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The Deathstar leaves central scotland

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This morning finally saw the time when the much cherished deathstar was passed onto a new owner.

I hope that the Mr Orkney looks after the scoob in the same way as i did. It saw some harsh moments as im sure every scoob does but overall this car was looked after and has spent its existance from the date it was purchased by me being modded.

It all starts off with the usual- backbox, detangoed, and the quest to get over 300bhp.

Everything then became a bit of a blur and the car became what it is today. Unargueably a very powerful piece of machinery and although i never got round to getting a proven figure since the TD06 went in, its at least 400bhp, i would speculate at 430bhp+++

SIDC has been a great experience and i have met some good people. Some have come and gone as i now will and this will continue over the years. Some will come back.

Swiggi & Gayle, Matt, Devlin all left or went to ground. Good people that i always had time for.

Playsatan, Johnny, Coulty, Dougster, Sharon, Stephen, Karps, Ally, Fastscooby, JC Scoob, Fee, Pedals, Weeb, Irish Al, Col666, GMac, ScottRB5, Zeolite, Ed209, wrxmania, paul555, Andywrx, SMB and Wullie, Gus the bus, 2559b, Marc29, SMA01, Scoobyseller, P1sub, Scott M, Craig Mac, Boyakasha, WUZ, GT, Big andy, Del, Malky, Spooks and Rosie, Gwasshoppa, Paddy, Gordy (barrel roller), Oobster, Des, Biddavie, AWD, Hypertech, Bill and Colin Greer, RCMS, Dastek.

Fai17, WIlky, squirrel, andyjdmsti, bing, Higgy, Colin Greer and his old man Hector, Duncy @hypertech and Andy Forrest and Davie Corsa are people that have given me a lot of their time and helped me out in the past in a big way.

Nothing is ever closed completely and one day after i get through my 2 year probation with the new license i may come back with a classic and keep the modding fairly low key. The need to have 300, 400 or even 500 isnt really a need afterall and as i once said "a car with 250-300bhp in the right hands is as hard to beat as a 400+ machine"

2004-2006 have possibly been some of the most enjoyable times ive had and although there has been a lot of fisty cuffs about various things i wish EVERYONE the best in the modding and the future.

KH, crazy runs, Crail and everything else that goes on is what i think its all about but essentially owning a scoob is enough to have without the need to fire in 5, 6, 7 tanks of fuel a week and drive fast everywhere.

Recently there was talk of throwing something very special into the deathstar which would have seen it with around 500lbft and 700bhp. Im sorry i never got to that stage but im sure with all the people that are now seriously into modding their cars, we will see something very very special in a short space of time. Wilkys car is the start of things to come in SS.

In summary, theres a lot of good people here with a lot of good advice, Squirrel, Coulty, Playsatan and the likes will see you building, changing, buying the best bits to put in your scoob. Hypertech, Greersport, AWD and Andy F have transformed my car into a rocket and is a testamony to their skill and knowledge.

Buy ANdy a roll and bacon and coffee and im sure he will give you a good rate[:D] i didnt tell you though.

The Home of the most powerful STI8 on a standard 2l block is no longer Glasgow. This achievement will be shortlived and someone else will put something together which is more than 430, 440, 450 on a standard newage but...............

I DID IT FIRST.lol[;)]

If you see me driving between glasgow and edinburgh in a deisel family car, please give me a flash or the fingers just to remind me of the best days in a fast car i ever had.

Thanks for the trout


ps- The day you have to wave goodbye to the car rather than the guy driving lest you know its all been worthwile if a little sad. To the boozer and beyond....................................








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How long did that take you to type [:D]

Cheers Chris, hope to see you in a scoob sooner rather than later.

At least the Deathstar is off to a ss member. Times are sad when you have to say goodbye to a loved car.

All the best

FastScooby (Graham)

about 5 minutes[;)] the wonders of being an IT wizard, lol

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The best of luck with the diesel burning family car, but remember your always welcome on the forum and im quite sure in the passenger seat of almost anyones car for runs etc.

Again all the best for your future and hope to see you back behind the wheel of a Scoob before too long.

I Shall certanly keep an eye out for the Deathstar whilst on any visits to Orkney (got mates up there)



(now get it up ye (only joking!!!![;)]))

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Same goes for me mate, relative newbie myself so never knew you but the car obviously meant a lot to you, I'm just starting out on the scooby road so I hope I have as much enjoyment from mine as you obviously did from yours and hopefully you'll be back behind the wheel of another "deathstar" soon [;)]

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I never got a chance to meet you chris but i have heard and read lots of good things about you.

That sounded like some car you had. 

I am sure you will have something as good if not better in the future when you get back behind the drivers seat of scoobs again.


all the best

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LOL, some of you people are mental.

Sorry to the people i didnt mention in my little gay list of good cants. Im sure i will have forgotten a few people and for that i apologise.

I am actually looking forward to an Audi next week for a few days and then a hire car Vauxhall Vectra through work till i decide what i want to get.

The scenario became-


now i need a day ticket that gives me MPG and loads of them.

Wilky has already talked me into saving any commission over the coming months to buy a track scoob. ffs[:^)]

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You won't be forgotten and I'm sure you won't be far.

I also sold my scooby under difficult circumstances but keep my hand in here because of the great community and our passion for Subarus and driving.

See you for a pint in the local sometime???? [;)]


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all the best mate , sorry i didnt come over for a blether when you were at greers the other day couldnt make you out with the baseball cap on and the ginger locks hanging out the bottom of it and when i passed i thought you were heading up the road

ive still got the vid clip of you giving the deathstar what for at greers quality


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