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About scouk

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  1. until

    Damn!! Can't believe I only just found out about this event... :'( Hope y'all have a great run!
  2. That's what I keep telling myself.... still waiting....
  3. Still about.. now and again... sort of.... and no I aint selling
  4. Still here.. Mostly in spirit Still have the scoob.. Would like to build up a mcrae gathering webpage in remembrance of the great man and the large scale event that was...
  5. Just a reminder, I still have the SIDC Gazebo in case it's required for anything this year
  6. D'oh! Only just picked up on this thread.. Been out in the wilderness Although the extended re-run of the Fling '14 last week was damn good fun!! Cheers guys! Yeah the day was a good fun all in all.! Touch of scooby detailing in the morning, no stress levels through the day just everyone ralaxed and having lots of fun! Shame we don't quite have the same numbers of SIDC members in the area or would have tried to arrange a proper drive past the Liachmoray Although naturally scoobies were used for the grooms wedding cars
  7. In some way maybe... But the issue is emphaised somewhat and difficult to miss. still.. it's only cosmetic..
  8. True.. but sanded down the affected area a few days ago to make the small blistery bit smooth for applying the vinyl. So Now got a nice white dot on the roof
  9. Hoping to do the convoy through to Inverness. Dunno if I'll get my roof patched in time though 1. Davey L WRX 2. IanamBroon 3. Brum J 4. ScoUK
  10. Damn! that sucks!! Feel for ya mate!
  11. As above.. WRX 300 was a kinda last hurra for the blog WRX. No Sti bits but pretty much every optional WRX goody thrown onto it for good measure! PPP installed, Body & interior styling all upgraded from standard! Agree the quoted price above seems steep for what it is.. I'm a little out of touch with pricing at the moment but I'd hagger a ball-park guess for around 4-5k average for that age of WRX... Possibly squeeze 5-6k based on a well looked after limited edition and low milage! Having said that the advert above suggests it may have sold for much more... Not a definitive answer but hopefully gives you an idea. the WRX 300 is a kinda rarely and not everyone knows about its existence, sometimed confused with UK300 which is the tricked out bugeye WRX which was seemingly more popular.. Some other special editions are considered more valuable e.g. WR1 from that era but it was based on the STi and prodrive really went to town on it.. But the WRX300 it was still a limited edition.and still deserves a premuim price over standard WRX's IMHO
  12. I think after doing other suspension parts i.e. springs/coilovers and anti roll bar bits yes... Steering rack bushes were the last handling mod I did to my scoob. Does seem to give more 'feel' through the steering but didn't really make any noticeable difference to outright technical handling, but did give a bit more confidence in the steering. Think there's just too much weight over the front end and currently considering removing front crash bar to see if that helps.. or at least repalcing it with a lighter mod version so it still triggers the airbags properly in teh off chance something was ever to happen.
  13. EEEewwwwwww!!! #NSFW
  14. Depends.. Deer left more physical damage.. The bird just made a mess of the intercooler.
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