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About wheelchairscooby

  1. ok out of all you lot who has the fastest car in the glasgow club ?
  2. I agree with you james being an x patient of yorkhilll toys do get damaged easy with some many kids playing with then to get new toys every year is a great help because if it was`ent for you guys to put smiles on faces of kids who would case rests
  3. RIP COLIN you will be missed
  4. anybody could pass you john ha ha m8
  5. ghosts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Gus enjoy m8 cant wait to see what you do to it
  7. you think so m8
  8. sounds good guys have fun dont drink to much
  9. sea trials what does that mean?[*-)] see if she leeks
  10. HI M8 like you cat nice clean one too
  11. very nice indeed gus my head reaches the door handles
  12. another convoy back down the road again was it i remember the last track day nice car but im i aloud to say that on here MR squirrel sir
  13. And in a few years when you go to sell it there is that many on the road it will go for buttons [:#]
  14. get yourself a delivery run find a m8 to do the running dougie to nice to miss but there will be more a hope[Y]
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