixels 40gig hard drive USB ports infedred etc... plus all the normal pc ports DVD &CD rewriter drive touchpad mouse external usb mouse AC power adaptor etc etc etc... A fresh install of: Winddows XP Pro with COA licence office xp pr 2003 Will sell this one for offers around £220 10% from the sale of this lovely machine will be donated to the SIDC I do take payment through paypal aswell, please note only selling these as i no longer have the need for 4 pc's in my house!!! Just to let you all know that i will be bringing some of my excellent microfibre cloths to this months swindon meet, they will be the same as usual at £1 each, i only have 45 of these left and all the money i get from them will be donated to the SIDC for support etc for whatever the need might be! See you all on the 14th and bring you £1's Col
  13. Ed Could you let people know that i will be bringing some of my excellent microfibre cloths to this meet, they will be the same as usual at £1 each, i only have 45 of these left and all the money i get from them will be donated to the SIDC for support etc for whatever the need might be! See you all on the 14th and bring you £1's Col
  14. All I have ready to go, if anyone is interested let me know, i can deliver in local area (around wantage, newbury, abingdon etc...) or you can collect, i am also will ing to post to you via tnt ONLY one left!!! FORGOT TO SAY it has WiFi and Bluetooth built in aswell!!!! HP nc6000 laptop Petium M 1400mhz processor (equizerlant to a 2.6gig petium 4) 1gig Memory ram 15" TFT Screen mint no dead pixels 40gig hard drive USB ports infedred etc... plus all the normal pc ports DVD &CD rewriter drive touchpad mouse external usb mouse AC power adaptor etc etc etc... A fresh install of: Winddows XP Pro with COA licence office xp pr 2003 Will sell this for offers around £220 10% from the sale of this will be donated to the SIDC I do take payment through paypal aswell, please note only selling these as i no longer have the need for 4 pc's in my house!!! Just to let you all know that i will be bringing some of my excellent microfibre cloths to this months swindon meet, they will be the same as usual at £1 each, i only have 45 of these left and all the money i get from them will be donated to the SIDC for support etc for whatever the need might be! See you all on the 14th and bring you £1's Col
  15. Thanks SP i see you got me down!!! cant wait been out of touch for what seems like way to long.....................but im back now!
  16. i had a feel the pcd was different! shame think they would look good with the blue!
  17. it is a seriously good phone, but the darn battery life is terrible! have to charge mine every single day??? my old K810i battery used to last for ever!!! but then maybe i spend to much time chatting on it? still got to use those 2000 minutes up!
  18. Craig are these still avaliable? and will they fit my bugeye? Also whats the asking price? Col
  19. just waiting for a date from the developers as to when the appartment and yes there will be a party!!!
  20. Arr bless you all Thanks, im on the way to being sorted just had a firm offer on the house! only been on sale for less than a week? and i just put a deposit in for a new place in Wantage, a brand spanking new appartment well nice my own little party venue!!! and no more blooming gardening!!! Stange the way things go in life but hey i couldnt be happier now if i tried! i never smiled so much. See you all soon i hope
  21. Hi all Well gutted i didnt make it as in was really looking forward to the day! Hope you all had fun But got some personnal problems that have come up and kicked me in the backside not good but im sure i will come out the other end with half a house and a big big smile in the end!!! As i always see the bright side of things!!! if there is a bright side! Any way will hopefully see you guys somewhere soon, anyone want a 3 bedroom house in a nice little village with a very very large garden and 3 car length drive? noly £319.995 bargain!
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