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Everything posted by marky.t.s

  1. hi folks,a wee question for the techy guys. What i need to know is will OE Black coloured springs from a V5 Sti RA be a direct replacement for OE springs on a UK turbo 00m/y. Also will there be a noticeable drop in ride height/stiffness? for the better of course. any info appreciated.
  2. looks great Wulsey,heres a wee prize for you
  3. looks like you all had a great weekend guys,i hope someone was taking notes for a wee article in True Grip mag
  4. a wee selection of my pics.............
  5. aahhhhhh! cheers Scott ,i really need a shave,well at least you got my best side. Had a great day on Sunday with some of the SICC ,and a special thanks to GrantR for being our "tour guide" for the day .I'll get some pics up soon.
  6. Sunday,9.30 @ Shell,Dreghorn... 1) GrantR 2) Someone else grant is meeting 3) 4Hero 4) marky.t.s
  7. aha! so you know the Welsho then.
  8. one of my better efforts today.............
  9. aye they were busy alright..............
  10. a couple of pics.............. and finally,my old girl on the stand....
  11. Dale if you shake youre camera really hard it speeds up the process...........
  12. looks great mate,and a crackin' spec list as well
  13. heres another wee question regarding insurance, has anyone had a UK spec car then bought a JDM import and just told their ins. company about the change of vehicle? did the price go up drastically or did they have to get a totally different insurer? i just wondered if there was a big price difference if say i went from a UK 2000 turbo to a Sti RA (classic)
  14. jeeze! i nearly put a hole in my slippers trying to press the brake pedal through the kitchen floor!
  15. good pics Keira,looks like you were close enough to the action eh?
  16. crackin pics everyone ,i wish i could have been there.
  17. ....well he certainly had big helmet! good pics Neil.
  18. welcome back...........but wheres the pics?????????????????????
  19. when i first got my impreza i done the above,i only had the car 2 weeks,parked it at Blockbuster in Cumbernauld,no plips from the fob,didnt know anything about the keypad,had to get the wife to walk to her mothers ,borrow her car and bring me the handbook.Luckily the small silver sticker with the pin code was still with the handbook.......but i had already mucked around with the keypad which had now timed out for 30 mins,so after the mrs. giving me grief for buying a" stupid" car and myself ready to kick the s**** out of my scooby a' la Basil Fawlty i phoned the breakdown guy.He turned up after 45mins,by which time 'er indoors buggered of home in her mothers car leaving me to sit and wait.The breakdown guy scratched his head and his crotch and nodded,"i've got an idea" he said.Minutes later my car was being dragged onto the low-loader,so off we went a couple of hundred yards as the guy explained that it was most likely that the many aerial and mobile phone masts on top of Cumbernauld town centre.A "plip" of the fob later and yahoo! it was sorted.That was four years ago now and the mrs. loves our "stupid" car.
  20. sorry to here this Tam,pretty crap really!.....didnt even get a chance to wave to you in youre new 270.
  21. hi and welcome mate,nice to see another classic join the club.
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