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Everything posted by cupradave

  1. Thank you, not nessesarily spending my money where I wanted to be spending on the car this year but I am really pleased with the way it has turned out, I always have next year
  2. Thanks folks, as said I have bought a whole new car cleaning kit so keeping it sweet should be relatively easy. The car will never see a cheap sponge again Rizla, the bonnet is a Seibon number, there are a few places that sell them and prices seems to vary somewhat. I paid £435 from Amber Performance, they were the only company I could find who were happy to ship it to the Isle of Man
  3. While I was on holiday across, last week Tim from Envy Professional Valeting came to my Grandparents house to spend some time detailing my car, 11 hours to be exact :eek: I tried to take some before pics, excuse the out of focus ones it was early In need of a clean I think you will agree but bear in mind it had been driven from the Isle of Man to Northampton, then to Edinburgh, up to Dunfermline, back to Edinburgh, down to Darlington and then back to Northampton Tim arrived about 07:30 and after a cup of coffee he got cracking First were the wheels, then the first foam mix Second foam mix was more like shaving foam After a couple of bacon butties and another cuppa it Tim gave the car a wash after drying the car it was then time for the clay bar once the car had been clayed, Tim spent around an hour and a half finding a pad and polish combination he was happy with on my car then proceeded to machine the car bit of a half and half shot once the machining was done, Tim conditioned the paint work then applied the wax because the machining took so long (due to the car never haviung had this done before I think) by this time the light was fading so the flood lamps came out so Tim could finish waxing The car was then tucked away in the garage for the night I brought it out again the following day for some pics of the fruits of Tim's labour Well worth the money I think you will agree. I have now gone out and bought a whole load of new stuff for cleaning the Scoob and used it the other day to clean the journey from Northampton back to the island off the car. Tim I cant thank you enough mate, the car looks outstanding.
  4. not so sure about that mate I very reluctantly sold my wee XR2 last night, I think Hels was as sad to see it go as I was, so I said to her "I could always get another one at some point" and her response was "or you could just spend more money on the Scooby"
  5. OH YES!! So much for it being finished and me not needing to spend more money on it, I have a whole new vision for her now I have not told Hels yet though
  6. thanks mate, no problem just give me a ring and we can get you booked in LOL you should have stopped and come in for a brew, you could have had a proper look at it after washing it this afternoon I decided to take some new pics
  7. cheers Mike, will give ya a shout soon mate, need to get those blueray discs back from you at some point anyway, will make sure its a day its not raining so you can have a proper look at the car
  8. Thanks so much for the comments folks, it really means alot after the last 3-4 months of hard work and empty pockets I am soooo chuffed to have it back Been out and about in it today to watch a bit of the rally and she is driving well and still scaring the pants off the wife Only issue I am having is a little bit of a sticky throttle, when I pull up to a junction/traffic lights or whatever the revs are staying at arounf 1500-2000 rpm, if I put my foot under the accelerator and lift it the revs drop back, or if I get under the bonnet and roll the throttle mechanism back the revs drop to normal. Have sprayed the mechanism with a little wd40 but that aint made a difference but with the chucking rain today I cant get out for a proper look. I want to send out huge thanks to all those who helped me out with the repair, rebuild, parts, lifts here and there and so on. You all know who you are and have had a mention in this thread somewhere, I owe you all a large drink
  9. So since my last update I have been beavering away getting everything back together so while waiting for my parts from Alyn @ ASP and cossie-nutter to arrive I decided to crack on with what I could first up was the front bumper It needed a little extra trimming but it went on nicely Next up were the headlamps and grill then the side sills My fans arrived from cossie-nutter (nice one mate :thumb:) so they were swiftly fitted to the rad and the whole lot installed in the car Never thought anything of them before putting the rad in but once it was in I discovered these :wonder: Turns out I have been sent a rad for an automatic, no problem though just blocked them off like so My parts had arrived from Alyn, I ordered new studs, nuts and bolts for the downpipe (these were dearer than I thought) a gasket for the downpipe, a red samco bottom rad hose (huge thanks for this one Alyn, you were the only place prepared to give me just the one hose) and a pair of bulb holders for my sidelights Unfortunately this is about the time the pics became few and far between as I was getting so excited that I forgot about the camera I could now fit the sidelights, indicators and fogs unfortunately the connectors on the cars wiring loom and the connectors on the new indicators and fogs are different, I guess it was more than the bumper they changed from the V4 to V5 that problem was swiftly overcome by making my own connections she was now getting her face back Next was to fit the bottom rad hose and fill the collant, then fit the downpipe and the rest of the exhaust. Once the exhaust was on I changed the wheels back over for my black 17s Then it was time for the moment of truth,,,,,,,, battery in,,,,,, key in ignition,,,,,, ignition on,,,,,, decided to test all the front lights first, all A-OK then I turned the key, the engine cranked over about 3 or 4 times then fired into life and sounded soooo sweet, kinda expected it to stall or to be a bit lumpy but nope not a thing, she just sat there purring away only major job left after that was to fit the new bonnet some of you said you thought I should not go down the carbon route but its my car and I think it looks awesome so there also fitted some bonnet lifters courtesy of Scott Lowe at that point I noticed it was 11:15 tidied up a little and went home to bed so went back down to the warehouse last night with the works van to tidy up and bring all my tools home, Zaphod then gave me a lift back down so I could bring my baby home, felt great to be driving her again, I had such a huge grin all the way home there are still some little bits I want to do but it is chucking it down today so am just hoping we have a dry day tomorrow or Monday so I can get the little things buttoned down There are still some jobs I want to do on the car some of which I have the parts for but the goal was to get it back on the road so I can have a couple of weeks shakedown before going to Scotland in it for my brothers wedding I hope you all like the changes. It was a good looking scoob before and I was proud of the way it looked but after the accident I did not want to put things back to the way they were, I just hope I have done it proud and that it is as good looking now as it was before (for before pics see my scooby) I will get some proper pics as soon as it stops raining and I can get out there and clean her
