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Impreza pics from KH 09.06.06

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Steve it looked as if you got yourself sorted on the day!

I waved as you passed me but unsure if you noticed me or not.


Your an elusive man, everyone i asked where you were had just seen you somewhere else !

It was a great day and i loved every minute of it but never clocked you as there was so much to take in.

Rev counter,corner,mirrors,elise's,marshals it was all a bit of a blur but i can't wait til next time :-)


Good photos there, 22B looks and was ace.

Did you happen to get any pics of my mk1 golf (white)?



by ross, but was posted elsewhere... Toot Toot


What engine is in it? It was passing our 205 with relative ease on the straights!


Thanks! I went on their site but cant seem to find any of the Knockhill photos. Any idea if there are any more and how I can get copies?

Its got an 1800 16v from a mk2 witha lot of work gone into it. It has been lightened and balance and blueprinted, cams, head, drysump etc but is seriously down on power at the moment. It is down 25bhp at the wheels and is running way to rich, plus we were suffering from a very annoying missfire at 5000rpm, just when it should be on cam, hence having to leave the pits so often on Friday. Not sure if you heard when we passed you but it is bogging down for abot 5 secs and then takes off again at 6500rpm.

Your 205 looked very good, I almost bought one last year! What lump is in it?




Its a bog standard 113k mile 1.9 GTi :) seemed to have the stright line edge over scoobylav and big daz's 1.9.... only reason i think is we have more miles, so its all nice and loose ;) We're both still fairly amatuer though... thats my 4th or 5th time round knockhill but first time in the dry with no car problems!!!! Fee's been round in her impreza, my corsa and now the pug. This is the first time she got any sort of rythem going out on track. Its a pain the arse when a car isnt working and you need to come in and out of the pits.

I did hear the golf misfiring at some point during the day, hope you get it sorted soon.


the 205's were the only thing in our pace bracket all day scoobylav and fee

strange feeling running around the track with all the trick machinary...and us in a 1.6 honda civic

seriously outpaced all day hahahaha

any pics of the old honda civic h-plate silver???


  regards andy


Hey Ali M

Saw you at Stracathro towing the Golf in your wagon and wondered where you were off to. We were heading to Aberdeen in the blobeye WRX. 10 mins later I saw Foz towing the S2000.

Wagons tow very well don't they?


Its a bog standard 113k mile 1.9 GTi :P seemed to have the stright line edge over scoobylav and big daz's 1.9.... only reason i think is we have more miles, so its all nice and loose :) 

Thats true when we were running "without assistance" you certainly had the edge. We have a few suspicions as to why that is which we will sort for the next one [:P] (fingers crossed) We defo need to sort the suspension though !!


What are the plans then?

I think with a bit of suspension mods it'll be quicker round the corners than ours....

Think we'll be opting for a 1.6 box soon as our clutch is not the best LOL, needs something sorted on the front psgr side (new hub, or lower arm).... and possibly new brake pads after the next one. Running fast road pads up front on std discs, and uprated pads and discs on the back.... with the bias a wee bit too much on the rear i think :D

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