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scooby doom

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Everything posted by scooby doom

  1. Bzzzzzzt. The NIP must be SERVED within 14 days. Unfortunately it doesn't - see Section 2 below. (1) Subject to section 2 of this Act, where a person is prosecuted for an offence to which this section applies, he is not to be convicted unless— (a) he was warned at the time the offence was committed that the question of prosecuting him for some one or other of the offences to which this section applies would be taken into consideration, or ( within fourteen days of the commission of the offence a summons (or, in Scotland, a complaint) for the offence was served on him, or © within fourteen days of the commission of the offence a notice of the intended prosecution specifying the nature of the alleged offence and the time and place where it is alleged to have been committed, was— (i) in the case of an offence under section 28 or 29 of the [1988 c. 52.] Road Traffic Act 1988 (cycling offences), served on him, (ii) in the case of any other offence, served on him or on the person, if any, registered as the keeper of the vehicle at the time of the commission of the offence. (2) A notice shall be deemed for the purposes of subsection (1)© above to have been served on a person if it was sent by registered post or recorded delivery service addressed to him at his last known address, notwithstanding that the notice was returned as undelivered or was for any other reason not received by him. In short - posted whether the driver gets it or not. While this technacally qualifies as being 'served' I am trying to keep my replies in laymans terms. Hopefully it will not be necessary to quote from the statutes every time.
  2. There are a few devices in use but a road side hand held in this area is most likely to be a Muniquip radar gun rather than a laser. Now for a bit of food for thought. Many believe only traffic officers can book ya for speeding, sorry wrong answer. Over the last couple of years a number of beat officers have been trained to use the above device and can use it while out with a dedicated traffic officer or with any other trained beat officer. And finally, sometimes speeding is the lesser of two evils. Obviously all these recording devices do is prove a speed. If a cop sees ya speeding and can't prove the actual speed but still thinks it was excessive then by weighing up several other factors you could end up with a careless or even dangerous driving charge. That said that also applies to the former, if you're clocked at certain speeds above the posted limits you won't get a speeding ticket either.
  3. Basically, it’s preferable to stop a driver, show them the recorded speed at the time and give them a verbal Section 1 warning. However, not stopping the driver at the time and posting them a NIP within 14 days will do the same trick. Either way the drivers gubbed unless they’re delving into the realms of ‘technicality’ i.e. the officers shoes weren’t tied at the time, they pointed the laser at me in a menacing manner, a swift draught caught my rear and pushed me faster and the like…
  4. Firstly, how would I know, have enough of that while I'm being paid without using valuable SIDC/eBay/Gaming time looking at it when I'm not [] Secondly, I'm still here and posting because of the supportive comments being made. I'm sure there are a few who will resent my job no matter what but no worries I have their VRMs and am looking for them [6] [] No, but seriously if this had turned out to be a site full of yahoo's boasting about their lastest race and how many handbrake turns they'd done I'd never have stayed long enough to post. Just remeber
  5. It's just a career choice. Traffic is a department like CID, Dog Section and several others. They are a sideways move and not promotion. There are so many things that a beat cop has to deal with that it would be impossible to dedicate time to complex and prolonged enquiries, or to specialise in a particular area. For example someone steals your cheque book and writes cheques all over the country, you need the time to sort all that out and that can't be done if you're continually bothered by people phoning in to tell you, there are sheep on the road, someone's looking at them in a funny way, someone's parked in their space outside their house, I've found a dog what should I do with it, there are kids playing football in the park but I can see and hear them, my neighbours tax disc has expired, etc, etc, etc.....! Being in a dept means you have time to devote to particular crimes, incidents or strategies without having to be at the beckon call of the public's 'lesser' demands. Anyone wishing to do these jobs has to apply and go through an internal selection process. These posts are generally tenured to prevent people being there for the rest of their days - this also gives others a chance as few opportunities would appear otherwise. There are many in the job who have no interest in traffic matters and would do away with the Traffic Dept and have it merged back into beat work. That said most of them are in the CID. But to put things into perspective you can have a cop with 4 years in the job with all that experience [] in one of these dept's and others with 20+ years just keeping the wheels turning on the beat. As far as the work goes, Traffic cops routinely assist beat cops and vice versa - we're all (supposed to be) on the same team. I know there are some areas where being in a dept can been seen as elitist but this is usually only by those in it. I've come across some in dept's that don't even talk to the rest of us but being a bit longer in the tooth now I have ways of dealing with this minority. Bottom line is we, like so many others are driven by stats and are so busy we have little time for nonsense and less time to put up with belligerent t**ts. Just cos you don't agree with a law doesn't mean you're right. Just remember some of the traffic feds read these forums - how do you think they know where the meets are?
  6. Ahh, I remember when I was the young one... [8-)]
  7. No I'm up north and he's down south but due to staff shortages we just about manage the country between us []
  8. Traffic? No, I've not been on the course to have me conscience surgically removed yet.
  9. Good post, nice to see one 'for' the boys for a change. Like me Stripe bet you can name them too...[]
  10. Just keeping you lot on your toes as opposed to on your lead feet []
  11. Already have the 2nd cat removed and a straight through s/s pipe but have left the downpipe meantime. Did this as I got the de-cat pipe for a song. Planning on the centre section and backbox next but may consider one of these new Ninja downpipes with sports cat later. Quite keen on a system which comes with the optional removable silencer too. As I often finish at 4am and the like its better that I don't annoy the neighbours on my way home. Only thing with this system is the burnt end - not sure about that [*-)]
  12. Saw this on eBay, there is also a link on the listing to a short video of the pipe in action. Anyone seen or heard of this before? I was considering a Ninja system from Scoobyworld but this look ok on paper too. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/01-05-SUBARU-IMPREZA...oQQcmdZViewItem Maybe someone can also help with making it clicky.
