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Everything posted by jamesm

  1. Few pics from me now I have bothered to download them! Better late than never. How many BBQs can you fit on a picnic table? 3 Bugeyes And another Not a photographer but, me trying to be arty! The the fog that seemed to roll up the valley and then just disappear. Despite the clouds, not too much of this stuff either.
  2. Was in the local Shell garage in Linwood earlier filling up the French oil burner and they had a note on the pumps indicating that V Power will be available at the normal unleaded price (currently 94.9) between 8am and 6pm on Monday 11th June. []<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Ideal time to fill up if you are passing.
  3. Good night, will post pics when I get them downloaded. Probably Monday!
  4. Hello and Welcome. If you make it along tomorrow night, remember the barbie (and not the blonde plastic variety)! []
  5. Know what you mean saw a few people with 'carry outs'. 1st stage on saturday we were standing next to 4-5 guys with their Stellas, FFS I`d just finished my breakfast! [] I remember a couple of years ago on the Snowman there was a group out at Rogie at about 10am with the alcopops absolutely off their faces. The marshals were having to drag them back before the arrival of each car. Problem with the Jim Clark is that there are so many casual spectators who see this one rally a year and are just not able to se the danger they are in. I didn't go to Langton as I anticipated that with it being the only stage of the night it would be chokka, and that appeared to be the case. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> There are a lot of comments on britishrally.co.uk about the marshalling but fair play to the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Marshalls on the stages I was at ( Bothwell 1 & 2, Edrom 1 & 2, Eccles and Swinton 1 & 2) as I thought they were pretty spot on. Didn't see the kids with the bibs on at Swinton but I did find this at the Granite and last years McRae where the marshalling was just farcical. Someone really needs to put their foot down on that issue. Much as you are their as a volunteer, the job needs to be done properly. If you want to spectate and take photos then don't be a marshal I like just spectating but I have always thought about marshalling of a few events but just never been convinced give the amount of marshal bashing that seems to go on. Might yet manage to download the photos!
  6. Saturday 2nd June Squirrel (camera man) andywrx d19yda Ac!d (if home) Double Zero Ally-b Nanaki scoobymark Tosh32 Gus AlanK thefastone Craig (CR51ALG) Bryhp (possible) Camping Sat night Squirrel andywrx d19yda Ac!d (if home) Double Zero Ally-b Nanaki scoobymark Tosh32 AlanK thefastone Craig (CR51ALG) Bryhp (possible) Sunday 3rd June Squirrel (camera man) Imy (group leader) CYP_rock (group leader) andywrx Sc00bar00 d19yda Ac!d (if home) Double Zero Ally-b Nanaki scoobymark Tosh32 AlanK thefastone Craig (CR51ALG) Bryhp (possible) RS Grant 4hero Sammot Jamis WRX Haz Playsatan Fai 17 and family pugpaul H4AFY ALI_ scoobygav Gus the Bus (maybe's aye, maybe's naw) JamesM (only an outside chance of make it) Either, but a one day event only the blue dragon Irish Al Dtabbit77 st3ph3n thefastone Had kind of forgotten about this and other things have cropped up. Outside chance I might make it on the Sunday but looking pretty unlikely. [:'(]
  7. Think that was the Evo at Swinton Crossroads? That was a serious impact and they were very lucky. Must have been following you about, as I was also at the same corner in Edrom. What do you drive? Got a few pics myself so must get them downloaded to see what they are like. Will post if any good.
  8. Sorry to here mate, at least everyone was ok. The photos certainly show her to be well over on your side despite there being no centre line marked. Hopefully you have a decent insurance company, get it sorted and get back in a Scooby before too long.
  9. The previous owner of mine must never have been off the brakes! [:S]
  10. Sounds pretty similar to what I had with my 2002 WRX a few months ago. Got a dull squeal at really low speeds and dissapeared once you went faster or when you applied the brakes. I put it down to the brakes binding or something along those lines as the car had only done about 4k a year prior to me buying it. However, over the space of the next 1000 miles or so the squeal became a a grind and it turned out the brake pads were goosed. This was at around the 18k - 20k mile mark, which the dealer said was the normal lifespan for a set of standard pads. Got Greers to put a set of pads on, and have never had the noise again.
