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Everything posted by ROAR

  1. happy belated birthday cobber.
  2. That was a good night[]
  3. What was???? did i miss something??
  4. take a look at this its wicked DOH!!! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ESCORT-MK2-DUKES-OF-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  5. :-()
  6. mine come from the car registration number original hey!!! good job it wasn't a Treg with WAT as the last three letters :-)
  7. Very nice 52reg with WRX number plate princess road Dartford tonight at about 6.40 Got a grin and a thumbs up [Y]
  8. when your up for renewal give Gary Molson a ring on the number in dals post[Y]
  9. ^^^^ LMAO ^^^^
  10. Just Rang Gary Molsen Of Keith Michaels he has quoted me less than £400 with a company that doesnt mind and doesnt charge for minor mods i.e wheels, exhaust, induction kit, graphics etc. Sorted Cheers guys!!!!!!
  11. Dont Forget the speed Cameras and mind that right hand turn just after the lime house link it makes you go side ways. LOL
  12. Happy birthday Shane[^]
  13. [] The Guy was BLUE V LTD.
  14. I'm sure there is lots of video footage from the passers by lots of people smiling and getting out their camera phones including the dude riding his scooter video-ing us all at new cross[] the ultimate had to be the italian/spanishy guys in their fiat that came up the side of us talking all hispanic asking if it was a mitsubishi man... no wot i mean.... as if the ...kin decal wern't big enough and bright enough......... twat!!!!!!!!!!! shame we didnt get a photo shot of the convoy goin over tower bridge.....................that would have been the nuts............... maybe next time guy's.
  15. and lots of big grins and people with video phones
  16. did the scuffs polish out???
  17. Thanks for Arranging the Mini Tunnel Run we all had fun [Y] Thanks to Granby and Markie for leading and to all the guys who attended to make it a grin[] Markie If your gonna practise Ballet you really need to get those Pirouettes sorted[:$]
  18. ^^^^pmsl^^^^
  19. Bad boy........ get your coat.........
  20. rip off bar stewards
  21. ROAR


    It truly is a shame for any business to go belly up but as so many people have already said the incidents of poor customer relations and atrocious after sales service far outweigh the good
  22. made i larf.
  23. Just got my insurance renewal through Churchill the rip off buggers want £618 to insure my classic sport no mods 12,000 miles a year cat 1 alarm, 39 years old, no points and 3 million years no claims, me thinks they are on some type of Hallucinogenics.[]
  24. Its a good website to browse if you have no work to do or just dont fancy doing any work when you get there. oh its good to have an office job with access to the internet[]
  25. a light hearted look at the end of the world (sorry cant do clikies)(bloody ie7) http://www.nothingtodo.co.uk/view/112/flas..._the_world.html
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