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Oxon Monthly Meet May 20th @ Cutterslow Park

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Weather for Sunday says SUN and 16

Wimpy can you work your magic and get the weather forcast as follows "Saterday says SUN and 19". [Y][H]

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We are probably not going to be able to get there - certainly not as early as the convoy. Just in case, can someone put up a link to a map or something to teach the sat nav with?

Cheers, David & Chrissy 



Ok Roll Call

Lets not let the weather spoil the day

we will have a few Gazebo's anyway so anyone wishing to bring their Gazebo's as well that would be great

Things you should all Bring [;)] or wish to bring lol

Raincoats!! (forecast Showers)

Bread rolls and any other bits you wish to eat

Disposable BBQ's or Gas ones what ever takes your fancy

Couple of Bin Bags just to put rubbish in

Chairs for your Backsides to sit on [:P]

Games - which we have listed.

MR H Bringing the Sausages and Burgers

Beverages you wish to wet ya whistle with

Have I missed anything off the list?




Ok Roll Call

Lets not let the weather spoil the day

we will have a few Gazebo's anyway so anyone wishing to bring their Gazebo's as well that would be great

Things you should all Bring [;)] or wish to bring lol

Raincoats!! (forecast Showers)

Bread rolls and any other bits you wish to eat

Disposable BBQ's or Gas ones what ever takes your fancy

Couple of Bin Bags just to put rubbish in

Chairs for your Backsides to sit on [:P]

Games - which we have listed.

MR H Bringing the Sausages and Burgers

Beverages you wish to wet ya whistle with

Have I missed anything off the list?




Hi All

i have just taken delivery of 5packs of 12 warburtons bread rolls, 3packs 16 walls sausages and and about 40 odd 100% beef, beef burgers

i was starting to think my contact had let me down but he turned up this morning with the goodies!!!!

Should be a good day i hope!!!!

see you all tomorrow at castle combe!!!





Well I have asked wimpy to bring Gazebo's

so probably yes if you wouldnt mind hun

Excellent work MR H your a star

(did ya get your T Shirt sent it yesterday)


MP1 I will have your Poloshirt this afternoon are you meeting at any meeting points on the way to Castle Combe tomorrow? cos you can have a quick change if you wanted to wear it or come and see me on the stand...... up to you



Ok Roll Call

Lets not let the weather spoil the day

we will have a few Gazebo's anyway so anyone wishing to bring their Gazebo's as well that would be great

Things you should all Bring [;)] or wish to bring lol

Raincoats!! (forecast Showers)

Bread rolls and any other bits you wish to eat

Disposable BBQ's or Gas ones what ever takes your fancy

Couple of Bin Bags just to put rubbish in

Chairs for your Backsides to sit on [:P]

Games - which we have listed.

MR H Bringing the Sausages and Burgers

Beverages you wish to wet ya whistle with

Have I missed anything off the list?



where do i get one of these whistles so i can get it wet????


Ok Roll Call

Lets not let the weather spoil the day

we will have a few Gazebo's anyway so anyone wishing to bring their Gazebo's as well that would be great

Things you should all Bring [:)] or wish to bring lol

Raincoats!! (forecast Showers)

Bread rolls and any other bits you wish to eat

Disposable BBQ's or Gas ones what ever takes your fancy

Couple of Bin Bags just to put rubbish in

Chairs for your Backsides to sit on [:D]

Games - which we have listed.

MR H Bringing the Sausages and Burgers

Beverages you wish to wet ya whistle with

Have I missed anything off the list?



where do i get one of these whistles so i can get it wet????



Craig,meeting Monki at 09.50 so see you about 10.30 at Peartree servives[Y]

Will bring tea/coffee like yesterday so if anyone wants a cuppa BRING A MUG

c u later guys[:D]

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