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Everything posted by duncan_mccormick

  1. When I bought my first scooby they were like Hens teeth....now every a...... has one!! How can they afford the insurance??
  2. I would be up for that for sure....But am away on hols fa the 31st to 14th. I really do think the 16th would be a good day for it as the weather will be really good on that day!!
  3. 1)big del gsx 1400 2) Squiggle - Raleigh Chopper 3) G.Mac - GPz900r A2 (with a couple of mods...lol) 4) Mako - ZX7-R 5) D19YDA-Fazer 600 6) Gus-ZZR1100 7)G.T. Giant Reign 2 and a Kona Cindercone pedal power ya bassas mon bandito get your list up 8)scooby222- cbr600 fsport, cbr1000rr 9) Markymark - CBR1000rr 10) JohnnyR6 - eh..ZX6R 11)B16DMC-KTM525exc, Beta rev3 & a 1985 MINT Honda atc110 for THE WIFE!!
  4. Hurry up and get the White line stuff done Geo....A my get it for mine if the diffrence is worth it, Its pretty damn good at mo tho!!
  5. Ok anyone wantin that Prodrive BB give me a call [07709756980] Open for hagglin!!
  6. I had mine ppp and still hoover like so removed mid section and changed rear box to more a straight through, bit better but not there yet.....remove rest of cats I think! Anyone want a prodrive back box??
  7. wot kind O bike you oot on then? Crail 5min up the road but am of to harthill wi 525ktm!! loads more fun than crail!!
  8. Had a prodrive pipe on mine [2006sti] and it sounded like a vacum cleaner! So removed middle section and had a back box made to fit by the guys that do Power Flow....looks great and sounds good too, not to load but get it past 4000rpm and it sounds like power!!
  9. Make sure the helmet has gold sticker with double gold border, if it has that then your ok. And something to think about.....£10 helmet £10 head!!
  10. 1st birthday comin up for ma scoob so renewal came through from Adrian Flux, related to Gorden Brown I think!! £684.00 fully comp for me(sp30) and THE wife. So done a search on the internet and the RAC and Post Office came in at £473.99 and £436.28 with PO for same cover. Phoned the PO today to get the cover,wow the bird spoke wi a Scottish acsent!! And what I understood very well is that I am getting £50 cash back! That makes my insurance a costly £386.28:D]" href="java script:insertSmiley('[]');"> Anyone got a cheaper policey??
  11. Na it wasna.....it n old phota fa last March2006 n taken at Elie harbour......never snows on the coast!!
  12. Being xmas day a had to use a snowy pic!!
  13. Thats was me n her in a very dirty scoob! Santa washed it last night so now looks the dogs....!! Merry Christmas.
  14. Got a 2006 sti wi full ppp, removed prodrive back box for more rumble. was better than orignal. you wana try it for size n sound your welcome and if you like you can buy!
  15. It means 10,000 mate! Hope you get a better courtesy car than I did fa my Scooby garage, I put petrol in it and it went up in value!!
  16. Well put and I couldnt agree with you more.
  17. I,ve got 2 doin nothin but takin up room in me shed!! Where do u stay? am in east nuek o fife nr anstruther.
  18. Got mine done at Falkland Performance in Glenrothes.... best money I,ve ever spent. The guy there [Keven] use to race impreza,s but went back to cosssy,s. They dont just set it they ask how fast you drive n track days you do so the car is set best for your drivin!
  19. Hello, before you go whiteline and drop links n stuff get a set of good quality lowered srings and then get the geometry set proper and it will feel like a different car. Got mine done and it handles like you wouldnt believe!!
  20. That tyre n bumper stuff fa Tescos is the bizz and at £1.47 a get a tin or 2 a week, works great on plastics of dirt bike too!Even better though...........there petrol 81.9p a lt!!
  21. Great day out and a lot O thot and planning put in for which I say thank you. 1 blast wi the fast group then 2 in the middle was just what the car needed......it no longer has that knockin fa the front n/s...those roads must of settled that spring in!! used a little more fuel than than usual...258 miles or 40ltrs=29mpg[] Who cares Spend more on a bad round in the pub
  22. 6 months ago mine was that shiney, Looks great. Enjoy that extra 500cc!!
  23. Not one corner was the same, OSF +2 NSF -1. It does not even feel close to the car I thot I had. I race Mbikes off road so I understand set ups, not that a Mbike is the same!! but how to get the best out of what ever am driving, took 2 months to get Mbike set right and 6 months for car!! Round-abouts and roads in the East Neuk O fife have become fun again!!
  24. Thot that was all done by suppling dealer! It was why off and the proof is in the driving now. It just never felt right, very floaty at speed and never felt too hot on the corners. I was just about to spent a lot O money on roll barrs, drop links n stuff............no need now tho!!
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