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Everything posted by ROAR

  1. http://news.windingroad.com/etc/wonder-wom...ready%e2%80%a6/
  2. [] kin ell[:|]
  3. hello mate and welcome to the madhouse
  4. Sorry Barry didnt realise that was you no the wrx was an 03 reg
  5. i saw Markie & lin, and another gent with them, Mikey W and a blue wrx in the car park at brands this lunch time
  6. couldnt possibly comment
  7. dont thinks asda have admited liability drained the fuel out myself, stuck redex through it with v power all seems ok fingers crossed
  9. silver classic heading towards blue water on A2 at about 5.15 last night Dark blue classic going the same way about 1 minute behind 03 reg wrx going under the danson underpass about 8.30 last night i was 1 car behind you (the twat in the silver bmw decided to slow down to about 10 miles an hour[:@])
  10. have you tried grade a subaru or essex subaru breakers
  11. i,ve gotta work but i think i will pop along at lunch time (only work just up the road)
  12. saw a blue sti this morning at about 10.30 with a private plate at the darenth interchange headed coast bound on tha a2 got a smile and a wave[Y] then 2 cars in front of me at the lights was a blue 03 wrx went around roundabout and headed up A2 london bound by the time i was clear of all the slow traffic you were a blue spot in the distance, no point in chasing my car is speed limited (the wife was in the passenger seat[:|])
  13. as previously quoted lots of admiring looks not had any jelous ones no probs with getting keyed no extra attention from the plod but hey isnt that what its all about, go for it big time[]
  14. or xtreeme scoobies were good also
  15. Mr & Mrs Dal Yesterday morning did wave not sure if you see me
  16. full graphics wouldnt put me off didnt put me ol dad (grandpa) off neither he's in his 70's he has a black classic wagon with blue graphics he loves his ol wagon still makes him smile from ear to ear everytime he gets in and drives it[]
  17. Saturday spotted a dark blue classic with a mural on the side and twin pipes heading london bound on the A2
  18. was i in halfrauds (getting some redex to flush out my sons petrol tank and system) Hope it's all OK. Saw you parked up at the Girls School. Thought he still had an asbo for that sort of thing [:$]
  19. was i in halfrauds (getting some redex to flush out my sons petrol tank and system)
  20. how about essex subaru breakers if the ebay one is a no goer
  21. yes was me just phoned peugeot and they say it could be the problem even though the engine light has not come on, so hey ho lets get rid of another 400 quid then.....
  22. wicked i bet that really pi55ed the bently owner off big time lmao
  23. Hello guys, i think my little uns 206 has been bitten by the dreaded o2 sensor killing bug now he tells me that about last tuesday his car started to die on acceleration as you go to pull away but no warning lights are showing on the dash any ideas how this contaminated fuel problem manifest i appreciate its not a scoob question but the more intelligent people found on here may have some ideas thanks guys (by the way he only ever fills up at asda greenhithe)
  24. spotted ya right back got a flash and a wave[Y]
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