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Yet Another Newbie!!

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Hi all. My name is James and I live in Houston in Renfrewshire. After a few months of looking I have just bought a black MY02 WRX. It is pretty much standard with the exception of the STI alloys and a TSL GpN back box. Completely blew the budget in buying it so nothing other than some clear side repeaters planned for the time being!<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Had the car for two weeks now and am absolutely loving it. It makes you see the morning commute in a whole new light!!

Hope to make it along to a few of the Glasgow meets so will no doubt meet a few of you in due course.

Finally, a big thank you to Gav at Ian Grieve for finding me such a mint car!!

No idea on how to attach pictures but hopefully there are a couple of links below of it after a first wash and polish.









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