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Wanted Nutter Classic Owner Glasgow

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Chrissy has just came in saying that a nutter overtaking him in a classic (possibly mcrae series) ran into the side of him to avoid a head on with another car. Scraped right along the side of chrissy's car causing damage all the way from back to front. The ba$tard fecked off without stopping. Was a young guy driving so might have been stolen either that or there was something dodgy with the driver. Police called and were the usual help :)

so if anyone sees a dark blue N reg classic with damage to the nearside (with yellow paint) please let me know.


ps chrissy was ok but i reckon his car will be written off by insurance

forgot to say it happened on the balmore to torrance road

Edited by karps
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Chrissy has just came in saying that a nutter overtaking him in a classic (possibly mcrae series) ran into the side of him to avoid a head on with another car. Scraped right along the side of chrissy's car causing damage all the way from back to front. The ba$tard fecked off without stopping. Was a young guy driving so might have been stolen either that or there was something dodgy with the driver. Police called and were the usual help :)

so if anyone sees a dark blue N reg classic with damage to the nearside (with yellow paint) please let me know.


ps chrissy was ok but i reckon his car will be written off by insurance

forgot to say it happened on the balmore to torrance road

GRRRR! Glad he's ok though. hope you get hold of the muppet!

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Thanks guys, police have acually been really good on this matter as they are treating it VERY SERIOUSLY. Chrissy has been kept updated on what they HAVE been doing and ARE going to do. I apologise to all the classic owners stopped last night but this guy is a danger and needs caught.


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Sorry to hear about that Noel.

Putting my police hat on....it can be quite difficult tracing a car if no reg plate or partial plate was

noted but on the upside, if the boy is local, the cops should catch up with him.

That's the advantage...or disadvantage...of having the car we all drive. Not a huge amount of

them about.

I know the scoobs on my beat :)

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forensic guy just left after taking paint samples and pictures of his car. He says that they ARE taking this very seriously as an incident like this could have resulted in more than a bashed car and it was good that there were witnesses to back up what happened. Imy the guy coming the other way did stop as he had damage to his car as well.


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Try going round local and back street car repairers to give them the nod should anyone come in for a wee repair!!

As always we shall keep the eyes peeled, theres a couple up my wy so will have a good look round when out with the dog ( was going to write dogging but i believe thats something else!!!)


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I apologise to all the classic owners stopped last night but this guy is a danger and needs caught.

Didnt give me any grief last night surprisingly with time of year and time i was out expected at least a quick "where you been, you been drinking?" stop.

Been kicking about Glasgow a lot recently and cant remember seeing one like this but will keep an eye out bud

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Try going round local and back street car repairers to give them the nod should anyone come in for a wee repair!!

As always we shall keep the eyes peeled, theres a couple up my wy so will have a good look round when out with the dog ( was going to write dogging but i believe thats something else!!!)


You live close to the Cathkin braes Davie you know what "dogging" is! :)
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Hate to hear things like this happening. I was on the Lochlibo Road lastnight in my car when an MR2 with a young driver tried to overtake on the brow of a hill, coming the other way was a Scenic and it ended three a breast across the road. Too many people taking too many chances.

Hope they catch the boy in the Impreza and scalp him!

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may be nothing, but on Christmas Eve in Edinburgh (South Bridge) about 14.00 a navy classic being driven by a boy looking about 17 caught my eye for the simple reason he was diving like a fanny with 2 other young guys in the car.

Typical diving rev and dash and break hard over 30 yards while in traffic but always looking for a gap ahead, lost sight shortly after but heard the tell tale high revved acceleration when he finally got the chance to floor it.

On Christmas eve you do tend to get people diving to different areas dropping things off or picking up and it might not just be Glasgow where everyone needs to be looking.

I'll keep my eyes open through hear, hope you find them anyway.

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forensic guy just left after taking paint samples and pictures of his car. He says that they ARE taking this very seriously as an incident like this could have resulted in more than a bashed car and it was good that there were witnesses to back up what happened. Imy the guy coming the other way did stop as he had damage to his car as well.


Forensic's treating it serious, don't hold your breath, they have still got my wallet for testing,

only 16 months now :D

Mark jnr sumed up the police the other day when a cop car came into our street, (dead end no through),

he said " someone must have told them there was a snack van in our street"

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