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Posts posted by jimser

  1. I was thinking about contacting Mr Chapman myself. Can't decide what model to go for though.

    STi RA, Type R, V-ltd...not sure.

    Depends on the funds right enough.

    worth having a chat with stewart,im sure he'll give you a few pointers on

    what your budget will achieve.

  2. :thumbup:

    Tidy, its been waaaaaay too long since youve been out of a scoob Jim, will be good to see you back with us again!!!!! :guinness:

    Was good to see you again at Peter's the other week, just think the next time that I'll see you the power will be yours!!!! :beer: and she looks a loverly beast too!!!

    nice to see you again too dale.:)

  3. well thats the car now on the big boat and heading this way,should land in late january.

    ive already sourced most of the parts and just got injectors/ecu to get and then the fun will


    cant thank stewart chapman enough for all his time and effort in getting the car for me.

    hard to believe how much work he puts in sourcing cars,getting them checked over etc for not a lot of money.


  4. thanks for all the kind words.as most have already guessed the car wont be staying

    standard for long and most parts have already been sourced for it.it will be kept spoilerless though.

    the plan is to see how much power can be squeezed from the standard jdm block

    with the help of a few additives.

    at the moment the car is still in japan and should hopefully be here in late jan/feb

    which gives me plenty of time to get it ready for chasing the chocolate 600 up the road

    at crail. :blush: (fighting a losing battle)


  5. A different level of sadness to identify them from the picture you first showed but by god i am good

    Gonna be some weapon wi that modified T d04 sitting about

    Had a hurl in AndyF's similer weapon of mass destruction and it ranks up there with the best on the planet

    yea mate and im glad you were right-and not 7kg each but 5.5kg-quality

    them T d04's are good,not so sure i'll be touching the heights of andy's car

  6. oh well after months of heartache and no scooby ive finally replaced the rex rocket

    with this little ugly bug from the land far away.











    and it even comes with a little flappy thing lol


    stewart chapman(chapman 81 on here)sourced the car for me so a big thanks

    to him for all his time and patience.

    car went through the auction as a grade 4.5 A(mint)

    and has 23000km on the clock(about 14000miles)


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