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Everything posted by marky.t.s

  1. Aye? Town centers a mess and some of the older housing schemes are like rabbit warrens,granted, but road layouts are great once you know them,no traffic lights,no pavements on the main roads,no pedestrian crossings = no traffic jams! Simples. ;-)
  2. They have changed the layout to encourage people to pull off and see the wonders of Cumbernauld!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Jeeze! It's been a while since you've been through here then Kenny! It's been like that since they built the new station! ;-)
  4. Lol! I forgot to come back to this! Anyway, there was no damage done as the 'fud' that was parked next to me was in a GB270, and I returned to find SIDC flyers littering my car!!!!!!!! Phil, you are that 'car park tosser' get it up ye ya mad bam!
  5. Why is it,no matter where or how far away from the supermarket (Cumbernauld Asda) entrance you park, there's always one total fud who parks next to you? Subaru's must have a hidden bawbag magnet that,nearly after 7 years of ownership,I have yet to find the 'off' switch!!!!!!!
  6. Just watching Fee being interviewed on Motors TV, last race just on now!
  7. Looking sharp,do you still get an SIDC members discount in there? do you mind sharing the overall cost with us?cheers.
  8. Good write up Fee, I was spectating at Clarks corner most of the day,it certainly looked a bit hairy coming out the chicane a few times and the turn in at Clarks looked really greasy, even Bruces Evo was struggling to get any grip on the turn in.
  9. Go on Brian,don't be shy,show us your helmet............. Oh dear!!!!!!
  10. Ha,ha! Fireman Phil,brilliant! ;-)
  11. Nice one Del.........I thought you only done off-roading on a mountain bike ! ;-)
  12. ha,ha! that auld guy was funny,you get 200 quid of Harry Hill for that.
  13. Well done guys,I saw the hillclimb shootout on sky sports at the weekend, look pretty spectacular! I definitely need to get down there some year.Keep up the good work. ;-)
  14. Looking good,crying out for a de-tango I think though.
  15. BMW E60 5series 520,525,etc estate,diesel flavour,easily mappable,bags of space,sub £10k,sorted ;-)
  16. Well i loved it on the fatboy,i remember being behind Andy on a wee october run a couple of years ago
  17. Top pics mate,love the WRC Impreza's.
  18. I must have just missed you Kenny I spotted it tonight about 5.00 at the Fourways pub roundabout.It even has swrt swoosh and stars graphics under his driving school graphics,lucky learners indeed :-)
  19. Wheres all the pics then folks?
  20. Nice one Imy,you're looking the part in the overalls and a pax lap with a WRC driver,happy days ;-))
  21. Congratulations guys and all the best for the future :-))
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