  10. cheers dude I will be back down there tonight so more updates to come over the weekend All the bits we discovered were missing the other night have now been ordered from Alyn @ AS Performance and should be with me by Wednesday of next week, and I have a pair of cooling fans and housing coming from cossie-nutter as my original housing was mashed along with the original rad in the accident, so its looking like maybe, just maybe, she will be back on the road for the week after next will keep you all posted as we get into the final stages
  11. Thanks, it has been a hard few months but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now I have not been able to do everything I wanted to but those bits can be done another time
  12. OK so things are moving quite quickly now I have all this space (and 'warmth') to work in. Started by unmasking the car ready to drop the engine back in, and got set about puting some of the peripherals back in the engine bay then dropped the heart of the beast back in, big thanks to John, Dave K and Andy for helping with this Also at this point a GRUPPE-S lightened flywheel courtesy of Bob at Aztec Performance was fitted, I did not previously change the flywheel when my AP paddle clutch was installed so thought it best to do it now Not turned it over yet, we discovered the alternator belt and a few other bits had gone missing (more likely lost by me) so I have sourced a belt and made some enquiries into obtaining the rest of parts and am waiting for some calls back In the mean time I made a start on getting the FMIC mounted. Thanks to Harvey at Harvey Performance on a cracking deal and speedy delivery on a replacement GT Spec Hybrid Intercooler With the car having sat out for the last few months in some horendous weather my front discs now looked like this Luckily I had been part of Bobs group buy on ScoobyNet for some replacement discs and pads which were purchased at the same time as the flywheel So here she is as she stands just now Getting there!
  13. A few better pics of the paint as promised Top job John, it has been hugely appreciated
  14. After loosing so much time of late due to the bad weather I spoke to my boss and got permission to move the car down to our warehouse in the south of the island last friday night, I borrowed the works van and my mates trailer, moved the car, parts and tools down to the warehouse, with 45,000 sq ft to choose from I could pretty much pick my spot so all the front end body parts had been test fitted the front end was stripped again ready for painting I originally wanted to respray the whole car but at the moment money just simply will not allow so I now plan to have that done next year sometime. Lucky for me MadManx is pretty handy with a spray gun and offered to paint the front panel and parts so I would not be driving around in a multi coloured car, so I got some code 559 red paint from the guys at Auto Paint in St Helens (excellent service guys, thank you) and while waiting for that everything was prepped and primed the colour arrived and we got cracking with that since these pics the parts have been flattened and sprayed again and have come up really well, I am extremely pleased with the finish, given it is basically a cheap home spray job. Better pics will follow soon. Still lots to do so off back down there now so another update to come soon for those of you watching my progress
  15. Hi dudes, I can obviously only speak for myself and I have had loads on lately with work and rebuilding the car, will have more time once the scoob is sorted
  16. well its been a busy few weeks for me with Manx Grand Prix and other work stuff meaning a have not had much time to devote to the scoob as I would have liked but now we are back to normal I can start making progress again I had the day off last Monday so the day was spent mounting the FMIC and cutting the front bumper to accomodate the IC The eagle eyed among you will notice the first major change to the way the car looked Next job is to prep the engine bay for painting
  17. cant do this week at all dude, got too much going on this week i was actually thinking of trying to organise something in the next couple of weeks though totally miss my carr, will seem wierd having a meet with no car, how about a sunday lunch at the Crosby?
  18. cheers dude will bear that in mind, have to have it painted before the engine can go back in though
  19. A wee update for those who are interested I have spent the last couple of months spending stupid amounts of money imcluding the wife's new kitchen fund on parts and having the car jigged I now have a majority of the parts needed to put it back together, only some bolts and clips to replace missing ones from the front end along with some engine bits While I was working at the Motorshow in London MadManx collected my car for me from the workshop and got it back to the house and up the drive with the help of Dave K, Zaphod and EnCrypt, huge thanks guys. I have had very little time since being home to make any progress as I went back to London last weekend but its not everyday you get to go see Tiesto at the O2, awesome night by the way :luxhello: Anyway here is how she looks just now
  20. Hi Guys and gals For those of you who are interested Richard Bulmer (the fella who mapped my car) is coming back to the island for a couple of days to map a couple of cars and there is time to do some more while he is here, ideally another 4 or 5 cars, the more cars there is the cheaper the cost If you are interested give Ian @ P.A.C.E a call on 852008 and he can give you exact dates and prices
  21. I have most of the parts now and the car is in being jigged this week, hoping to have it back today or tomorrow before I go to London on Sunday
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