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Everything posted by colzo

  1. Police forces in the UK are getting run like a business and don't let anyone tell you any different. Even 2 coppers I know agreed with me. The motorist are the easiest targets out there fines are the norm and common sense is out the window. The van driver blowing his nose is a prime example.
  2. AS Tardis is the best full stop. For minor tar spots AG Intensive Tar Remover will work fine with little effort.
  3. Meguiars Glass Cleaner + Microfibre.
  4. Great job mate. What pads/polish you using? I find Lake Country Pads/Menzerna Polish with the Megs G220 a good combo.
  5. Fuel prices are getting ridiculous! Lucky I don't do many miles.
  6. Great choice mate. Enjoy!
  7. I sold my STI a month ago and have not missed it one bit - although I have a Suzuki GSX R for thrills. I think for me I just grew out of the whole Impreza 'thing' (over 8 years of ownership). The cost of owning a Scoob always crops up every now and again but the fun factor should always out number the cost. I know your not interested in 2 wheels but the sheer thrill factor and running costs for a decent sports bike blows any Impreza I've owned away. Basically if you do sell you WILL need something to fill the void.
  8. Top job as usual Colin.
  9. Thanks for the replies guys. Basically the Scoob wasn't getting used and was sitting for weeks not moving so hinted that it was for sale and got a few enquires but I wouldn't budge on the asking price. I knew I could sell it to an enthusiast or to someone who knew the car so when a friend offered me what I wanted the decision had to be made. I have been fortunate to own 4 Scoobs (3 from new) and it will be like losing a limb but I feel the time has come to part with the brand. I have loved every minute of ownership and the scene that goes with it. Never say never though.....
  10. I've half heartedly had my STI up for sale but crunch time came when I was made an offer from a friend who knows the car so a decision had to be made. Reluctantly its soon to be on its way to Edinburgh. Hopefully I can find something to fill the void - its not going to be easy after over 8 years of Impreza ownership!
  11. Great job mate. Nice looking Bug indeed.
  12. Hello and welcome mate.
  13. Hello and welcome mate.
  14. Great photos. I can't understand how anyone would take a decent car on the track with all the trash and numpties out there.
  15. Extreme bad luck mate. Chin up.
  16. Graphics are not my thing but your car looks like its out the Gumball Rally! (that's a complement )
  17. Hello and welcome mate.
  18. I'll swap you homes if you want, I would love to live in the States. Mint car you have there too.
  19. Looking good Stevie. Great to see you kept the car mate.
  20. Good job mate. What kind of cut does the Poorboys have?
  21. Autosol for me too.
  22. Great job, looks stunning!
  23. Thieving scum get what they deserve in my book.
  24. Very nice indeed mate. Enjoy.
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