  11. Better lat than never, a few pics from last weeks run. Some not the best quality but it was the other half's camera and I hadn't used it before. Hillington. Faslane viewpoint Arrochar
  12. Stephen was behind me coming back down the lochside and I could hear him [] Was really good evening. Got a few photos which I will try to post but I can't download at work and I am on dial up at home!! [:$] So that was you in the black WRX...sorry i never said hello to you but you was quite quiet.[:S] Aye, that was me. I am pretty quiet normally. Been along a few times now and you said hello earlier in the year! [] Hopefully speak to more folk at the next one!!
  13. Stephen was behind me coming back down the lochside and I could hear him [] Was really good evening. Got a few photos which I will try to post but I can't download at work and I am on dial up at home!! [:$]
  14. Welcome, the new toy looks great. [Y] I have a TSL Gp N back box on my otherwise standard WRX and I find it has a really nice sound to it. Although it came on the car when I bought it, rather than me choosing it. Like mentioned above, head along to a meet and listen to what others have. Mine sounds quiet compared to many! Where abouts are you based?
  15. Hello and welcome. Fabulous looking motor there. Good to see another black bugeye out there! [Y]
  16. I always find the roads in and around that area greasy and had my old Astra slide straight on at very low speed at the roundabout in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Houston.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> I think it depends on the insurance company. My parent's cars have had some pretty hefty damage in the past costing over 50% of the cars value, and the insurance has coughed up. Gutted for you as having done it myself a few months ago I know how it feels. Best to get an assessment done on it and see what the insurance say. It is often what you can’t see that is the problem. Mine looked just minor nothing until it got taken apart. I had mine done at Glasgow Audi in Hillington and whilst it took them 2 goes to get the colour match right, the job was absolutely spot on. They are about as expensive as they come though. Hope you get it sorted soon.
  17. I heard you pull up outside so had a nosey out the window! The guy next me has the application so I will try to nudge him along in the right direction. [] A fellow black buyeye owner! [Y]
  18. Blue classic, reg possibly S40 ***. Looked like you were wearing a Scottish Scoobies T-shirt and I think you dropped off drawings to my office. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Nice motor! [Y]
  19. Hello and welcome from another happy bugeye owner! [Y]
  20. Was bought as a cheap commuter, as commuting in the Scoob resulted in my bank account emptying faster than the petrol tank!!
  21. where u in asda last night? im from elderslie myself yeh i know of about 12 new age cars in the area I was in Asda, but with my French oil burner as I had been along at the tip. Will look out for you. I have a black bugeye WRX with gold wheels, oh, and a turquoise Pug 106 diesel! [:$][]
  22. It is all really about first impressions. If you take the car somewhere, get a good first impression and they do a good job you will take it back. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> When I was looking to buy my car, I spoke to S+S who said they would keep my name on file if they got anything in. But when I went to Ian Grieve, they searched the length and breadth of the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />UK to find me a car, and what a mint car they found! When I take it in to get a quote for accident repairs they only half look at it and never follow it up with a quote when they said they will. When asked about the brakes they suggest I hadn't serviced it correctly [:@]. I had my girlfriend (who knows nothing about cars) with me at time and she was horrified with them and when we got back in the car she turned round and said "you are not taking your car to them, they didn't even look at it properly". Any post about a dealer will get both positive and negative comments as this one has and whilst I am sure there are many happy S+S customers, they had their chance with me and the first impression was dreadful. Therefore, I wouldn't be happy leaving my car with them.
  23. Welcome. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Just outside <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Paisley myself and there certainly seems to be a lot of Subarus in this area!
  24. I took mine to S & S for a quote after I bent it in January as they have an in house bodyshop. Wasn't impressed with them and they gave the impression that they didn't have the first clue what they were doing. It was looked at briefly before they concluded it wasn't too bad and they would have it sorted in two days. Whilst I was there I asked them about the squealing brakes and was met with the response "Do you service it correctly?". When I pointed out I hadn't had it long enough for it to need a service I was told "The place you bought it from clearly didn't check it before you bought it, take it back to them". They were to contact me the following week with the full quote for the insurance but didn't even bother following it up, not that I would have used them anyway. The service, attitude and apparent knowledge of the car were just dreadful.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> In reality it was a £3k job that took 2 and a half weeks. As for the squealing brakes, Greers sorted me out with some new pads at very reasonable rates, excellent service and an SIDC discount [Y] If it needs a main dealer then I would use Ian Grieve.
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