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Double Zero

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Everything posted by Double Zero

  1. Nice to see you and the car back on the road,i spotted it last weekend at Dunc's when i was up there with my Bro putting his TT Supra on the rolling road,i did spot the turbo in a box in your back seat is that the one you are selling? Stevie
  2. Mine's needed replacing as they were quite badly corroded on the inside .
  3. I had a similar problem and it was the rear disc's that were corroded on the inside,quite an easy fix. Stevie _____ 01 WRX
  4. White is better Stevie __________ 01 WRX
  5. Saw a few nice one's and my brother had his TT Supra on and made 325 bhp so he was quite happy with that . Stevie
  6. Very clean looking scooby mate, i must admit after being at Hypertech today and seeing some of those skyline's on the rolling road especially the white one with around 551 bhp i'm very tempted. Stevie _________ 01 WRX
  7. My Bugeye and i alway's give a nod or a wave Stevie
  8. Welcome to SIDC mate,like the car Stevie ________ 01 WRX
  9. I have an 01 WRX with just over 100k and i always put £30 of V Power in which gives me 3/4 of a tank and im lucky if i get 140 miles and thats driving normal with the odd blast. Stevie
  10. Why have a subaru if you aint gonna go above 2000rpm,man enjoy the car aint that what we all have them for. Stevie
  11. No problem i noticed that you were busy thats why i didnt come over and introduce myself,hope you got everything sorted. Stevie _________ 01 WRX
  12. Was that you in Grieve's yesterday morning,had scotish scoobies and santa cruise logo on the back window of your car? Stevie
  13. Taxi for Taylor oh yes the meter will be on overtime this weekend Yes Dave got the light fixed it was just a loose connection Stevie
  14. Well got the gasket changed and cleaned all the oil around the exhaust and that seem's to have fixed it so hope that's it for a while iv'e already had a full service this month inc timing belt and the rear disc's and pad's . Stevie ______ 01 WRX
  15. www.iangrievesubaru.co.uk Stevie
  16. Depend's where you are from mate but i would recommend Grieve's in Camelon i get all my part's from them ,i have an 01 Bugeye and have never neede to replace them yet. Stevie
  17. Excellent pic's mate especially the white one with the Colin McRae tribute sticker on the front wing Stevie
  18. You could ni handle the power auld yin This is more your league Mark Stevie
  19. Well found out the problem this morning,it's the driver's side rocker cover leaking oil onto the exhaust ,so got the rocker cover gasket this morning from Grieve's & the two small 'D' shape ones for around the spark plugs will be here tomorrow so hopefully that will be it sorted. Stevie
  20. Wont know until tomorrow stephen when i get it checked out but i'm hoping it's just the rocker cover gasket. Stevie
  21. Wont know until tomorrow when it goes up on my mate's ramp but i did notice a little dampness around the passenger's side rocker cover when it was getting serviced a couple of week's a go so hopefully just change the gasket and that will be it sorted. Stevie
  22. http://search.ebay.co.uk/search/search.dll...subaru+mudflaps Try here mate lots of different types. Stevie
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