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Everything posted by ROAR

  1. thanks for your suggestions The oil in it is Castrol GTX Magnatec 10W40 as recommended by Dave at Gatwick Subaru it has also an oem filter it hesitated like this for about a week or so when i last done the oil change and then it cleared itself
  2. congrats mate bring on the sleepless nights
  3. Any Ideas why when i do an oil and oil filter change my car runs like crap i fill the filter right to the top,make sure all the air is out run it up and the bugger hesitates on acceleration i've tried to do an ecu reset but still no joy
  4. Spotted Big Jay some where tonight (cant remember where though)[8-)]
  5. http://www.subaru.com/sub/misc/2008/autosh...down/index.html
  6. i never knew this sort of equipment was so widely available http://www.sat-gps-locate.com/
  7. Spotted white classic wagon heading towards dagenham market this morning (spotted ya last minute) Herman & Scuzz driving loonybins car in minster (ha spotted again but in someone elses car again)
  8. Brilliant glad it gone to a good home[Y]
  9. I thought i heared a rumble, next time you pass through stop in for a [C] [Y]thanks for the offer but i would have probably dribbled it all down myself, i had just visited the dreaded dentist for a filling and ended up with a rubber face that i couldnt control[]
  10. i bet that stained his keks
  11. get out the anorack again spotted yesterday silver classic with black graphics (not my reflection) Hawley Road about 2.15pm got a flash and a wave blue newage wagon in halfrauds dartford yogi's car sitting on his drive yesterday about 3.30
  12. IMHO £9K is a good price for this
  13. You lucky ******** you lucky, lucky, lucky ********
  14. Well if you can get 2356 in your boot how many can i get in mine [] yummy yummy [8]Who ate all the eggs? Who ate all the eggs?[8] The thought of chocolate stains in an RB does make me shiver though... [] with the increased cost in road tax for you gas guzzlers you wont be able to afford creme eggs
  15. lol[][] i lurv creme eggs
  16. lol[][]
  17. thats good going matey
  18. have a look on good ol ebay
  19. hello mate and welcome to the forum they are all fruit loops on here (except me of course)
  20. that was good
  21. just got to work and there has been a smatterung of snow in west kingsdown but bugger all in good ol dartford
  22. JACK AND JILL Jack was about to marry Jill and his father took him to one side "When I married your mother, the first thing I did when we got home was take off my trousers," he said. "I gave them to your mother and told her to put them on . When she did, they were enormous on her and she said to me that she couldn't possibly wear them, as they were too large." I told her, "of course they're too big. I wear the trousers in this family and I always will. "Ever since that day, we have never had a single problem." Jack took his father's advice and as soon as he got Jill alone after the wedding, he did the same thing; took off his trousers, gave them to Jill and told her to put them on. Jill said that the trousers were too big and she couldn't possibly wear them. "Exactly," replied Jack. "I wear the trousers in this relationship and I always will. I don't want you to forget that." Jill paused and removed her knickers and gave them to Jack. "Try these on," she said, so he tried them on but they were too small. "I can't possibly get into your knickers," said Jack. "Exactly," replied Jill. "And if you don't change your f*cking attitude, you never will."
  23. spotted ya right back only after ya bibed and wave [Y] good to see ya mate spotted green wagon behind me on the darenth interchange passed me on the A2 and came of at Dansonyesterday morning
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