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Double Zero

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Everything posted by Double Zero

  1. Car's looking braw Paul Stevie 01 WRX
  2. Looking good Fraser....what's the number for that place ? I might as well get some new wheel's as nobody want's to buy my shed...LOL Stevie
  3. Welcome m8ty Stevie
  4. Come on colin you taking the p.ss man. LOL Stevie
  5. [ Welcome to the forum m8 Stevie
  6. Paul i'm sure there is a bodyshop next to Hypertech. Stevie
  7. No joy yet ,someone came 2c it on sunday and said they would be back on monday with a deposit but hey guess what they didn't turn up Stevie
  8. Just pulling yir leg man Stevie
  9. You better put in some OT to pay that bill then Fraser,glad it all went ok,put mine's in for mot and it passed no problem. Stevie
  10. HEY you calling ma shed a boat LOL,if i get mine's away then i will have yin tae Stevie
  11. Looking good mate,i spent most of saturday washing and polishing the car and when i got up on sunday morning the f...ckin seagull's had used it as target practice Stevie
  12. Well iv'e just been out to Old Inns and filled up the scooby to the brim Stevie
  13. I usually get a good deal with charlie so if i dont get any reply on the forum i may give him a call or see julie's cousin who has his own garage in BB Stevie
  14. Stuck a post up in the wanted ads so see if anyone has a set Stevie
  15. Just someone offering a swap but i did not ask what he had,and now my front disc's are warped so need to replace them Stevie
  16. Looking good Fraser and worth it cause saturday night is kebab and beer night Stevie
  17. Hello mate welcome to SIDC thats a lovely looking scooby not to sure about the wheel's though Stevie 01 WRX
  18. Welcome to SIDC mate cracking looking motor you have there. Stevie 01 WRX
  19. lucky boy Man how lucky were you,i would not be moaning about my bumper if i were you ,your lucky you had your fone to hand or it could have been your leg's that would have got more than a dent Stevie
  20. Set up a photobucket account mate then add pic's from your pc then copy and paste them onto this topic. Stevie
  21. Welcome mate get yirself along to the next central meet which is next week,just take a look in the event's section for any info about it. Stevie
  22. Looking good greig ,could do with bigger pic's though. What happened to the Pug? Stevie
  23. Hello m8 welcome to the mad hoose Stevie MY01 WRX
  24. Not really had time yet to get it advertised due to work but i am off soon for ten days so will get it sorted. Stevie
  25. My radiator has a hairline crack along the top so i ordered a new one from Grieve's in Camelon and when i went to pick it up i noticed that it was slightly different,it has a cap on the top and the one on my car does not have this ,after a lot of time on the phone by Ryan to Subaru he found out that they made a mod to the system and the original is no longer available,so i had to order an extra 3 pipe's @ £60 on top of the rad which was £202,the last thing that i need when i am tryinhg to sell the car,anyway just to let anybody know if they need a new rad you wont get the original one whats in your car. Stevie
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