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Everything posted by GaryD

  1. With the crappy winter weather approaching I really need to get a set of mudflaps to try and protect the car. Really like the Scott Lowe ones, but I cant afford to spend that much just now. I have noticed several sets for sale on ebay, one of the sets are being sold by scoobyworld. I read somewhere that the sets on ebay arent rigid enough and flap about once your moving at anything over 10mph, thus not doing there job. Does anyone know if this is the case with the scoobyworld sets? Or are there any other sets on ebay that are good enough and do what they are supposed to? Also does anyone have any pics of the scoobyworld mudflaps on there car they could post up? Heres a link to the scoobyworld sets... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SUBARU-IMPREZA-WRX-S...1QQcmdZViewItem
  2. Cheers Cal, but is that not only for the aerial? Do either of the two ebay links show what I need? Cheers again.
  3. Is it a specific subaru connector that I need and if so does it depend on the age of the car? Checked on Ebay, but not entirely sure what im looking for. Is this the kind of thing I need... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Subaru-Impreza-ISO-S...1QQcmdZViewItem Or is this it... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Subaru-Forrester-Imp...1QQcmdZViewItem Cheers
  4. Cheers guys, will get onto the stealership in the morning and get the part ordered.
  5. Hi folks, im thinking of changing the stereo in my sti 7 with a alpine one that ive got sitting spare. If I do this, there will be a hole left below the stereo due to the size difference. Is there any fillers, pockets or blanking plates that I could get to fill over the gap? Also is the standard subaru stereo the normal 2 plug connection? Cheers
  6. Ours is a 52reg silver bugeye sti with tints and pff7 rims. Will keep a look out for you....
  7. Where did u get it for that price?
  8. Looking good, i've just spent the afternoon doing the same to mine. Almost dont want to drive it cos it will get dirty []
  9. ahh ok, I would imagine the Sti will have a different pipe as standard? Cheers for the help, and for the pic!
  10. Sounds good, not too over the top, just the right level!
  11. Whats the difference with the prodrive IC hose to standard and does it make a difference? If so is it something that can be done to a Sti 7? Hope that aint a silly question, just taking my first steps in scooby ownership! Cheers
  12. Cheers Fai, not needing the service done for about another 1k miles, cant stop taking the car out a run so that 1k will prob up quite soon []
  13. Cheers for the help folks, gona phone up Greersport this week and and find out prices etc. Amanda, whats your scoob like? I might have seen it around if your only just up the road. Cheers all.
  14. Hi folks, our Scooby is fast approaching the 40k mile mark, and will obviously need to be serviced at this time, up until now the previous owners always had the car serviced by a Subaru dealership. Who do people recommend, its either going to be Halleys in Milngavie, S&S in Ayr or should we just get greersport to do it as they seem to be a bit of a subaru specialist. Are anyone of the 3 to be avoided? Cheers
  15. Nice looking car. Welcome from one newbie to another []
  16. Excuse the silly question, but what is "True Grip" ?
  17. Cheers for the welcome folks... heres a wee pic of our new car and a pic of my other toy, altho the scoob is proving to be just as much fun! http://pic15.picturetrail.com/VOL595/23477...2/186455598.jpg http://pic15.picturetrail.com/VOL595/23477...62/59123028.jpg Are there any other SIDC members in the west coast apart from Pedals? Cheers Gary
  18. Hi all im Gary and I live in Gourock, been signed up to SIDC for a while but only made a couple of posts. Im pals with Pedals and he assures me that this is the best scooby forum to be on! With the help of the SIDC forums I've managed to find out loads of info about the bugeye sti's, and as a result me and the missus have just bought a silver 52 plate Sti with a few mods. The car is totally amazing and theres the added bonus that I believe it has a TSL 333 package fitted. Probably meet up with some of you soon as im hoping to attend the Glasgow meets. Cheers all Gary
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