  13. Just PM'd James666 with the full SP on this one. Bottom line for all lights is - white or yellow only visible at the front and red at the back. Always a few exemptions such as white reversing light at back but merely preferring a different colour won't do it unfortunately. dtabbit777 sounds like you got lucky mate. The offence is the colour showing and from what you said it wasn't white. While I accept they had a BS Kitemark, that is representative of the manufactured quality. Basically it means they have been made or produced to a standard worthy of a kitemark. Which is an indication to you the comsumer that they are good gear. Unfortunately it doesn't change the fact they were the wrong colour and a ticket would have stood up. If anyone can be bothered to trawl through the nightmare that is traffic legislation you'll find all the lighting gen in the - Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations 1989.
  14. Comments noted but lets face it we don't drive the only marque of a 'spirited' nature. I see Scoobs, Evo's MGs, Skylines and a plethera of hot hatches every day. While specific areas may have a 'check all Imprezas' policy I doubt it. TBH I'm generally so busy due to staff shortages and incesent calls coming in I don't have time for such random checks. If the driving doesn't draw attention to the car and I've no other specifc reason I won't notice a Scoob driving past other than perhaps to admire it.
  15. Firstly well said, it's encouraging to see such positive views being expressed by members on what could be viewed as nothing more than an online gathering of 'Petrol Heads' by outsiders. While I have only recently started to get involved with SIDC and Forums in general I have been tentative about passing comments on such topics. Reason being, I've almost 20 years as an officer of the law and was fearful of being viewed as the spy in the camp. I'm sure there must be others on here but I see like me they tend to remain genreally silent in that respect. I have also been please at the unreserved accceptance at the couple of meets I've been along to so far - that said the antisocial nature of shift work has made me miss several recently. Having personally had to attend at and deal with accidents similar to the one that started this thread, you never really get used to it and I have images that that will always be with me I'd rather not. Not to mention experiencing the reaction of nearest and dearest as they take in what you've just had to tell them. So play nice and we won't have any reason to 'remind' ya, leaving pleanty of time to devote resources to the drivers of small three door hatchbacks with sticky on bits who seem to be intent on drawing attention to themselves and their inappropriate driving and representing all modified vehicle owners/drivers in this way.
  16. £500 but unlike other insurance I've had, this is for like for like replacement of any and all mods.
  17. Just sorted mine out today with several mods through Keith Michaels - £495 with all the boxes ticked [][Y] Give Gary Moulson at Keith Michaels a call on 02086427868 you may be surprised at the deal you get.
  18. Cheers guys for a great night [Y][Y] and I'm sure I speak for more than myself when I say thanks for the warm 'newbie' welcome from the old boys [] As for the happy campers [|-)] [:^)] [] [8-)] [:@] [8o|] The 2nd SIDC Inverness Meet - a few pics taken firstly at Inverness with the old mob phone and then at Urquhart Castle which was not helped by rain there. Once again good show chaps [Y] []
  19. Sorry to hear about your prang, what a gim9. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter who owns the ST as you were driving it at the time you have certain responsibilities. Insurance would have to have been arranged prior to the test drive usually the garage’s own policy or one set up for the test, as I can’t imagine they’d be happy to let you take it out on your own policy as that would generally only provide 3rd party cover. So, assuming you have fully comp cover on their Ins and you were provided with the vans drivers Ins, there are several ways this could be dealt with although the follwing are the most likely and not an exhaustive list: Van driver agrees to accept liability and agrees to pay for damage without involving Ins Co’s. You pay no excess. Van driver’s Ins Co agrees to accept liability and authorise repairs and pays the repairer directly. You pay no excess. Your (ST owners) Ins Co immediately authorises the repair of the damage to the ST and pay for it. They then ‘try’ to claim back the value of the repair from the van drivers Ins Co. It will be up to your Ins Co to decide whether they want you to pay the excess up front or not. If they don’t want you to pay they’ll then try to recover the cost of the damage in full. If they’ll want you to pay they should try to recover the cost of the damage minus your excess, and may try to recover your excess too – just watch some Ins Co’s will make you try to recover your excess yourself from his Ins Co. You may have to pay the excess. Both Ins Co’s request details and sort it out in between them and eventually agree which driver is liable and what they will pay for. Payment and recovery of cost of damage and excess same as No 3 above. You may have to pay the excess. Sounds like 100% his fault but you can never assume that with Ins Co’s till it’s done and settled. Hope this helps.
  20. Hey guys thanks for the warm welcome [] I'm near Fochabers and have a Bugeye WRX with STi backbox. That said just got a slightly used Forge BOV on eBay for about 2/3 retail price, so here's hoping all goes well and it comes in a few days. Ninja de-cat zorst next move, exterior, brakes, wheels, suspension later. Not sure about the 16th yet should be working til 5 but may be late finished so could be pushing it for time. Unfortunately, as I said may have to work some of the 19th too, I'll keep looking here for times and see what I can do. Should know closer to the days.
  21. Unfortunately, like a lot of traffic law it's very black and white - the grey area comes misinterpretation and from inconsistant enforcement or Police discretion. As Stripe pointed out it is not legal to make any exhaust louder but if its reasonable and the cars driven sensibly - who cares? It's when you've Barry ShumaCorsaMacher driving in his lead boots or your MR2 T**T that they get noticed and pulled. However, even then some cops may warn and some may just slap ya with an on the spot fine. There is of course the other option of the 21 day ticket to have the offending part 'sorted' at an MOT centre. Obviously, this would imply that all exhausts that exceed the standard noise levels are illegal and that would be true but common sense means it's impractical to go after them all so you're back to discretion again. It's just a shame that there are donkeys out there spoiling it for the rest. Phew...! off the soap box now.
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