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Everything posted by duncan_mccormick

  1. After buying a new 2006 STI with all the extras 6 months ago or 10000 miles I have just spent the best money ever and had the geometry set proper...thot that was done wi prodrive suspension fitment!!! It now sticks to the road like .... to a blanket!! So if you are thinking about anti roll barrs and all that forget it until you have had geometry done PROPER!!
  2. 01. STi_Bandit --------------- (MY04 - STi Type UK) 02. WRXMANIA ------------ (MY03 - WRX) 03. Mrs Jc scoob ------------- (MY01 - WRX) 04. G.Mac ------------------- (MY05 - STi 9 UK) 05. st3ph3n ------------------ (MY05 - WRX) 06. PaulC555 ---------------- (MY01 - WRX, Sti, ish) 07. Stu_B -------------------- (MY03 - WRX ) 08. Z1000 -------------------- (MY03 - Sti 8 UK) 09. NKWRX ----------------- (MY06 - WRX) 10. 360ste ------------------- (MY02 - STi) 11. Higgy --------------------- (MY02 - hybrid) 12. Cal ----------------------- (MY02 - WRX) 13. Fai 17-------------------- (MY04 - STiUK) 14. The Welsho --------------- (MY06 - WRX 15. rallye 6 ------------------- (MY53 - WRX) 16. G.T. --------------------- (MY01 - WRX) 17. Kev 580 ------------------ (MY02 - STI 7 UK) 18. Spaceman ---------------- (MY05 - WRX swrt) 19. Mako --------------------- (MY05 - WRX) 20. bigbadboab --------------- (MY53 - WRX) 21. Big Den ------------------- (MY05 - STiUK) 22. Mrs Big Den -------------- (MY05 - WRX) 23. scoobysailor ------------- (MY05 - WRX) 24. Keap_scooby ------------- (MY01 - WRX) 25. Gus the Bus --------------- (MY05 - WRX300) 26. 4hero --------------------- (MY53 - WRX) 27. PECO ---------------------(MY05 - WRX) 28. Dean ---------------------- (MY53 - STI Type UK) 29. DrewG-------------------- (MY53 - WRX) 30. Chris_c201---------------- (MY01 - WRX) 31. TheBlackSheep-------------(MY06 - STiUK) 32. Clutdav-------------------- (MY05 - STI 9 Type UK) 33 Sheep----------------------- (MY01 - WRX WAGGON) 34 hammy -------------------- (MY02 - STi Type UK) 35 Zeolite-----------------------(MY05 UK300) 36. Scoobymark----------------(MY04 - STI UK) 37. Dipsy ---------------------- (MY05-JDM STi) 38. Irish Al -------------------- (MY03 - WRX) 39. dynamix -------------------(MY06 - STi UK) 40. Digital-----------------------(MY05 - STi) 41. STI Pretende-----------------(MY02 - Sport UK Ltd Edn) 42. Gumball---------------------(MY53- STI UK) 43. oobster----------------------(MY03 WRX) 44. Karps-----------------------(MY03 STI UK) BLUE 45. b16dmc----------------------MY06 STI UK Classics: 01. Shep -----------------------(MY99 - Sport) 02. Kloon --------------------- (MY00 - UK) 03. Jc scoob -------------------(MY99 - UK ) 04. WRC No1 ---------------- (MY97 - UK ) 05. Gordyq --------------------(MY95 - WRX) 06. Darryll ---------------------(MY 98 - Type R) 07. scientific steve -------------(MY98 - Type R) 08. Oz *sti* -------------------(MY96 - STI v3) 09. Col 666 -------------------(MY99 - Type R) 10. scoobyfuzzy ---------------(MY93 - WRX) 11. Road Warrior ------------- (MY94 - WRX) 12. Todd ----------------------(MY93 - WRX) 13. Bigdavie -------------------(MY99 - Turbo) 14. RubyTheScooby ---------- (MY98 - Sport) 15. Rossco --------------------(MY00 - Type R) 16. Ally-b ---------------------(MY00 - UK) 17. micra_wrc ---------------- (MY96 - STi type RA V-Limited) 18. Seafar99 ----------------- (MY98 - STI v5 Wagon) 19. RRS 555 ------------------(MY98 - UKTURBO Saloon) 20. Mako -------------------- (MY93 - WRX) 21. Vicki ----------------------(MY00 - UK) 22. paddy247 -----------------(MY94 - WRX STI V1) 23. Ac!D --------------------- (MY95 - UK) 24. FastScooby -------------- (MY95 - WRX) 25. Dtabbit77 ---------------- (MY00 - UK) 26. Terzo Neil ---------------- (MY98 - UK Terzo No. 306) 27. scoobykev --------------- (MY98 - UK) 28. Arbroath Smokie --------- (MY98 - 22B) 29. TheSquirrel555------------(MY96 - WRX STI LIMITED 555) 30. MY94---------------------(MY94 - JDM STi V1 Wagon ) 31. coulty--------------------- (MY96 - WRX STI V2) 32. Weeb-------------------- (MY93 - STi power) 33. Whitelaw------------------(MY00 - P1) 34. Duncatr------------------- (MY97 - UK Cat No. 99) 35. Catalunya80---------------(MY97-UK