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Got myself a new toy

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Finally got myself an STi, and am delighted (to say the least).

Just had it an hour or so and will post more photos when I get a chance [:(]






just need to get a fog light cover and towbar ring cover for the front and I'll be sorted (damn euro importers [:@]) mysteriously went missing in transit...

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he he, thanks everyone [:P]

Brian, the backbox is pretty quiet, I just need to get one of these. Imy, not got any front shots yet, will get some later once I get my first mod done this morning [:P] scientific steve, a couple of things planned mainly cosmetic for now. These wheels are top of my list (once I have saved more pennies).


If only I can take the grin off my face, my jaws are beginning to hurt [:P].

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That's a real peach you have there  ( dribbles at the DCCD)

Those tyres can be fun  in winter so you please watch your pride and joy.

Alloys wise it's gotta be PFF7's - they would look IMMENSE on your new whip.

Now go and get yer fookin' shine box ( or should that be swissol !)

Have fun doooooood


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