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Everything posted by GaryD

  1. Cheers guys, a reckon the car will never get a chance to see the track (missus wont allow it) so it looks like Millers 10/40w. Anyone know the best place to get it?
  2. Anyone know whats the best oil to use in a bugeye sti and the best place to buy it? Gona do a oil change in the next few weeks and want to use the best for the car. Cheers...
  3. Mite manage to get away with the lower setting in mine then. I fitted the mudflaps and put them on the higher setting thinking that when I got round to fitting my springs the lower setting would catch on stuff, doh! Did u change your droplinks, arbs or bump stops when you done the springs?
  4. Anyone?
  5. Cars looking really good Cal! Cant beat a set of PFF7's![] Do you have your mudflaps on the lower or the upper setting and have you have any problems with them catching on the anything?
  6. Just finished fitting my carbon fibre Scott Lowe ones this afternoon.... its top top kit. They are expensive, but well worth the money in my opinion! They gave us a 10% discount cos the the missus is a SIDC member.
  7. Halleys in Milngavie is prob the closest to us m8.
  8. Anyone know how to remove the steering wheel spinner as shown on the right of the pic. I can get the steering wheel and airbag off, but am left with the disk still on the column, and I think this is what is causing my steering chatter noise. Anyone able to advise? Cheers
  9. Apparently there are 3 getting delivered to S&S. My pals dad is seriously toying with getting one!
  10. When we got our car it never came with the pin number. Can a just phone up the dealer and ask for it, or do I need to prove that the car is defo mine and hasnt been nicked?
  11. ooohhhh Defi's! Where did you get them from and who fitted them? Really fancy a set, but suspension and whiteline goodies first a think!
  12. I was up aswell, not in the scoob tho. Totally agree was a utter shambles, havent been up to watch a hot hatch day for over a year and no wonder after yesterdays waste of time. Geo, was your car sitting up in the main area, got a private plate on it *** GEO?
  13. Nice pics guys... need to get some taken of mine and post them up. Ali, any more pics of your Golf?
  14. Set of Scott Lowe carbon fibre mudflaps and a HKS SSQV... then a few whiteline goodies in the new year! And if it stops raining for long enough, a wash and a polish!
  15. Thats not good mate, I hate parking in supermarket carparks at the best of times, and its because of things like this! Bit of a distance for you, but the Glasgow Audi repair centre in Hillington would do a excellent job, and they aint the cheapest. Would be good for a quote if nothing else. Dont really understand why they're getting to pick the garage your car gets sent to, it is up to you to decide where it goes. If you crashed into another car you wouldnt be able to tell the owner where to get there car fixed. It should be the same with this!
  16. Seen that aswell, and straight away thot of SIDC haha, funny how some ppls forum names stick in your head!
  17. Stick me down for two aswell! Will get them next Thursday at the meet.
  18. Greegsy, are there any other functions you can activate or deactivate using the keypad? I forgot to say earlier, im pretty sure if you start the car with the drivers door open it wont lock any of the doors, would double check that tho, just in case you lock your keys inside
  19. Not sure if there is a way of permanently deactivating it, but once the car locks itself I normally just unlock it from the drivers door.
  20. nice pics! In the 2nd pic, is that his brother Alistair on the right hand side of the pic?
  21. 1/ Ally-b 2/ Fai17 3/ imy 4/ squirrel 5/ STI Pretender 6/ mctwistuk 7/ st3ph3n 8/ Nanaki 9/ Alan-G and Fab1 10/GaryD & Lesley
  22. What about the UK300 splitter would it fit a bugeye STI? Not sure if the bumper is different on the two models tho? Would be a nice subtle looking mod.[]
  23. You can buy them from Halfords, theres a range of different models available!
  24. If all your doing is replacing your intercooler with a STI one and not changing anything else, you shouldnt need a remap.
  25. TSL sell genuine PFF7s, thats where our set came from, but luckily they were on our car before we bought it. I think TSL has a ebay shop that they sell them on aswell. No idea how the prices compare to other places tho.
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