Cat No. 80) 36. Frank C-------------------(MY99-UK Turbo) 37. Stripe--------------------- (MY99-UK Turbo) 38. Pugpaul------------------- (MY96 WRX Wagon) 39. RS Grant------------------(MY99-UK Turbo 40. butcher boy --------------- MY97 (jdm wrx) 41. Simmie -------------------- (MY 97 UK Turbo Wagon) 42. scoobyscoop--------------(MY98 UK Turbo Wagon) 43. Ross9 ---------------------(MY97 - STi4 Type R) 44. Kenny.S--------------------(MY95 - STi Type RA 45. Iqy-------------------------(MY00 - UK Turbo 46. neilswrx----------------------(MY95 -wrx import) 47. Hepy-----------------------(MY00 - P1) 48. ScottySTI-------------------(MY97-JDM STI v3) 49. MrBadger------------------(MY98 UK Turbo Wagon) 50. kart_man-------------------(MY01 - P1) 51. Fiefster---------------------(MY00 UK Turbo Wagon) 52. johnh-----------------------(MY95 WRX) 53. Gambler--------------------(MY95 JDM WRX
  3. Thinking about up grading all of the above, that being the drop links, anti roll bar & anti lift kit on my2006 sti. Anyone done this, is it worth the money and how much a difference does it make?? Running prodrive springs at moment. Duncan
  4. They are anti-flash plates. www.camera-shy.co.uk The photo says they work!!
  5. You and the speed cameras!! Money well spent!
  6. Some good photos there mate, did you blank ma plates? Good night wi drive fa St Mikes around the coast being a safe fast blast!!
  7. Legal?? Never been pulled for them, kept lettering standard so,s not to draw attention to them!! They do say they are for show use only. Mr MOT has never had a problem with them so I,ll keep them and my Licence for the now thankyou.
  8. www.camerashyplates.co.uk and there about £60. I have had them for last 6yrs on old scoob and now new one and have never been done for speedin with scooby...got 3 pionts for speedin in ma sprinter motorhome tho!!
  9. Went for a run down to Peterboro at weekend. Fa the East neuk of Fife to Edinburgh then down the A68 to Darlington then A1 fa there and same back, Covered 800 miles down in 5hrs back in 6[ heres hopin the anti-flash plates work!!] Anyway the point is...115litres of fuel thats just over 31mpg!! Should I get it checked out??lol
  10. Heres a picture of my 2006 sti with extras....front lip spoiler, mud flaps, graphics, lowered prodrive springs, 18" prodrive wheels[2006 sti standard on 17"s] PPP and windows have a light tint and that is it, no more!! Good to see another 2006 scooby with graphics!
  11. I,ll be there, ma first meet!!
  12. No no no it doesnt look like an Alfa, more like a Seat Ibiza.But then I like the front of mine now, wasnt sure at first but an extra 500cc helped overcome the Seat look!! The car was amazing when we got it but now it has PPP, suspension and 18 wheels all from prodrive, middle silencer removed and the good old dump valve fitted it sounds amazing too!!
  13. Russ let her drive it and all will be forgiven.....but then you will have to buy her one!!
  14. Hi Russ, My car doesna stay in drive at night since PPP fitted, right little slut, out all night....anyone wanna buy a driveway?? Yep the 06 sti is amazing but with the PPP its got more pulling power than Jorden in a rugby club bash!!
  15. I,ll be leavin fa St monans, Where you at? could follow through.
  16. My wife owns that hairdressers in Elie and the word barber cracks her up!! Its a standin joke when we call the scooby a hairdressers car...lol
  17. Yeh thats the one....its a hairdressers car!!! dont let the wife hear you say that word...BARBERS!!
  18. Yeh a remember seen you, A did wave back...honest! Its good to be noticed And get a friendly wave instead o look at that ....er!! You doin RB run next week?
  19. I think that might of been me, pass through St Andys on way to Dundee most Sats. Those pics where to go in the Your car sec but am new to SIDC and am still tryin to find ma way around this computer stuff.....aaa were you the guy with the scooby hat??
  20. Heres 3 photos O ma new Scooby, just had PPP fitted!!
  21. I,v got a 2006 uksti. Driven 04 and 05 models and they dont come close to the 06...there aint no excuse for cubic capacity!! Wheres ma PPP???
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